The Vitamin Deficiency That Triples Dementia Risk

Memory problems are one of the key symptoms of dementia.

A folate deficiency is linked to a tripling in the chance of developing dementia in older people, research finds.

Folates include vitamin B9, folacin and folic acid.

Healthy adults should get around 400mcg per day to prevent a deficiency.

Foods that are high in folates include leafy greens, beets, citrus fruits, broccoli, eggs and asparagus.

Folates are also usually contained in multivitamin supplements.

Low levels of vitamin B12 and folate have both been linked to a higher risk of Alzheimer’s disease by multiple studies.

This link has been observed by researchers for more than three decades.

A deficiency in B12 or folate can cause higher levels of the amino acid homocysteine in the body.

Homocysteine has a neurotoxic effect and could lead to neurological conditions, such as Alzheimer’s.

For the current study, 518 people over the age of 65 were tracked for two years.

They were given blood tests for levels of folate, vitamin B12 and the protein homosysteine, along with cognitive tests.

The results showed that 45 people had developed dementia by the end of the study.

People who were deficient in folates were 3.5 times more likely to develop dementia, the researchers found.

Dementia was also more likely in people whose folate levels dropped over the two years of the study.

The study’s authors write:

“In this prospective study of a community population, lower
folate concentrations predicted incident dementia and AD over
a 2.4 year follow-up period…

Over the follow-up period, dementia occurred more commonly in those with a relative decline in folate and vitamin B12 concentrations or a relative increase in homocysteine concentrations.”

A good diet is repeatedly linked by research to a reduced risk of dementia.

One study has found that people who eat more nuts, fish, poultry and certain fruits and vegetables have a lower risk of Alzheimer’s, research finds.

Set against this, those who eat more red meats, organ meats, butter and high-fat dairy products have a higher risk of Alzheimer’s.

The study was published in the Journal of Neurology Neurosurgery and Psychiatry (Kim et al., 2019).

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Making a Favicon For Beginners

Making an impression on your website visitors is important, and one way to do that is by having a unique favicon. A favicon, short for favorite icon, is the tiny icon that appears next to your website’s name in an open browser tab. It’s a small but important way to elevate your online presence by adding a memorable design flair to your website.

If you’re new to the world of favicons and want to create your own, it might feel a little intimidating to get started. But the process is simple and doesn’t even require a logo or any design experience.

You can create your very own brand-focused favicon in less than an hour—really.

And we’re here to help keep the process simple and streamlined. From providing a clear definition to walking you through the design and implementation stages, we’ll show you exactly how to create an eye-catching favicon and upload it to your site in just a few easy-to-follow steps.

What’s a Favicon and Why Is It Important?

A favicon is a small, usually 16×16 pixel icon that represents your brand and website. This icon, which most commonly displays itself on the tab bar of a browser, helps site visitors to visually identify your brand once they’ve visited your site.

The screenshot below shows how favicons appear in the tab section of a browser.

Google Chrome browser with four tabs open and three of them circled in red, including Asana, Facebook, and Google Drive. Google Chrome browser with four tabs open and three of them circled in red, including Asana, Facebook, and Google Drive.

As you can see in the above image, the icon furthest to the right is a gray globe. This is the default…

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How to Find Vitality when You Feel Down

How to Find Vitality when You Feel Down

Your deadliest enemy smiles in your face and bleeds you dry slowly. You don’t notice until one morning you’re drained.

7 dangers of low vitality:

  1. Confidence is low.
  2. People are irritating.
  3. Small problems overwhelm.
  4. Goals are one more frustration.
  5. Isolation feels better than communication.
  6. Personal development goes out the window.
  7. Quitting seems like the only option, but you have bills to pay.

Purpose is vitality. Image of a cat looking upside down.

Restore vitality:

A week off isn’t the answer when work constantly drains you. The weekend won’t help.

#1. Notice discouragement.

Honesty brings vitality.

Find vitality by admitting you don’t have it. You’ve been pushing too long.

Don’t lie to yourself. Look in the mirror and speak the truth. Say, “I’m constantly drained.” Say, “I wonder if it’s worth it.”

#2. Remember why.

Purpose is vitality.

Why did you take this job? Sure, it’s not what you expected, jobs never are. Are you putting food on the table? Are you working to make a difference for people?

Remember that purpose serves others. If you’re in it for yourself and that’s it, expect to be drained.

Trust increases vitality. Image of two lions.

Image by Christine Sponchia from Pixabay

#3. Extend trust.

Trust increases vitality.

Distrust drains people.

Defeat distrust by building trust:

  1. Apologize. You aren’t so magnificent as to never offend. Perhaps you’re negative when you should be affirming.
  2. Speak openly. Avoid secrets. Transparency defeats distrust.
  3. Own hard truths. The enemy of vitality smiles at avoidance. You can’t trust leaders who make light of difficult situations.


Make a list of things that usually energize you. Rank them by how rewarding they feel. Choose something from your list to do today.


Don’t beat yourself down because you feel discouraged. Make a few small changes and press on.

“How can you tell if a person needs encouragement? If that person is breathing.” S. Truett Cathy

What are some ways to navigate discouragement?

Which of the ideas in this post do you find useful?

Still curious:

The Dark Night of the Soul

5 Ways to Manage Emotions that Distort Perception

22 Powerful ways to Overcome Discouragement

10 Things to Do When You’re Feeling Discouraged in Your Career

“Truly great book. A concise account of honesty, humility, and congruence. These are the best gifts this book offers to readers!” Reader’s comment after finishing our new book, The Vagrant: The Inner Journey of Leadership.

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What Loving Sweet Foods Says About Your Personality

Love cake? It tells people something about your personality.

People who like sweet foods literally have a sweeter personality, a psychology study finds.

Helpful people who volunteer to do good deeds prefer sweet foods, plus they are higher on the personality trait of agreeableness, the researchers found.

Professor Michael D. Robinson, study co-author, said:

“Our results suggest there is a real link between sweet tastes and pro-social behavior.

Such findings reveal that metaphors can lead to unique and provocative predictions about people’s behaviors and personality traits.”

For the research, participants tasted sweet or non-sweet foods and were asked about their views on food and personality.

Dr. Brian Meier, the study’s first author, said:

“Taste is something we experience every day.

Our research examined whether metaphors that link taste preferences with pro-social experiences (e.g., “she’s a sweetheart”) can be used to shed light on actual personality traits and behavior.”

The results revealed that people intuitively believe that those who like sweet food also have sweet personalities.

Dr Meier said:

“It is striking that helpful and friendly people are considered ‘sweet’ because taste would seem to have little in common with personality or behavior.

Yet, recent psychological theories of embodied metaphor led us to hypothesize that seemingly innocuous metaphors can be used to derive novel insights about personality and behavior.

Importantly, our taste studies controlled for positive mood so the effects we found are not due to the happy or rewarding feeling one may have after eating a sweet food.”

The results may not be the same in different cultures, Dr Meier said:

“Although we suggest our results are likely to be found in other cultures, that may not always be the case across all cultures.”

The study was published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology (Meier et al., 2011).

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Credit Suite Review – What Makes Credit Suite Great and Where Credit Suite Falls Short

Business success often hinges on proper cash flow management, including everything from handling expenses and purchasing inventory to maintaining equipment and paying wages. Given the demanding costs of running a business, credit solutions are often necessary to manage these bills, cover unexpected expenses, and jump on market opportunities.

Enter Credit Suite, a business credit solution with a promise to tackle these challenges with you. It can help you open credit lines and explore your financing options even if you have a poor record. 

The following is our review of Credit Suite’s notable features, successes, and potential areas for improvement. It covers everything from the platform’s user interface to customer service so you can make a sound judgment on whether it can be a good solution for you.

Credit Suite logo for Quick Sprout Credit Suite review. Credit Suite logo for Quick Sprout Credit Suite review.

Who Credit Suite Is For

Credit Suite touts itself as a robust financial platform designed to assist businesses in securing credit and capital through credit lines and loans. It caters to a wide range of audiences, from small companies to medium-sized corporations. Even with previous credit issues, entrepreneurs and small business owners who require funding to start up, develop, or expand can enroll.

For mid-size businesses and SMEs, which typically seek additional financing for growth, operations, and new projects, Credit Suite will work with them on their financial foundations before approaching lenders. This can help them obtain a broader selection of financing options in the future, including higher amounts of initial funding.

Those looking to start a franchise can also benefit from Credit Suite’s services, which can help secure the funding necessary to get up and running. Similarly, businesses…

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How IQ Can Predict A Long And Happy Marriage

How IQ Can Predict A Long And Happy Marriage post imageHow IQ Can Predict A Long And Happy Marriage post image

Can intelligence help predict how long a marriage will last?

A man’s verbal intelligence helps to predict a longer marriage, suggesting it is also happier, research finds.

Higher verbal IQ also predicts getting married earlier in the relationship.

Higher verbal intelligence is particularly attractive to younger women, the study found.

Perhaps in the long haul of a marriage it’s most important to have someone who can make good conversation.

Longer marriage

In fact, all aspects of intelligence helped to predict length of marriage, it was just verbal intelligence that stood out — maybe because it is easier to spot than numerical or logical intelligence.

Another important factor in the marital equation the researchers developed was the man’s car.

Men with newer and more expensive cars were also more likely to remain married for longer.

The psychologists used the car as a signal of the man’s social status.

In other words, it is really higher social status that is linked to a longer marriage.

The study’s authors write:

“In parallel to the effect of a peacock’s mysterious tail on its mating success […] human intelligence has a direct positive impact on human mating prospects in terms of marriage.”

The authors conclude that:

“…verbal intelligence, i.e. the type of intelligence that is easier to observe, was found to especially predict the likelihood of getting married, while the harder-to-observe numerical and logical intelligence were also found to predict the likelihood to stay married, to an equal extent as verbal intelligence.”

The study was published in the journal Personality and Individual Differences (Aspara et al., 2018).

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How to (Legally) Record a Phone Call On Your iPhone

With all the fancy new tech crammed into the latest iPhone, recording calls should be fairly easy. But if you ever tried it, you might have realized that it’s not so straightforward.

Of course, call recording can raise serious legal matters in many states and countries when there’s not consent by one or all parties, but there are several other reasons why you would want a simple way to record consensual calls.

Luckily, there are a few ways to record calls on your iPhone, some of them being easier than others.

Apple Doesn’t Make Call Recording Easy–But it’s Not Impossible

Apple has a strong stance on privacy.

Its policies aim to ensure that user data, including audio recordings, is protected and not used without explicit permission. That’s because call recording without proper consent may not be in compliance with privacy laws in many regions.

Other companies, such as banks and insurance providers, will often inform you that your calls with them may be monitored or recorded for quality assurance and training purposes. In these cases, the businesses make those statements because they are legally required to have your consent to record the call. In this case, continuing the call is a form of consent, but in other cases, a party must ask for consent before recording a call.

Though many people wouldn’t think to seek consent before recording a personal call, it’s usually the law. That’s why Apple does not support or facilitate recording phone calls on its devices by default. However, it’s not impossible to record calls on an iPhone.

Method 1: Use Your VoIP System’s Mobile App–Best for Businesses

Nextiva homepage with a button to see pricing and a button to get a demo. Nextiva...
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Vitamin B12 Deficiency: The Facial Sign That May Be A Symptom

Around one-in-four people may have a vitamin B12 deficiency.

Pale skin or skin with a slight yellow tinge can be a sign of vitamin B12 deficiency.

The body uses vitamin B12 to make red blood cells and to keep the nervous system healthy.

Without enough B12 the blood cells produced are too large and cannot move into the bloodstream, leading to pale skin.

Around one-quarter of people may have a vitamin B12 deficiency.

Other, more common signs of vitamin B12 deficiency include feeling tired, experiencing muscle weakness and being constipated.

People experiencing a mood disorder, like depression, can also be deficient in vitamin B12.

People who may have difficulty getting enough vitamin B12 include vegetarians, older people and those with some digestive disorders, such as Crohn’s disease.

Some medications, such as those to treat ulcers and excessive stomach acid, are also linked to vitamin B12 deficiency.

One study of 25,956 patients diagnosed with a vitamin B12 deficiency found that the condition was linked to taking anti-acid medications.

The study’s authors write:

“Vitamin B12 deficiency is relatively common, especially among older adults; it has potentially serious medical complications if undiagnosed.

Left untreated, vitamin B12 deficiency can lead to dementia, neurologic damage, anemia, and other complications, which may be irreversible.”

Vitamin B12 deficiency is easy to rectify with supplements or by dietary changes.

Vitamin B12 levels can be boosted through supplementation or by eating foods such as dairy, liver, salmon and eggs.

Other good sources of vitamin B12 include poultry and low-fat milk.

Fortified breakfast cereals also contain vitamin B12.

The study was published in JAMA (Lam et al., 2013).

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Choppy Calls? VoIP Bandwidth Requirements Aren’t the Culprit

Ever wonder how it’s possible that we put a man on the moon over 50 years ago, and yet you still can’t seem to maintain a clear phone call in 2023? Yeah, same.

The natural reaction for many of us is to blame the stupid internet for being slow—but in the majority of cases, internet bandwidth is not the problem.

The truth is, for a crystal clear VoIP calling experience, you only need a bandwidth of around 0.15 megabits per second. 

Meanwhile, even the lowest-tier internet plans for homes and businesses generally supply speeds of at least 3 mbps—which is 20 times faster than the requisite 0.15 mbps.

Clearly, something else is the culprit for your choppy calls.

VoIP Bandwidth Requirements in Detail

In order to understand the bigger picture of how bandwidth affects VoIP calls, it’s important to take a closer look at how the calling process works.

What Is Bandwidth?

Technically speaking, bandwidth differs from internet speed, since it’s strictly a measure of how much data can be transferred through your internet system in a given period of time—assuming the system is working flawlessly. Speed, on the other hand, is a measure of how fast the data is actually transferred, given the current working condition of the system.

Practically speaking, internet calling data gets transferred by way of codecs. Codecs can be hardware orsoftware-based, but their function is the same either way—they compress audio and/or voice data to make it more efficient for transmission, and then once the data has been transferred to the other end of the call, they decompress it again.

Codecs can significantly affect call quality. Higher compression leads to fast transfer times with reduced audio quality, whereas lower compression causes slower transfer times with better quality.

Specific Bandwidth…

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Rank Higher and Capture Leads with Video SEO

Search engine optimization is becoming incredibly challenging and unpredictable. As search engines are integrating generative AI and learning to surface more diverse results, creating a strategy to rank your pages in the top 5 takes a lot of trial and error.

Video marketing is almost equally challenging. Gone are the days when you had to invest in professional equipment and hire an editor to be able to create a video. These days anyone can create great videos at home and edit them using affordable software. The competition is insane.

So where is the opportunity here?

It’s in combining these two marketing channels.

Let me explain:

  • Videos rank incredibly well in Google (they have their own sections in search results, so you are not competing with giants)
  • Not many video marketers are optimizing their videos for organic Google search, so it is actually doable.

Video opportunities we are targeting here

Videos are very search-friendly if you optimize them the right way. In this post, we’re going to look at the ways you can optimize your videos on the top networks, YouTube and Vimeo, for increased search rankings and views.

When it comes to organic search, there are two distinct opportunities we are targeting here:

  • Video rich snippets (these are usually earned when you embed your Youtube code on your page)
  • Video carousels (or video packs): These are separate sections within organic search results, and they are pretty easy to capture. All you need is a traditional SEO.

Here is how to best optimize your videos on YouTube and Vimeo for better search rankings and increased views.


The title is one of the primary elements of optimizing your video for search as it is equivalent to the SEO title for the video page on YouTube and Vimeo. Therefore, the standard rules apply.

Keep it under 65 – 70 characters, including the main keywords you want it to rank for, and make it appealing for visitors to encourage more views. Think of your video title just like the headline for your blog posts – eye-catching and SEO-friendly! Keyword stuffing is not advised. Using ChatGPT to brainstorm better video titles is a great idea.

If you are using videos as a way to boost your personal reputation or the reputation of your business, be sure to include your brand name.


The description of your video is important for a couple of reasons. For starters, the first 160 characters count as the meta description for your video page on YouTube and Vimeo. While meta descriptions don’t necessarily help with rankings, they do come up in search results in both the major search engines and the networks’ own search results.

You’ve Been Taught SEO…

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