7 Questions to Create a Bold Vision

7 Questions to Create a Bold Vision

Somewhere along the journey vision gets blurred. We hack away at life without knowing what we really want.

You need a destination – a bold vision – to get where you want to go.

Bold vision: Courageous leaders have double vision. They see the world as it is and as it could be.Bold vision: Courageous leaders have double vision. They see the world as it is and as it could be.

Bold vision is a target:

There’s always a bit of aimless wandering in life. But there are powerful moments of clarity when we imagine a possible future.

Begin with what you don’t want.

When I ask people what they want, they invariably tell me what they don’t want. Narrow your field of vision by getting ‘don’t wants’ out of your system.

Don’t camp out in Don’t-Want.

Paint a picture of your bold vision:

“Paint a picture of the life you want that is so vivid someone else can see it.” Wendy Leshgold

‘How’ gets in the way of ‘what’. First, focus on what you want, even while your inner voice yells, “You don’t know how to do that.”

Don’t let ‘how’ beat down your vision.

You won’t know how to achieve the life you want in the beginning. Paint your future in vivid colors anyway.

Bold vision exercise:

Ask yourself 7 questions to clarify your bold vision (From the book, Fast Forward). Limit your perspective to one year from now.

  1. What are you known for?
  2. What were your professional outcomes?
  3. How would you describe the culture of your team or company?
  4. What were your personal outcomes?
  5. How did you grow and improve?
  6. What is your outlook on life?
  7. How would you describe the quality of your important relationships?

What suggestions do you have for creating a bold vision?

Many of the books on my shelf represent conversations with smart people. I’ve had many since the beginning of Leadership Freak. I had one yesterday with Wendy Leshgold. This post is inspired by that conversation and the book Fast Forward.

Dig deeper:

Wendy Leshgold and Lisa McCarthy wrote Fast Forward to help people create the life they want. They describe five power principles to create the life you want. This post focuses on principle #1 – Declare a Bold Vision

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4 Effective Mind-Body Therapies For Anxiety

Anxiety affects around one-third of adolescents in the US.

Biofeedback, mindfulness, yoga and hypnosis all provide promising mind-body approaches to treating anxiety, research finds.

The standard treatments for anxiety are cognitive-behavioural therapy and/or medication.

However, these treatments can be difficult to obtain, expensive and, in the case of medication, involving significant side-effects.

Mind-body approaches, though, are often cheaper, accessible and usually with no side-effects.

The researchers identified studies on adolescents that supported the use of:

  • Mindfulness involves increasing self-awareness and using breathing techniques. Studies show it can benefit anxiety.
  • Yoga is effective in reducing anxiety.
  • Hypnosis involves relaxation and imagery techniques, which can be effective.
  • Biofeedback helps control anxiety by increasing self-awareness through showing people their own physiological stress response.

Yoga in particular has seen a massive rise in popularity in recent years, the study’s authors write:

“Low in cost, easy to implement, and accessible to individuals of all physical fitness levels, yoga has become an increasingly popular anxiety management tool.”

Anxiety affects around one-third of adolescents in the US.

Almost one-in-ten adolescents experience anxiety severe enough to disrupt their lives.

The study’s authors write:

“Whereas anxiety and fear are typical reactions to the academic, social, and developmental challenges common during the adolescent years, clinical or pathological anxiety is excessive, persistent, and disruptive.”

Most adolescents do not receive any treatment.

Ms Fulweiler and Dr John write:

“A growing body of evidence supports the implementation of mind-body therapy as a low-risk and cost-effective strategy in the management of anxious teenagers.


Mind-body therapies encompass self-regulation and positive thinking…to help promote self-control, physical health, and emotional well-being.”

The study was published in the journal The Nurse Practitioner (Fulweiler & John, 2018).

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SlideModel Review – What Makes SlideModel Great and Where SlideModel Falls Short

Don’t tell anyone we said this, but we do not love making PowerPoints.

Shocking, right?

Truth is, we’d much prefer it if we could just choose from tens of thousands of pre-made, professional grade presentation templates—the kind that are easy to download, completely editable and customizable, and incorporate all of the complex charts, graphs, and tables that we might need.

That way we could design perfect presentations without having to spend hours and hours making them from scratch.

Well, we may have just found our solution: SlideModel.

It’s easy, it’s intuitive, and it’s here to save you loads of time creating PowerPoints and slide presentations.

SlideModel logo for QuickSprout SlideModel review. SlideModel logo for QuickSprout SlideModel review.

Who SlideModel Is For

SlideModel is an ideal solution for any person, team, or organization that needs to create a high volume of professional, visually appealing PowerPoint or slide deck presentations on a regular basis.

With a library of over 50,000 ready-made templates, slides, diagrams, charts, and more, SlideModel can help users across many industries improve their productivity, save hours of design time, and leave lasting impacts on their audiences.

Businesses, for example, can use templates for running company-wide events, board meetings, or assist in collaborative efforts between teams.

Marketing teams can use SlideModel to whip up polished presentations for stakeholder updates, campaign overviews, product launches, and other milestones. There are templates built to showcase metrics, growth trends, ROI data, and more in a clean, engaging format.

Sales representatives can also benefit by easily assembling pitches, product overviews, account reviews, and other sales-oriented presentations that look sharp and communicate key information clearly. The templates help sales professionals exude confidence and credibility rather than…

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After Giving Tough Feedback Good Bosses Do 5 Things

After Giving Tough Feedback Good Bosses Do 5 Things

Bosses think, “I’m kicking you in the pants and I want you to like it.”

Bosses call it constructive feedback. Maybe it feels like a punch to the face?

People bleed after tough feedback. Maybe you are the 20% who stand up, salute, and joyfully shout, “Kick me again, please!” But *80% either actively or passively look for new employment.

Bosses call it constructive feedback. Maybe it feels like a punch to the face? Image of a boxer getting punched.Bosses call it constructive feedback. Maybe it feels like a punch to the face? Image of a boxer getting punched.

I prefer a pat on the head to a punch to the face.

Think back to corrective feedback you have received. How did you feel? Angry, embarrassed, discouraged, hurt, resentful, confused, ashamed, defensive. Did you complain to others? Did you sulk at work?

5 things great bosses do after giving tough feedback:

1. Monitor responses.

If you’re not concerned about responses, you should be. Are shoulders drooping? Maybe it’s anger or resentment. Don’t judge. Don’t pretend everything’s OK. Just notice.

2. Provide space.

Corrective feedback stirs up stress. Stress makes you stupid, moody, negative, and unproductive. Stress-inducing feedback shrinks your brain. Give people a few days to lick their wounds.

3. Approach with empathy.

Tell a story about when you felt hurt and angry after receiving tough feedback.

“Hey, Mary. Maybe you don’t feel this way, but I felt angry and resentful after receiving tough feedback. It hurt.” Be specific and let people glimpse your frailty.

Gently ask, “What’s going on for you?”

Listen to their response. Acknowledge. Don’t probe too deep.

4. Turn forward.

Acknowledge negative responses.

Remid them of their aspirations. Good bosses know people’s aspirations.

Gently ask, “How would you like to serve your future self right now?” Or

“What will move you toward your aspirations?”

5. Offer support.

Let people know they matter to you. You’re counting on them. Don’t offer to do their job. Don’t pretend it doesn’t hurt. Ask, “How can I help?”

What do good bosses do after delivering tough feedback?

Dig deeper:

Refresh your awareness of stress: How to Move from Stupid to Smart when You’re Stressed

Give feedback skillfully: 3 Ways to Give Feedback that Works

*Why Employees Are Fed Up With Feedback

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3 Signs Of High IQ & Ability To Read Other People’s Personalities

Three ways to tell if you have a high IQ.

People who can predict the behaviour of others have higher personal intelligence, research finds.

Two other signs of high personal intelligence are self-motivation and being able to anticipate desires.

The idea of personal intelligence is broader than IQ.

It involves using intelligence to predict people’s behaviour.

Someone high in personal intelligence is able to analyse correctly their own and other people’s personalities.

People high in personal IQ know how best to deal with other people and how they will react.

Professor John Mayer, the expert on personality and intelligence who came up with the theory, said:

“Think of all the ways we read and interpret the people around us each day: We notice body language and facial expressions to estimate one another’s moods.

We draw initial guesses about personalities based on how people dress and present themselves, and we adjust how we interact with them accordingly.

We run through scenarios in our heads, trying to anticipate how others will react, in order to choose the best course in dealing with a boss, a coworker, or a partner.”

Reviewing decades of research on personality and intelligence, Professor Mayer has found it comes more naturally to some:

“We pick up on small pieces of feedback about ourselves from others, which we incorporate into a fuller and more accurate perception of ourselves.

And we make all kinds of decisions–about work-life balance, the neighborhood we live in, or who we spend our time with–based on what we think will be the best fit for our personalities.”

Professor Mayer concludes:

“People who are high in personal intelligence are able to anticipate their own desires and actions, predict the behavior of others, motivate themselves over the long term, and make better life decisions.”

→ Discover 22 more signs of intelligence.

The book is called Personal Intelligence: The Power of Personality and How It Shapes Our Lives and is published by Scientific American/Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2014.

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How to Hire Employees in 6 Simple Steps

Hiring new employees can be an exciting time. It can also pose significant challenges.

Employees can make or break your company. And sometimes, finding the right employees for your company is not as simple as posting a job opening and conducting interviews.

There are essential steps in the hiring process you can take to minimize the chance of hiring a bad egg that brings your company down. These steps ensure you have employees who will do their job well. The steps also ensure you follow all the legal aspects of hiring new employees and avoid fees, fines, and more.

To help you navigate the process of hiring employees, we created this how-to guide. Follow it and hire your next employees successfully and with as little stress as possible.

6 Steps to Hire Employees

If your ready to hire new employees, just follow the six steps below:

  1. Get an employer identification number (EIN)
  2. Prepare for recruiting
  3. Find your candidates
  4. Conduct interviews
  5. Make an offer
  6. Take care of the legal stuff

How to hire employees in 6 easy steps.How to hire employees in 6 easy steps.

The Easy Parts of Hiring Employees

Don’t let the thought of hiring employees scare you. It can actually be a fun and rewarding experience.

We’ve put together the following guide to help you streamline the process. Read on to find out everything you need to know.

Choose the right job title.

When posting jobs for your company on the website, LinkedIn, Indeed, Monster, or any other job board, it is crucial you choose a job title that accurately reflects the job. You also want something that entices people to click on your post.

The clickability of the job…

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Grapple with Fear and Live Boldly

Grapple with Fear and Live Boldly

A person oblivious to fear doesn’t enjoy the thrill of achievement. But anxiety gone mad rejects exploring all together.

Fear makes us like, “the farmer is endeavoring to solve the problem of a livelihood by a formula more complicated than the problem itself.” (Apologies to Henry David Thoreau for misapplying a brilliant sentence.)

Simplicity offends anxiety. Complexity comforts fear by providing excuses to play it safe.

Complexity comforts fear. Image of a timid dog.Complexity comforts fear. Image of a timid dog.

Fear endorses:

  1. Inaction.
  2. Avoidance.
  3. Conformity.
  4. Self-doubt.
  5. Withdrawal.
  6. Negative self-talk.
  7. Procrastination.

“It’s ruinous to be anxious about the future and miserable in advance of misery.” Seneca


You might blow yourself up if you were fearless. But imagine living boldly.

#1. Bold flexibility.

Confidence steps into uncertainty prepared to adapt. Anxiety requires perfection. Perfectionists live small lives.

#2. Realistic decision-making.

Dread lives to avoid. Courage seizes opportunities.

Stop living to prevent things from happening.

What future can you create today?

#3. Deep insight.

My wife planted a small garden this spring. She comes in some days saying, “Next year I’m not going to plant herbs in the garden.” Or, “We need to stake the tomatoes better next year.”

Inaction gives the illusion of knowledge. Action promotes insight.

The person with dirt under their nails really knows.

Act boldly today:

#1. Don’t visualize success.

Visualize the steps toward success.

You can visualize a garden all you want but nothing happens until you get dirty.

#2. Forget about bold moves.

When anxiety has you by the throat make a series of small moves. If you don’t die keep making small moves.

#3. Reject the myth of quick success.

Embrace effortful effort.

#4. Jettison the need to feel confident.

Our need to feel confident while filled with anxiety multiplies discouragement. Embrace lack of confidence. “Well, hello there Mr. Anxiety. I’ve been expecting you. Fasten your seatbelt. We’re moving forward.”

What are some ways to tap into boldness?

Still curious:

The Real Advantage of Fear and Anxiety in Leadership

7 Ways to Find Graceful Boldness

What is the Function of Fear in Leadership?

John David Mann and I invite you to pre-order our new book, The Vagrant: The Inner Journey of Leadership.

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This Personality Trait Cuts Alzheimer’s Risk In Half

A study of hundreds of nuns and monks reveals which trait cuts Alzheimer’s risk in half.

Being conscientious cuts the risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease in half, research finds.

People who are conscientious tend to be more organised, responsible and in control of their impulses.

The study’s authors explain:

“Conscientiousness (eg, “I am a productive person who always gets the job done”) refers to a tendency to be self-disciplined, scrupulous, and purposeful.”

They are also more likely to follow through on their duties and obligations.

The study of hundreds of nuns and monks found that those who were more productive and reliable were less likely to be affected by Alzheimer’s.

People high on conscientiousness were also more likely to experience a slower cognitive decline with age and lower risk of mild cognitive impairment (a risk factor for Alzheimer’s).

The results come from a study of 997 elderly nuns, priests and monks, none of whom had dementia at the start of the study.

Many were followed up for more than a decade.

The brains of those that died were examined for markers of Alzheimer’s.

The study revealed that those with the highest levels of conscientiousness were at an 89% lower risk of developing Alzheimer’s compared to those with the lowest levels.

Surprisingly, the results could not be explained by conscientious people living more healthily.

Instead, the authors write that it could be partly down to education:

“…conscientiousness is a consistent predictor of academic and occupational performance.

Both level of educational and occupational attainment and the nature of occupational experiences have been associated with risk of AD.

Highly conscientious people may have a more intensive exposure to these educational and occupational experiences than less conscientious individuals and thereby derive additional benefit.”

Being conscientious may also buffer against life stress, they write:

“Conscientiousness is associated with a higher level of resilience and greater reliance on task-oriented coping.

These factors might lessen the adverse consequences of negative life events and chronic psychological distress, which have been associated with risk of dementia in old age.”

The study was published in the journal JAMA Psychiatry (Wilson et al., 2007).

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How to Generate Leads from LinkedIn


Lead generation is an indispensable part of business.

If you want to have paying customers, you need to gather a reliable stream of leads.

That’s the bottom line.

But generating leads isn’t as easy as one might think. In fact, it requires quite a bit of finesse and a whole lot of time.

Reports show that 65% of businesses say generating traffic and leads is their top marketing challenge.

That doesn’t surprise us at all.

There is encouraging news though.

Marketers now have a lot more avenues to target potential customers. At the forefront of that is social media.

And if we’re talking about the highest-quality leads, LinkedIn is the clear winner.

It’s a bit shocking, we know.

You expect a giant like Facebook to be leading the pack.

Not in this case. More than 80% of B2B leads sourced from social media come from LinkedIn.

5 Lead Generation Strategies You Can t Afford to Miss in 20175 Lead Generation Strategies You Can t Afford to Miss in 2017

That goes to show the power of this platform.

Here’s the kicker though: many people are failing at using LinkedIn for lead generation.

They’re spending too much time in the process. And they do not see a return on that time investment.

That’s a frustrating problem to have, and we’ll show you how to fix it.

Here’s how you can generate leads on LinkedIn without wasting your time.

1. Optimize your profile for connecting

This may seem basic, but your profile matters a lot. In many cases you’ll be connecting with people you don’t know. Because of this, you need to make sure your profile is optimized as…

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