Talent Pool Starter Guide: Learn The Basics

Things can get messy when a position opens up within your company, and no one is there to fill it quickly. Building and maintaining a talent pool can help you find the right person for the job without spending too much time and money. Instead of starting from scratch each time a job becomes vacant, you’ll have a list of qualified candidates waiting in the wings. 

What is a Talent Pool?

A talent pool is a carefully managed database of people who possess the skills required to fill potential positions at a company. If you’re a hiring manager or recruiter, talent pools are essential to your recruiting strategy toolkit.

The Society for Human Resource Management estimates that each new hire costs around $4,700—sometimes much more. The hiring process can take weeks, especially for smaller businesses with fewer resources. If you don’t move fast enough on the candidates you love, other companies might hire them first. 

A talent pool helps minimize the costs and resources associated with looking for and hiring new talent. 

By taking the time to curate a talent pool, you’ll be able to enjoy a streamlined hiring process whenever a position becomes vacant. While company policy may require you to post every job opening publicly, you can focus your energy on scanning your talent pool for ideal candidates instead of wading through hundreds of applications. 

Of course, the candidates on your list have to want to be considered. That’s why a critical part of creating a talent pool is maintaining relationships with the people on your list. You’ll also need to make sure your talent pool is more than just a list of names. 

It should include contact information, qualifications, skills, and potential roles each person could fill. If it sounds exhausting to keep track of…

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A Stressful Sign Of Omega-3 Deficiency

Low levels of an omega-3 fatty acid can cause this problem.

Poor sleep can be a sign of omega-3 deficiency, research finds.

Poor sleep can also cause cognitive and behavioural problems and general poor health.

DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) is an omega‐3 fatty acids found in algae, fish and other seafoods and it is a major structural fat in the brain and retina of the eye.

Higher blood levels of DHA are associated with better sleep, fewer sleep disturbances and less parasomnias, including abnormal movements during sleep, nightmares and sleepwalking.

A study on a group of children with poor sleep shows that 16 weeks daily supplementation with 600 mg of DHA from algal sources had considerably restored their sleep.

It also lowered problems like sleep anxiety, resistance to bedtime, and continual waking through the night.

Children who were supplemented with omega-3 DHA had one hour more sleep and seven fewer wake episodes each night.

Low levels of DHA are associated with lower levels of melatonin, a hormone mainly produced in the brain, which regulates the sleep–wake cycle.

The sleep–wake cycle maintains sleep rhythm: leading to going to sleep regularly each night and waking up at a regular time every morning.

Professor Paul Montgomery, lead author of the study,said:

“To find clinical level sleep problems in four in ten of this general population sample is a cause for concern.

Various substances made within the body from omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids have long been known to play key roles in the regulation of sleep.

For example, lower ratios of DHA have been linked with lower levels of melatonin, and that would fit with our finding that sleep problems are greater in children with lower levels of DHA in their blood.”

The balance of omega-3 DHA and omega-6 fatty acid AA (arachidonic acid) in the pineal gland of our brain is important for the regulation of melatonin production.

Increased DHA to omega-6 fatty acid AA ratios increase the secretion of melatonin and so can reduce sleep problems.

Dr Alex Richardson, study co-author, said:

“Previous studies we have published showed that blood levels of omega-3 DHA in this general population sample of 7-9 year olds were alarmingly low overall, and this could be directly related to the children’s behavior and learning.

Poor sleep could well help to explain some of those associations.”

The study was published in the Journal of Sleep Research (Montgomery et al., 2014).

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Performance Management Best Practices Starter Guide: Learn The Basics

Performance management is a term usually used to refer to the process of making sure that employees, activities, and/or outputs in an organization meet their goals. 

It involves things like evaluating employee performance and targets, as well as supporting employee growth and improving employee experience. Good performance management should focus on both company goals and employee satisfaction and should be managed in a positive way, rather than by overworking teams or setting unreasonable goals. 

When done right, performance management can improve productivity, create a strong culture of happiness and trust in a company, and help businesses understand where they need to improve if they want to meet their goals. 

Why is Performance Management Important? 

Good performance management enables employees to perform better because they are being supported, they have good training and instruction, and they are in an environment that encourages growth and new ideas. 

At the same time, it also makes it easier for a business as a whole to meet its goals. When employee performance is good and individual strengths are obvious, it’s easier for managers to put people into roles and teams where they can thrive, which leads to targets being met faster and better overall productivity. 

Without performance management, companies risk employee dissatisfaction, which in turn leads to losing employees, revenue, and profit. Without documented performance management, analyzing and growing from past mistakes is also difficult.  

Best Strategies for Performance Management 

There are a few tried and tested strategies for effective performance management that are helpful to both employees and management teams. Here are some of the top proven strategies for companies to help support employees and meet their goals: 

Holding Frequent Performance Meetings 

Having frequent meetings between managers and employees is important for setting and meeting goals, but also for catching any problems before they…

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Episode 1925 Scott Adams PART2: How Much Should You Trust The Arizona Election? Can Trump Get Elected Now?

Episode 1925 Scott Adams PART2: How Much Should You Trust The Arizona Election? Can Trump Get Elected Now?


  • Arizona voting system
  • President Trump, Ivanka & Jared
  • GOP getting a beating over midterm results
  • Did Trump’s influence help or hurt midterms?
  • What group is most hurt by democrat policies?
  • Safer alternatives for drug users?
  • If you would like to enjoy this same content plus bonus content from Scott Adams, including micro-lessons on lots of useful topicsto build your talent stack, please see scottadams.locals.com for full access to that secret treasure.

Podcast: Play in new window | Download

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7 Examples of Professional Development Goals

Setting actionable professional development goals is invaluable for career progression. However, these goals impact many more areas of your professional life, including increasing productivity, clarifying your career path, improving job satisfaction, and becoming a better employee. Of course, the professional development goals you choose depend on your career aspirations.

You can identify reasonable individual goals by deciding where you want to be in five to ten years. Alternatively, you can use the results of your performance review to identify areas for improvement. Finally, ensure your goals are SMART: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. This post covers examples of the most common professional development goals. 

1. Do Your Job Better 

Setting professional development goals can be intimidating, requiring both time and money. However, you don’t need to have your entire career path mapped to identify relevant goals. Instead, you can start where you are with what you have—that is, learn to do your current job better. 

Workplace skills, also known as employability skills, refer to the basic proficiency or know-how required to perform your daily tasks at the workplace. These skills are often transferable, meaning they are still valuable even when you leave for a different company or start your own business. 

Focusing on the skills related to your current job or position is essential. For example, learning a new language might help you communicate better with a particular client demographic. Similarly, improving your public speaking skill can help you make more impactful and exciting presentations. 

Don’t worry if you don’t know where to start. Your most recent job evaluation can help you identify specific areas to improve. Some valuable workplace skills worth improving include:

  • Communication 
  • Management 
  • Problem-solving 
  • Organization 
  • Self-regulation 
  • Time management 
  • Teamwork

Developing your workplace skills offers some of the best returns on investment. For example, you’ll…

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Weight Loss: The Most Effective Technique To Shed Belly Fat

The technique helps to break down fats, effectively melting them away.

The best way to shed belly fat is through exercise, a study finds.

More belly fat is lost by people doing exercise than those taking medications designed for weight loss.

A molecule called interleukin-6 is released by exercise.

This helps to break down fats, effectively melting them away.

Dr Anne-Sophie Wedell-Neergaard, the study’s first author, said:

“The take home for the general audience is ‘do exercise’.

We all know that exercise promotes better health, and now we also know that regular exercise training reduces abdominal fat mass and thereby potentially also the risk of developing cardio-metabolic diseases.”

The research included 53 people who exercised for 45 minutes, several times a week.

The results showed that belly fat was reduced by an average of 8 percent in those who did exercise.

Some people were given a drug that blocks the action of interleukin-6.

The results showed that this group put on weight, suggesting that interleukin-6 is important for weight loss.

Dr Wedell-Neergaard said:

“To our knowledge, this is the first study to show that interleukin-6 has a physiological role in regulating visceral fat mass in humans.”

Unfortunately, there is no food or combination of foods, that have been found to get rid of belly fat.

However, diet and exercise can both help.

Eating healthily is also beneficial for general health, reducing the risk of dementia, cancer and other diseases.

Dr Wedell-Neergaard said:

“It is important to stress that when you start exercising, you may increase body weight due to increased muscle mass.

So, in addition to measuring your overall body weight, it would be useful, and maybe more important, to measure waist circumference to keep track of the loss of visceral fat mass and to stay motivated.”

The study was published in the journal Cell Metabolism (Wedell-Neergaard et al., 2018).

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5 Strategies for Growing Your Business Through Digital Marketing

Digital marketing is a powerful way to connect with more people who are interested in what you have to offer. Growing your business through digital marketing can help you reach your ultimate goal: more revenue.

In fact, a study by StrategyR revealed that the compound annual growth rate of digital marketing from 2020-2026 is projected at 13.9%. This means more businesses will be embracing digital marketing and reaping its benefits.

Do you really want to be left behind?

A digital marketing strategy directs your focus to certain targets, priorities, resources, and actions, usually over the long haul. These strategies enable you to achieve your primary objectives and aim for next-level growth.

Read on and learn the five strategies that will help you in growing your business through digital marketing.

5 Strategies for Growing Your Business Through Digital Marketing

Here are the top five digital marketing strategies you can use to build your business.

1. Maintain an Active Social Presence

If you want to grow your business using digital marketing, it’s important to establish a solid online presence on social media and search engines. And an active one at that.

According to recent estimates by Statista, more than 4.26 billion people used social media in 2021, which is expected to rise to nearly six billion by 2027.

When you maintain an active online presence on social media, you’ll be able to attract attention to your company without making a huge financial investment.

Sharing valuable engaging content on social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn is a great way to gain more online exposure.

Here are a few other ways to maintain an active online presence:

  • Keep up with the latest trends on social media
  • Regularly update your website’s blog and share it on social media
  • Create and share product demo videos

You can also put up captivating infographics that exhibit distinctive ways of establishing the relevance of your business and brand.

However, it’s important not to spread yourself too thin by joining every social media platform out there.

Stick to the channels where your target customers are most likely to be active. In doing so, you’ll be able to maximize the impact of your digital marketing efforts.

2. Recognize and Respond to all Consumer Feedback and Reviews

According to BrightLocal, more consumers are reading online reviews than ever before. In 2021, 77% of them always or regularly read them when browsing for local businesses (up from 60% in 2020).

Customer feedback and reviews are great as they can help with customer experience management. You can easily figure out what they need from their reviews and make the required improvements.

Additionally, responding to positive and negative reviews can also help you manage the perception of your business.

And that’s why you should prioritize learning how to respond to both good and negative customer feedback.

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The Heart of Time Management

The Heart of Time Management

Everything feels urgent to a person without priorities.

You master life when you master time management.

When everything is a priority, you run around with your hair on fire.

Time management begins with knowing what's important. Image of a daily planner.Time management begins with knowing what's important. Image of a daily planner.

The heart of time management:

One simple question is the heart of time management. What is your priority today? The question takes several forms.

  1. What’s the one thing you must complete today?
  2. When this day is over, what will you be proud you did? (Think beyond day-to-day urgencies.)
  3. What commitment do you have that enables you to say no?
  4. Where will you focus your best time and energy today?
  5. What’s important today?

A new agenda item:

You can’t manage time until you know what’s important.

In weekly team meetings ask, “What are your priorities this week?” In one-on-ones ask, “What are your priorities?”

Meetings that focus on last week’s performance are half done. What are next week’s priorities?

When people list 10 or 15 priorities, they don’t have priorities.

When someone declares a priority, it’s permission for others to ask about it. How are you doing with your priorities this week?

Anything that displaces a priority is valued more than a priority. What would you say to someone who displaces meaningful work with low-impact activity?

Putt off low impact activities so you can do what matters. Image of a squirrel. Putt off low impact activities so you can do what matters. Image of a squirrel.

Why time management takes courage:

It takes courage to say everything isn’t a priority today. I wonder if leaders are afraid to identify priorities because they have to do everything.

Priorities rank to-dos. Do you have courage to say most of the important things on your list aren’t a priority today?

Leaders who lack priorities carry to-dos forward for weeks. Anything on your to-do list that’s been there for a month or two needs to be erased. Forget about it.

A priority is something that best expresses mission, vision, and values today.

What makes time management so challenging?

How do you set priorities?

More practical suggestions:

Successful Time Management isn’t about Getting More Done

Multitasking Makes you Stupid: Single-Tasking is Smarter

20 Time Management Tips for Professionals

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