An Irritating Sign Of Vitamin B12 Deficiency

A symptom of vitamin B12 deficiency that can be irritating.

Eye-twitching or facial pain can be signs of vitamin B12 deficiency.

While the symptom is not normally painful, it can be irritating.

The twitches normally occur in one eye at a time, or sometimes below them.

Eye twitching — known to doctors as myokymia — can also be caused by stress, tiredness, allergies or dry eyes, among other things.

Other common symptoms of a vitamin B12 deficiency include feeling faint, tired, experiencing muscle weakness and being constipated.

Vitamin B12 is used by the body to make red blood cells and to keep the nervous system healthy.

Certain types of people may have difficulties getting enough vitamin B12 in their diet: these include older people, those with Crohn’s disease and vegetarians.

Foods that contain good levels of vitamin B12 include liver, salmon, eggs and dairy, as well as breakfast cereals that have been fortified.

Vitamin B12 deficiency can also be treated by taking supplements.

If it remains uncorrected, vitamin B12 deficiency can lead to neuropathy, which is experienced as a tingling sensation in the legs, feet or hands.

Dr John D. England, a neurologist at Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center in New Orleans, said:

“People with suspected nerve problems should talk to their doctors about screening tests, especially blood glucose, vitamin B12 level and serum protein levels, since these tests can often point to common causes of neuropathy.”

Dr England continued:

“There are many people with a neuropathy who have been walking around for years without having been diagnosed and treated.

Both neurologists and people with neuropathy need to know that the appropriate choice of tests is critical to accurate diagnosis.”

The guidelines were published in the American Academy of Neurology.

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Marketing Skills You Must Have in 2023

Are you looking to build a career in digital marketing?

You are on the right track!

According to Grab Jobs, digital marketing specialists are among the top in-demand jobs in the US.

Which skills do you need to become a successful digital marketing specialist?

Digital marketing is a broad feld that includes lots of customer-attraction tactics and platforms, so the list of required skills may be diverse.

Here are top marketing skills that will be in high demand on 2023:

Search Engine Optimization

Organic visibility is the most sought-after marketing channel out there. In fact, if you search Linkedin Jobs for “Digital Marketing”, the results page is dominated by SEO job openings:

And it is understandable: Every brand, big and small, is seeking traffc from organic search for two main reasons:

  • It is highly relevant and intent-driven: People typing queries in Google’s search box are there to fnd answers and solutions
  • It is not interruptive. Unlike just about any other channel, SEO does not interrupt browsing journeys: Search users are there to fnd you, they are not browsing feeds or checking emails.

On top of that, organic traffc is likely to keep coming even if a company stops active campaigns. It may slow down unless a company maintains it, but it doesn’t require active daily budgets, only a strong team to support what is there.

For all those reasons, having SEO knowledge and experience is likely to be a strong boost to your resume. You can start building that skill now by actively researching, taking SEO courses and volunteering to help charitable organizations achieve their SEO goals.

Content Planning

Content is fundamental to most digital marketing campaigns. You need a good copy for just about anything, including organic or PPC landing pages, social media updates, email marketing, etc.

Good writing is a skill that can be developed. It helps if you have a well-written blog or contribute to well-known publications.

If you are looking to build a career in digital marketing, start by applying for paid blogging gigs. You may also make some income while setting up your writing resume.

Content Marketing CertificationContent Marketing Certification

Want to get certified in Content Marketing?

Leverage the tools and channels to predictably and profitably drive awareness, leads, sales, and referrals—EVERYTHING you need to know to become a true master of digital marketing.​ Click Here

Marketing Automation

Marketing automation is a fast-growing field that can make any marketing strategy more productive and effective. Marketing automation can boost just about any tactic:

  • In SEO you can achieve better results by setting up automated alerts and reports
  • In social media marketing automation helps create better-timed updates and responses
  • In email marketing it makes personalization possible: You can set up smart user…

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The Power of Noticing – Things that Get Noticed Get Done

The Power of Noticing – Things that Get Noticed Get Done

It comes every year, but winter is always a surprise in Pennsylvania. The leaves are glorious one day and the next the birch out back is bare and cold. I like winter. I fired up the stove in my office about three-weeks ago. The ceramic tiles warm my toes now.

Every winter my wife sees a warning light in her Honda CRV. It’s low tire pressure. I fire up my air compressor and pump up the tires. I did my duty before lunch yesterday.

When I came in, she asked, “How many were down?” I said, “All of them.” Apparently, air molecules huddle together when temperatures drop below freezing. Then she asked, “Does this happen with your truck?” I replied, “Not yet.”

Improvement begins with noticing. Image of a cat.Improvement begins with noticing. Image of a cat.

I drive a basic Toyota Pickup. The only frills are an automatic transmission and air conditioning. No climate control. I control the heater myself. Recently I told my wife I better trade-up before I crack-up fiddling with the temperature on my heater.

It’s 5 a.m. but I grabbed a flashlight, slipped on my crocks, and made a quick trip to the garage in shorts and tee-shirt to see if my no-frills-Toyota has TPMS – Tire Pressure Monitoring System. I’m resting easy. It does. I’m going to warm my toes on the ceramic tiles in my office. It’s 15 degrees Fahrenheit.

Things that get noticed get done.

You’re so busy you forget to notice; you just do the next thing. You end up going where you’ve always been when you don’t notice life’s trajectory.

Make three columns on a piece of paper. In column one record three of your best achievements. In column two record the behaviors that enabled your best achievements. In column three answer this question, “How will you honor your future today?”

What does noticing look like to you today?

Still curious:

Noticing: The Gift that Keeps on Giving

Noticing – Not Feedback – Enhances Performance and Elevates Satisfaction

The Art of Noticing

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How to Sell a Website in 7 Simple Steps

Ready to sell your business right now? Get started with Business Exits, the best platform for maximizing business value and sale price. Register now to get access to their network of over 20,000 preapproved buyers.

With so many websites turning into multimillion-dollar buyouts and the success of online affiliate marketing, ecommerce, and blogging businesses, starting an online business is quickly becoming a popular option.

For some buyers, making a purchase saves valuable time and resources that would otherwise be spent on developing an original website from scratch. For others, an existing website or business is an appealing investment because it has an existing customer base, products, and/or services, which allows the new owner to hit the ground running.

Some people even buy websites just to flip them in the future. And with such a large pool of prospective buyers, digital entrepreneurs have the luxury of being able to sell their businesses for top dollar.

However, as with anything else of value, there are certain steps you need to take to ensure you sell your website for the highest possible price. - How to Sell a Website in 7 Simple - How to Sell a Website in 7 Simple Steps

The 7 Best Business Brokers to Sell Your Website With

There are lots of ways to sell an online business, but using a broker is often the best option. Here are the seven best brokers to sell your website with, depending on your needs.

You can check out our full reviews for each business broker here.

Sell Your Website In 7 Easy Steps

In some ways, selling a website is just as easy as selling any other business. You find a buyer, agree…

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How High IQ Affects Your Happiness

How High IQ Affects Your Happiness post imageHow High IQ Affects Your Happiness post image

“Happiness in intelligent people is the rarest thing I know.” — Ernest Hemingway

People with higher IQs are more likely to be happy, research finds.

The finding goes against both Hemingway and the popular idea that being intelligent is somehow predisposes people to unhappiness.

Dr Angela Hassiotis, who led the study, said:

“We found that IQ is associated with self-reported happiness, as levels of happiness were lowest in the lower IQ groups and highest in the higher IQ groups.

This is particularly relevant when considering the current political debates on happiness.”

For the study, data from almost 7,000 people was analysed.

The results showed that people with the lowest IQ (70 – 99) were the least happy in comparison to those with the highest IQs (120 – 129).

It wasn’t just about IQ, though, as Dr Hassiotis explained:

“When looking at the data we saw that people with a lower IQ were less likely to be happier because of higher levels of socio-economic disadvantage such as lower income.

They are also less likely to be happy because they need more help with skills of daily living, have poorer health and report more symptoms of psychological distress.”

Interventions should focus on increasing IQ levels at a young age, said Dr Hassiotis:

“There is also some evidence that long term intensive strategies directed at young children from socially deprived backgrounds can have a positive impact not only on IQ but also on wellbeing and life opportunities.

Such interventions are likely to be costly but the initial costs may be offset by future benefits such as a reduced reliance on state benefits and better mental and physical health.”

The study was published in the journal Psychological Medicine (Ali et al., 2012).

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The 5 Most Effective Digital Marketing Strategies to Try In 2023

More established businesses changed their attention from traditional marketing to digital marketing. And that’s why having a thorough digital marketing strategy is more important than ever.

Many businesses have implemented a digital marketing strategy to deal with the complexities and uncertainties of today’s business situation. However, for digital marketing success, It needs a set of instructions, certain objectives, and effective strategies.

You do digital marketing and you want to be successful, right? If so, you need a strategy, it’s essential because it will help you in expanding your business. And most importantly, a digital marketing strategy may help a company outperform its competitors.

The Objectives of Digital Marketing Strategies

With the use of online resources, marketers may accomplish the following objectives with a digital marketing strategy:

  • Increase brand exposure and authority by engaging users.
  • Understanding your target audience.
  • Save both time and money.
  • Create fresh leads and potential customers.
  • Increase the potential of ROI.
  • Staying ahead of your rivals.
  • Define your advantages, disadvantages, opportunities, and dangers.

5 Effective Digital Marketing Strategies

Let us look at some proven and effective digital marketing strategies that can help you in planning an efficient digital marketing campaign.

1. Content Marketing

To begin, keep one thing in mind, content should not be an afterthought! Make it a point to provide high-value content in order to get the appropriate engagement and so establish trust.

A digital marketing strategy that lacks the right mix of effective content is doomed to fail. However, simply generating content may not help you reach your objectives! Create content that supports your marketing objectives.

Create content to deliver solutions by understanding what people require. Conducting online Q&A sessions is one of the popular content marketing tactics.

If you’re still asking, “Does content marketing matter in the digital marketing strategy?” No doubt, the simple answer is YES!

Consumers are shown through content how your products and services will enhance their quality of life. This is how content marketing increases the number of quality visitors to your website, resulting in increased exposure, quality leads, and sales.

Most Effective Content Types

If we agree on the content marketing strategy’s effectiveness, let’s talk about which types of content to focus on, which gives us an advantage in being successful in marketing. These are the most important content types for 2023.


A video is an excellent tool for showing a brand’s culture and purpose, as well as inspiring consumers to purchase products or services. Furthermore, a recent Statista analysis predicts that digital video viewership will reach 3.48 billion by 2023.

If you are a brand that is looking to establish a digital presence on the internet, then using video marketing will yield the required results. It will also help in the spreading of your…

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Saturday Sage: Influence People with Stories

Saturday Sage: Influence People with Stories

Joe Friday, from the TV show Dragnet, said, “Just the facts, Ma’am.” But a sage is known for stories that change lives.

10 reasons to tell a story:

  1. Develop new friendships.
  2. Ignite emotion.
  3. Deepen influence.
  4. Promote relatability.
  5. Encourage empathy.
  6. Establish and strengthen trust.
  7. Boost contagion. People tell stories about the stories they heard.
  8. Instigate curiosity.
  9. Increase impact.
  10. Frame problems that need solutions.

Stories are gifts that go with people when they part.

“A good story is ‘Life with the dull parts taken out’.” Alfred Hitchcock

Love makes great stories. Image of a family.Love makes great stories. Image of a family.

Learning to tell stories:

When does a sage learn to be a great storyteller? Along the way.

A sage always has a fishing rod in his hand, ready to catch a story.

Great storytellers heard stories when they were kids. Some stories were passed along from year to year, even from generation to generation. 

Eaves dropping is another source of stories. Listen to stories. Never interrupt someone when they are telling their story. Take it in. Never one-up.

A sage observes life in action.

Talent or skill:

Storytelling is not a talent. It is a learned skill. Learn it early. Learn it well. Practice, evaluate, invite others to critique your stories, practice, evaluate, and practice again. 

Great storytellers hone their craft through repetition.   

Great stories captivate, educate, and inspire.

“There’s always room for a story that can transport people to another place.” J.K. Rowling

Great stories take people to new places. Image of a person driving an old yellow pickup truck.Great stories take people to new places. Image of a person driving an old yellow pickup truck.

Duration of stories:

Some stories are long; many are short.  Ann Lamott tells a story in fifteen words.

“Almost everything will work again if you unplug it for a few minutes, including you.” How many life-changing conversations could begin with those fifteen words?

Ernest Hemingway won a ten-dollar bet by writing this six-word story “For sale: baby shoes. Never worn.” (The validity of this claim is questionable, but we love the story.)

The length of a story is about connection, not clocks.

“Connecting is the ability to identify with people and relate to them in such a way that it increases our influence with them.” John Maxwell

Storytelling is a friend to a sage because it establishes human connection and heightens imagination.

Bad delivery:

  1. Influence flies out the window.
  2. Anticipation wains.
  3. Disappointment turns to resistance when stories are mentioned.
  4. Interest in stories by new storytellers goes down.
  5. Old paradigms take root.
  6. Heart and soul leave the room.
  7. Data becomes god.

A good story told by a bad storyteller wastes time and insults listeners.

Short-sighted leaders move…

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6 Strategies for Selling a Business

Sell your business now with Business Exits, the best platform for maximizing business value and sale price. Sign up now to access their private network of 20,000+ buyers netting a $30 billion cash pool.

For most founders, selling a business (or part of it) can be a bittersweet experience. Letting go of something you’ve spent years building is always challenging.

But if you’re like many entrepreneurs, the idea of “cashing out” and reaping the rewards of your hard work is also very appealing. And moving forward with the next chapter of your life (which you only get so many of) can be very exciting.

Today we’re going to show you six of the most effective strategies for cashing out, so you can rest assured you’re getting the best deal you can. - how to sell a business using these 6 - how to sell a business using these 6 strategies

The 7 Best Business Brokers for Selling a Business

Depending on your specific needs, there are a few different types of business brokers that can help you sell your business. After vetting countless brokers, here are the seven best:

1. Make Sure You’re Selling The Right Way For YOUR Company

The best way to strategize when selling your company involves evaluating the type of company you’re selling. The right selling strategy can vary wildly depending on your business’s type, size, industry, and revenue level.

Are you selling:

Some businesses are much easier to sell than others. For example, an ecommerce business that’s doing well is usually much easier to sell than a brick-and-mortar business.

The reason is simple: most buyers are looking for businesses with high growth potential and little downside risk. An online ecommerce business that’s already…

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The Blood Type That Predicts Early Stroke Risk

Your blood type might signal whether you are prone to have an early stroke or not.

Besides lifestyle and environment, genes have a big impact on a person’s state of health.

One example is a person’s blood group, which is inherited from genes passed down by the parents.

A meta-analysis of genetic studies reveals that our blood type can determine whether we are at risk of an early stroke or not.

They found that people with blood type A are more at risk of an early stroke.

Also, those with blood type B were more likely to experience a stroke before the age 60 and later on.

The review is based on 48 genetic studies related to ischemic strokes, the most common type of strokes.

Ischemic strokes are life-threatening conditions caused by a blockage of an artery that supplies blood to the brain.

Professor Steven Kittner, the study’s senior author, said:

“The number of people with early strokes is rising.

These people are more likely to die from the life-threatening event, and survivors potentially face decades with disability.

Despite this, there is little research on the causes of early strokes.”

The research team compared genetic data from 17,000 stroke patients with nearly 600,000 healthy adults (non-stroke controls) who were between 18- and 59-years-old.

The team studied the ABO gene located on certain chromosomes in order to find out if there is any link between common genetic variants with the risk of having a stroke before age 60.

Their analysis showed that participants with early stroke were less likely to have blood type O and most likely to have blood type A.

Participants with blood group A were more likely to have an early stroke and those with blood type O had a lower risk of developing strokes.

Those with blood type B were at higher risk of having an early stroke and later in life.

Professor Braxton Mitchell, study co-author, said:

“Our meta-analysis looked at people’s genetic profiles and found associations between blood type and risk of early-onset stroke.

The association of blood type with later-onset stroke was much weaker than what we found with early stroke.”

Compared to people with other blood types, those with blood type A had a 16 percent higher risk of an early stroke.

The authors acknowledged that the increased risk of an early stroke for people with blood type A is small and so they don’t need to worry or do any additional health check and medical tests.

Professor Kittner said:

“We still don’t know why blood type A would confer a higher risk, but it likely has something to do with blood-clotting factors like platelets and cells that line the blood vessels as well as other circulating proteins, all of which play a role in the development of blood clots.”

Past studies have found that people with blood type A are at a slightly increased risk of experiencing deep vein thrombosis.

The study was published in the journal Neurology (Jaworek et al., 2022).

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How to Use Content & SEO to Support Your Seasonal Marketing

The big season is almost upon us. Is your small business ready?

It is harder and harder to compete with corporate websites with huge advertising budgets.

When just lots of consumers think the term “holiday sales” is synonymous with Amazon and Walmart, it is too challenging to get your products in front of buyers’ eyes.

Black Friday and Cyber Monday routinely transform the fate of otherwise struggling businesses from precarious to solidly profitable. Holidays are a time when people are looking to spend more than usual. 

Millions will shore up their savings year to have the money for the purchases they want. Large brands spend months strategizing the holiday season promotions they’ll roll out to maximize their sales.

Unfortunately, small (ecommerce) stores are frequently caught flat-footed. They don’t invest resources or time into getting their business well-positioned for the looming flood of customers. If large businesses cannot afford to ignore the season, neither can small ones.

Here are three steps content and SEO can help your holiday promotion and marketing efforts:

1. Identify New Seasonal Landing Pages to Put Together and Promote

Holiday season when everyone is busy buying gifts for everyone, including friends, family and obviously themselves, is the season of new unexpected searching trends to emerge. 

People start thinking about buying things differently: They buy not for a need of something, but to stand out and make the best gift.

SE Ranking keyword suggestion tool allows you to research those new buying decisions by allowing you to filter out words you cannot compete with and focus on your niche. You can also filter results by difficulty to find search queries with lower organic competition:

Once you have identified those search queries with big potential, create new landing pages of related products and link to those landing pages from across your site. 

This trick can work for both service- and product-based businesses, because holiday sales are done by all types of businesses these days. For service-based businesses, researching holiday searching trends and bundling services with related products will help boost sales and create word-of-mouth marketing opportunities.

Setting up these seasonal landing pages is also a great idea because this gives you more pages to promote on social media. These could be “collections” of products that would serve a specific holiday searching pattern and all of these could be linked off from the main “Christmas gift ideas” section. You can set these up with plugins for WordPress or “Collections” feature for Shopify.

Depending on the nature of your business, it may be a good idea to set up a separate mini site to make sure your main site remains focused. This idea makes sense when your holiday promotions and lists do not align well with your current brand and product positioning.

Setting up a separate project is quite affordable these…

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