When Solutions Create Problems – Leadership Freak

When Solutions Create Problems

“The greatest intellectual discovery of this generation is that the real cause of problems is solutions.” Eric Sevareid.

  1. Prohibition (1920-1933) helped organized crime develop.
  2. Social media was supposed to strengthen connections.
  3. Overuse of antibiotics leads to superbugs.
  4. Email causes inefficiencies.

Overcome the danger of solutions:

#1. Walk around the problem:

Three blind men come across an elephant.  

The first man happens upon its leg and says it’s a tree.

The second man bumps into its trunk and shouts it’s a snake.

The last blind man feels its tail and exclaims it’s a broom.

When problems are elephants, walk around before trying to solve them.

Dangerous solutions multiply problems. Image of a pile of lightbulbs.Dangerous solutions multiply problems. Image of a pile of lightbulbs.

#2. Avoid anchoring bias.

“… we can be blind to the obvious and we are also blind to our blindness.” Daniel Kahneman

  1. Walk around the elephant with others. Ask them to define the problem.
  2. Ask, “What problem are you solving,” when someone brings you a solution.
  3. Ask, “What are we missing?”
  4. Use the Five Whys approach.

Your vehicle won’t start.

  1. Why? – The battery is dead.
  2. Why? – The alternator is not functioning.
  3. Why? – The alternator belt has broken.
  4. Why? – The alternator belt was well beyond its useful service life and not replaced.
  5. Why? – The vehicle was not maintained according to the recommended service schedule. (Root cause)

“Our comforting conviction that the world makes sense rests on a secure foundation: our almost unlimited ability to ignore our ignorance.” Kahneman

#3. Confront confirmation bias.

You’re a genius in your own mind. You don’t have stupid ideas intentionally. We search for reasons we’re right not for reasons we’re wrong.

We don’t see our own stupidity until it smacks us in the face.

  1. Ask, “What if I’m wrong?”
  2. Explore assumptions. What do you assume will happen if you implement your solution? What needs to be true for your solution to work?
  3. Sleep on it.
  4. Develop three solutions before choosing one.

How might solutions cause problems for leaders?

Still curious:

The Five Faces of Curiosity

Dangerous Solutions

5 Things to Do When Pedaling Faster Doesn’t Work

John David Mann and I invite you to checkout our new book, The Vagrant: The Inner Journey of Leadership.

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4 Wonderful Personality Traits Linked To High IQ

The traits are so powerful that they are linked to intelligence when measured almost 40 years later.

Insatiable curiosity, an active fantasy life, a sensitivity to emotions and an appreciation of art and beauty are all linked to high IQ, a study finds.

High IQ may have a particularly strong link to curiosity because intelligence creates a ‘cognitive hunger’ — a desire to think.

Over the years, higher IQ drives people to keep exploring new experiences to satiate this hunger.

Curiosity, along with sensitivity to emotions, appreciation of beauty and an active fantasy life are all aspects of the major personality trait called ‘openness to experience’.

Being open to experience is so powerful that it is linked to intelligence when measured almost 40 years later.

Children who scored higher on IQ tests at just 11-years-old were more open to experience when they were 50-years-old, the psychologists found.

The study’s authors explain their results:

“…childhood intelligence is indeed positively associated with adult trait Openness, even when it was assessed almost four decades earlier when participants were at 11 years.

Intelligence may influence the development of personality in that intelligent people develop habits to satisfy their curiosity and ‘‘cognitive hunger’’ which are an essential ingredient of Openness.”

The conclusions come from a huge study of 17,415 people born in the UK in one week in March 1958.

Over the following 50 years they were given various personality and intelligence tests.

Children with higher IQs were more open to experience because of higher motivation at school, greater support from their families and higher social status, the researchers found.

They explain how these factors fit together:

“Parents of higher socioeconomic status may foster children’s trait Openness by providing better resources such as choosing good schools and cultural environment (theaters, museums, traveling abroad, etc.); intelligent children tend to use more mental activities (such as abstract ideas, learning new
vocabularies, or math formulas) than those who are less intelligent; school settings (quality of teaching, good facilities) may enhance pupils to engage more in school learning.

All these three factors may influence educational and
occupational achievement, which in turn, may increase
the scores on Openness.”

In other words, they believe that it is a higher IQ that mainly drives the development of greater openness to experience.

The study was published in the Journal of Individual Differences (Furnham & Cheng, 2016).

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Top 7 Best WordPress Calendar Plugins

Want to jump straight to the answer? The best WordPress calendar plugin for most people is The Events Calendar.

Do you need a calendar function on your website? Just install a WordPress plugin.

WordPress calendar plugins are perfect for promoting events and keeping track of your schedule. You can also use them to manage bookings, meetings, and appointments.

The Best WordPress Calendar Plugins

As the name implies, The Events Calendar WordPress plugin is ideal for any site that’s managing events. There are so many different uses for this feature.

It’s great for musicians who want to showcase their upcoming performances, as well as venue owners who need to display shows coming to their location.

If you have a restaurant, church, or nonprofit organization, this plugin is perfect for you. If you’re an author and traveling to promote your book, or speaking at any seminars and conferences, you can benefit from the events calendar. As you can see from these examples, the possibilities are nearly limitless.

Here’s how the plugin looks once you implement it:

The Events Calendar WordPress calendar plugin calendar exampleThe Events Calendar WordPress calendar plugin calendar example

In addition to this month view option, you can also organize the calendar by day or list of events.

The microformats will help boost your SEO, and the plugin offers caching support as well as debug mode. It’s compatible with Google Maps, Google Calendar, and iCal as well. So events can be exported and added to other platforms.

Users who are looking at the calendar even have the option to browse for certain events. They won’t have to scroll to find something specific.

The design is fully responsive no matter what device the calendar is…

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These 3 Personality Traits Indicate High IQ

The surprising traits that indicate high intelligence.

Being genuine, cooperative and sincere are all linked to having a high IQ, research finds.

Although being ‘nice’ is not linked in the popular imagination with being intelligent, this study found that it was.

The study also found that half of the connection between high IQ and being ‘nice’ was down to genetics.

Other personality features that are linked to high IQ include being a seeker of variety, intellectually curious, imaginative and sensitive to emotions.

All of these are aspects of ‘openness to experience’, which is one of the five major aspects of personality.

Openness to experience is frequently strongly linked to high IQ by studies.

The study included 2,488 people who were given tests of personality and intelligence at 12 and 18-years-old.

Genetic modelling was used to examine the links between intelligence, personality and genes.

The results were explained by the study’s authors:

“Intelligence as measured by IQ was positively associated with
openness to experience and agreeableness.

Moderate phenotypic correlations [genetic associations] between agreeableness and IQ were also of interest.

Earlier studies reported small correlations between intelligence and agreeableness.

There have been a few studies on altruistic behavior in young children that found a positive relation with IQ.”

In fact, people with high IQs are better at working well with other people, other studies have found.

That is why those with high IQs are so essential: without them society would not work.

Being cooperative, in particular, may have strong links to higher IQ, the authors write:

“…unique aspects of human cognition are driven by social cooperation.

The cooperative attitudes of the subjects scoring high on agreeableness could therefore be the shared underlying factor in the relationship with IQ.”

The study was published in the journal Personality and Individual Differences (Bartels et al., 2012).

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Compare Atom vs. Visual Studio Code Side-by-Side

Editing source code works best when deploying an HTML editor, which allows developers to edit their code without adding hidden formatting characters. Two of the best HTML editors on the market are Atom and Visual Studio Code.

These two code editors give developers the ability to work more efficiently by speeding up the coding process. Some source code editors even allow you to add plugins or extensions that make you more productive. Because of the amount of time developers spend typing, selecting just the right HTML editor is an important choice.

Quicksprout.com - Atom vs. Visual Studio CodeQuicksprout.com - Atom vs. Visual Studio Code

Atom and Visual Studio Code Compared to the Best HTML Editors

Through our research, we placed both Visual Studio Code and Atom on our list of the best HTML editors. However, we chose to rank UltraEdit a little bit higher than those two, naming it the best HTML editor for advanced users. You can receive a 30-day free trial with UltraEdit.

Atom vs. Visual Studio Code High-Level Comparison

Visual Studio Code and Atom are two of the most well-known source code editors on the market. However, they have vastly different backgrounds.

Atom is an open-source HTML editor that GitHub developed, introducing the editor in 2014. Although Atom is a popular choice among coders, GitHub hasn’t released new features for it in the past few years. 

Considering the lack of new features and considering that Microsoft bought GitHub in 2018, it may not be a surprise that GitHub stopped actively supporting Atom in mid-December 2022. Instead, GitHub will be supporting Visual Studio Code. (Even though Microsoft owns GitHub, it operates as its own entity under the Microsoft umbrella.)

Microsoft announced the formation of…

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The Clearest Sign Of A Trustworthy Personality Type

People who are prone to this emotion feel more responsibility towards others.

People who are prone to anticipate feeling guilty are the most trustworthy, research finds.

Compared with other personality traits like openness, neuroticism and extraversion, it is guilt-proneness that best predicts people’s trustworthiness.

Anticipating guilt is key, because it means a person is considering how guilty they will feel if they do something wrong…

…and this stops them doing it.

This is different from feeling guilt after doing something wrong, which encourages people to try and make up for the transgression.

People who are prone to anticipating guilt, though, feel more responsibility towards others and are much less likely to behave exploitatively.

The results come from a series of six studies in which people played economic games that tested their behaviour.

In these games, people more prone to anticipating guilt were more likely to return money to others.

The authors write:

“Trust and trustworthiness are critical for effective relationships and effective organizations.

Individuals and institutions incur high costs when trust is misplaced, but people can mitigate these costs by engaging in relationships with individuals who are trustworthy.

Our findings extend the substantial literature on trust by deepening our understanding of trustworthiness: When deciding in whom to place trust, trust the guilt-prone.”

Dr Emma Levine, the study’s first author, said:

“Our research suggests that if you want your employees to be worthy of trust, make sure they feel personally responsible for their behavior and that they expect to feel guilty about wrongdoing.”

The study was published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology (Levine et al., 2018).

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7 Types of Images To Use For Your Blog Posts

Numerous image types flowing from the screen of a laptop.Numerous image types flowing from the screen of a laptop.

From stock photography to graphs, charts, and infographics, the types of images you can use to illustrate your blog posts are numerous. The question is: What kinds of images can bloggers use for their content?

Before we discuss each image type, you might wonder if adding images is worth the hassle. Articles with at least one image enjoy twice the amount of traffic, a 30% increase in shares and 25% more backlinks.

Hopefully, those stats will inspire you to include images from now on. Learn more about how to start a blog. Now, consider what images and graphics you can use to generate the most traffic.

Stock photography

A couple looking out at an impressive mountain range, all blanketed in clouds. A couple looking out at an impressive mountain range, all blanketed in clouds. A stock image from Pixabay.

Many years ago, stock images were lower quality and could have had a better reputation. Now it’s possible to get decent photos from stock platforms like Shutterstock, Pixabay, iStock, to name a few.

The big mistake most bloggers make when using stock photography is using random images instead of ones related to their blog posts. Finding relevant images takes more work, but it is worth the time.

Every stock image platform has a search and filter option, making using keywords to find that perfect image straightforward.


A screenshot of a Quick Sprout blogA screenshot of a Quick Sprout blogA screenshot of one of Quick Sprout’s blogs, taken…

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5 Powerful Ways to Release Negativity

5 Powerful Ways to Release Negativity

Negativity comforts defeat.

  1. There’s no use trying.
  2. It doesn’t matter what you do.
  3. It seems like the harder you try the worse things get. Just stop trying.

Defeatists get it right eventually.

Bad stuff happens. Small problems escalate into crisis. Predicting troubles is useful, but it doesn’t fuel success. Greatness includes self-confidence.

Wallowing is defeat.

Negativity that resides in your mind poisons your heart. Image of a small dumpster.Negativity that resides in your mind poisons your heart. Image of a small dumpster.


  1. Blocks achievement.
  2. Limits potential.
  3. Undermines happiness.
  4. Stifles learning.
  5. Pollutes environments.
  6. Drains motivation.
  7. Saps energy.

Leaders believe they can make a difference.

5 powerful ways to release negativity:

#1. Own your own darkness.

You can’t fix what you don’t own. Own your negativity but don’t excuse it. Get over saying, “I’m not a pessimist, I’m just a realist.”

#2. Embrace useful pessimism.

Use problems, resistance, choke points, and adversity to inform plans. Devise strategies and solutions.

#3. Cultivate self-belief.

Confidence reinforces positive attitudes. Self-doubt energizes negativity. If you feel incapable, believe you can become capable.

Confidence transforms “I can’t” into “I’ll learn.”

#4. Stop fabricating negative stories. 

Pessimism fabricates dark stories when it doesn’t know the facts. Get the facts rather than feeding negativity with dark speculations.

#5. Establish aggressive deadlines.

Long timelines are the swamps of negative speculations. Aggressive – yet achievable deadlines – lead you away from speculation to action.

Action answers anxiety.

Bonus: Focus on what you want rather than what you don’t want.

How can negative people develop positive attitudes?

Still curious:

How to Overcome Negative Thoughts

15 Reasons Positive Leaders Seem Negative

Here’s a book: The Power of Bad and How to Overcome It.

John David Mann and I invite you to checkout our new book, The Vagrant: The Inner Journey of Leadership.

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This Mental Weight Loss Technique Works 8 Times Faster

How mental imagery can help you lose weight 8 times faster without dieting or exercise.

Mental imagery can boost weight loss significantly, research finds.

Functional Imagery Training (FIT) enabled people to lose 8 times as much weight as those using an alternate talk therapy.

The technique is designed to help people imagine how good it will feel to lose weight.

The imagery training also helped people lose almost two inches from their waistlines.

Surprisingly, people in the study did no extra exercise, nor did they go on a diet.

The mental imagery was designed simply to increase motivation.

It involves people focusing on how they will look and feel after they lose weight.

Dr Linda Solbrig, who led the study, explained the basics:

“We started with taking people through an exercise about a lemon.

We asked them to imagine seeing it, touching it, juicing it, drinking the juice and juice accidentally squirting in their eye, to emphasise how emotional and tight to our physical sensations imagery is.

From there we are able to encourage them to fully imagine and embrace their own goals.

Not just ‘imagine how good it would be to lose weight’ but, for example, ‘what would losing weight enable you to do that you can’t do now? What would that look / sound / smell like?’, and encourage them to use all of their senses.”

There were 141 people in the study who were either given the FIT training or an alternate technique called Motivational Interviewing.

The results revealed that after six months people in the FIT group lost 9 pounds in contrast to just 1.5 pounds in the comparison group.

One year later, people in the FIT group had lost 13 pounds, compared with only 1.5 pounds in the Motivational Interviewing group.

Dr Solbrig explained:

“Most people agree that in order to lose weight, you need to eat less and exercise more, but in many cases, people simply aren’t motivated enough to heed this advice—however much they might agree with it.

So FIT comes in with the key aim of encouraging someone to come up with their own imagery of what change might look and feel like to them, how it might be achieved and kept up, even when challenges arise.”

The study was published in the International Journal of Obesity (Solbrig et al., 2018).

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Continu Review – What Makes Continu Great and Where Continu Falls Short

Learning doesn’t stop when you enter the workforce. In fact, it should only get better. Yet, antiquated learning management systems (LMS) dominate the worlds of employee training, growth, and skill enhancement. Those just won’t cut it in the 21st century. Continu, however, is a modern LMS that allows companies to create engaging workshops for employee training and onboarding, on top of offering methods for customer training, partner education, and compliance.

Continu logo for QuickSprout Continu review. Continu logo for QuickSprout Continu review.

Who Continu Is For

Continu is a learning platform designed for these modern times. Everyone from SMBs to enterprise-grade organizations can use this software to take their training and onboarding to the next level. Whether you need to ramp up new hires, educate customers and stakeholders, or upskill your rock-star employees, Continu provides the tools to create dynamic learning experiences that drive results.

Specifically, Continu shines for companies that want to:

  • Boost employee training and development processes. With its intuitive authoring tools, Continu lets you create courses to grow your team’s skills. Slick interfaces and social features help completion rates stay over 90%, far above the industry average of 40%.
  • Streamline new hire onboarding. You can automate workflows that include bite-sized lessons to get new hires productive faster. Replace tedious paperwork with interactive courses that excite and inform your newest employees.
  • Develop product training to increase customer retention and lifetime value. With Continu, you can tailor learning paths to different customer segments for maximum relevance.
  • Consolidate programs on one platform. Bring together sales, compliance, partner, and regular training on a single system. Continu becomes your centralized hub for managing all learning initiatives, from individuals to teams.


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