The Vitamin That Reduces COVID-19 Risk By 50%

A sufficient level of this vitamin could halve the risk of catching coronavirus and protect COVID-19 patients from the worst of the disease.

Vitamin D supplementation reduces the risk of COVID-19 infection and the severity of the disease, if it is caught, research finds.

Professor Michael Holick, study co-author, said:

“Because vitamin D deficiency and insufficiency is so widespread in children and adults in the United States and worldwide, especially in the winter months, it is prudent for everyone to take a vitamin D supplement to reduce risk of being infected and having complications from COVID-19.”

A blood level of 30 nanogram per millilitre of vitamin D has been shown to protect patients with COVID-19 against complications and death, as well as reducing the risk of getting ill by a large amount.

According to a study, COVID-19 patients with adequate levels of 25-hydroxyvitamin D are less likely to have severe clinical problems from the illness.

These outcomes include hypoxia — poor oxygen supply to the body — being unconscious, and death.

25-hydroxyvitamin D is produced in the liver and it is a major form of vitamin D3 and vitamin D2.

Also, patients with a sufficient amount of vitamin D have higher levels of lymphocytes, a type of white blood cell which fights infection, and their blood shows a lower level of C-reactive protein, an inflammatory indicator.

Professor Holick said:

“This study provides direct evidence that vitamin D sufficiency can reduce the complications, including the cytokine storm (release of too many proteins into the blood too quickly) and ultimately death from COVID-19.”

The study examined 235 hospitalized coronavirus patients to see if serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels can change the severe clinical outcomes from the disease.

Vitamin D status, numbers of lymphocytes, and C-reactive protein were analysed from patient’s blood samples.

The patients were also checked for severity of the infection, breathing difficulties, unconsciousness and hypoxia.

The analysis showed that patients with a blood level of at least 30 ng/mL of 25-hydroxyvitamin D had a 52 percent higher chance of surviving the infection than those with lower levels of vitamin D.

Professor Holick, in a recent study, revealed that an adequate amount of vitamin D can lower the odds of becoming infected with COVID-19 by 54 percent.

Vitamin D sufficiency helps to overcome the coronavirus disease and other types of upper respiratory infections such as influenza.

Professor Holick pointed out:

“There is great concern that the combination of an influenza infection and a coronal viral infection could substantially increase hospitalizations and death due to complications from these viral infections.”

Vitamin D is a cheap but effective way to boost people’s immune system against the virus and can decrease health-related issues such as needing ventilatory support and immune system overactivity resulting in cytokine storm.

The study was published in the journal PLOS ONE  (Maghbooli et al., 2020).

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4 Easy Steps You Can Take To Become A Digital Marketer [VIDEO]

You’ve waited long enough. Whether you’re a marketing firm owner, small business owner, or marketing professional, it’s time to address the elephant in the room: everything concerning digital marketing is expanding and evolving, and you DON’T want to get left behind.

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DigitalMarketer is the premier online community for digital marketing professionals. It’s a place where you can learn how to market like a pro, connect with industry experts, and get the strategies and tools you need to grow and scale your business to new heights.

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The Beginner’s Guide to Business Ideas for College Students

Maybe you dream of being the next Jeff Bezos or Mark Zuckerberg and striking it rich with your college business idea. Or perhaps you are just looking for a way to make extra cash between classes. Whatever the case, entrepreneurship is a challenging but potentially lucrative task to mix with school projects and commitments. It is definitely possible to come up with a viable business idea while still in college. You may even be able to live out your entrepreneurship dream after graduation and skip the 9-5 grind altogether.

What Are the Advantages of Starting a Business in College?

If you’re toying with the idea of starting a business in college, you’ll need more than a vague dream of becoming an entrepreneur to see you through. College is already demanding enough. Starting a business on the side means giving up nights out, funneling any spare money to your project, and juggling multiple responsibilities. So, why go through the trouble of starting your business now rather than after you graduate?

First off, starting your business in college will give you a head start. This is especially true if you have entrepreneurial dreams after graduation. There’s a lot that goes into the planning stages of a business. You’ll need to create a business plan, do market research, estimate turnover and profit margins, choose a business name, and create a business entity. Starting a business in college lays the groundwork for your future empire, allowing you to scale your business after college.

College also offers bountiful resources that you would need to pay out of pocket in the real world. You have access to IT and printing resources, free internet, one-on-one time with professors and advisors, and business courses and programs. Many universities also offer grants and other financial assistance to student entrepreneurs….

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The Small Change To Diet That Lowers Blood Pressure

A dietary pattern that can reduce blood pressure effectively, even if consumed with some dairy and meat products.

Even less strict plant-based diets containing small amounts of animal products can also lower blood pressure, a review reveals.

Researchers from Warwick Medical School point out that dietary patterns containing higher amounts of plant-based foods, if married to small amounts of animal-based foods such as meat and diary will still reduce blood pressure, heart disease, and stroke.

The team compared seven plant-based diets including the Mediterranean, DASH, vegetarian, high fibre, vegan, high fruit and vegetables, and Nordic.

Several of these diets contained some animal products, but results showed that they exert a similar effect on blood pressure as has been seen in strict vegetarian diets.

High blood pressure is a major risk factor for cardiovascular disease, therefore decreases in blood pressure would have a significant positive impact on public health.

The global death rate and number of diseases caused by poor diets are much higher than excessive drinking, smoking, unsafe sex, and drug abuse put together.

Every year about 5 million death could be prevented by eating a more plant-based diet rich in whole grains, nuts, fruits, vegetables, and seeds.

The research team wanted to see if plant-based diets have to be free from any animal product in order to lower blood pressure sufficiently.

Mr Joshua Gibbs, the study’s first author, said:

“We reviewed 41 studies involving 8,416 participants, in which the effects of seven different plant-based diets (including DASH, Mediterranean, Vegetarian, Vegan, Nordic, high fibre and high fruit and vegetables) on blood pressure were studied in controlled clinical trials.

A systematic review and meta-analysis of these studies showed that most of these diets lowered blood pressure.

The DASH diet had the largest effect reducing blood pressure by 5.53/3.79 mmHg compared to a control diet, and by 8.74/6.05 mmHg when compared to a ‘usual’ diet.

A blood pressure reduction of the scale caused by a higher consumption of plant-based diets, even with limited animal products would result in a 14% reduction in strokes, a 9% reduction in heart attacks and a 7% reduction in overall mortality.

This is a significant finding as it highlights that complete eradication of animal products is not necessary to produce reductions and improvements in blood pressure.

Essentially, any shift towards a plant-based diet is a good one.”

Professor Francesco Cappuccio, study senior author, said:

“The adoption of plant-based dietary patterns would also play a role in global food sustainability and security.

They would contribute to a reduction in land use due to human activities, to global water conservation and to a significant reduction in global greenhouse gas emission.

The study shows the efficacy of a plant-based diet on blood pressure. However, the translation of this knowledge into real benefits to people, i.e. its effectiveness, depends on a variety of factors related to both individual choices and to governments’ policy decisions.

For example, for an individual, the ability to adopt a plant-based diet would be influenced by socio-economic factors (costs, availability, access), perceived benefits and difficulties, resistance to change, age, health status, low adherence due to palatability and…

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How to Start a Tech Support Business

Are you handy with all things tech? Are you the type to talk your friends through their tech issues?

If so, you might want to consider starting your own tech support business.

Don’t worry if you find the idea of turning your skills into an actual business intimidating—starting a business isn’t rocket science (or even computer science). 

It’s just a series of steps, which we’ll take you through below. 

When we’re done, you’ll have the knowledge you need to start your own tech support business!

The Easy Parts of Starting a Tech Support Business

The good news about tech support is that there’s a constant demand. Most companies, even small ones, have a fairly steady stream of technology-related issues. And with new technology coming on the scene practically every day, that’s unlikely to change anytime soon. If you can establish yourself as a reliable and effective service provider, you should be able to find steady, well-paid work.

Also, as a tech-savvy person, you have the advantage of being, well, tech-savvy. You’re less likely than other people to be intimidated by the technological parts of creating a company, like building a website, installing business software, or setting up a business phone line. 

The Difficult Parts of Starting a Tech Support Business

The most difficult part of starting a tech support business often isn’t either the technology or the business. Sometimes it’s the people. Often, you’re dealing with clients who are frustrated, pressed for time, and maybe even feel a little foolish that they can’t figure a particular problem out themselves. People in those situations can be cranky and may take their frustrations out on you. It’s important to develop patience, tact, and a thick skin.

As far as the work itself goes, setting up a business is relatively easy, but marketing…

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A Sign Of Vitamin B12 Deficiency On Your Skin

Vitamin B12 can easily be obtained from the diet or by supplementation.

Around one-quarter of people may be deficient in vitamin B12, research finds.

White spots appearing on the skin can be a sign of vitamin B12 deficiency.

The spots are often found on the outside of the forearm, although they may be in other places as well.

Over time these can become flaky and expose raw spots of flesh.

The reason vitamin B12 can cause these spots is because it can lead to low melatonin.

When melatonin is absent in the area, the white spots are left.

Other, more common signs of vitamin B12 deficiency include feeling tired, experiencing muscle weakness and being constipated.

Vitamin B12 can either be obtained from the diet or by supplementation.

Foods that contain high levels of vitamin B12 include dairy, liver, salmon and eggs.

For the study, 1,079 adults in Germany had their vitamin B12 levels measured.

More than one-quarter were deficient in vitamin B12, the results showed.

More than half were also deficient in vitamin D.

Ms Romy Conzade, the study’s first author, said:

“The results are very clear.

Fifty-two percent of the examined older adults had vitamin D levels below 50 nmol/L and thus had a suboptimal vitamin D status.”

The body uses vitamin B12 to make red blood cells and to keep the nervous system healthy.

Dr. Barbara Thorand, study co-author, said:

“Our study also shows that regular intake of vitamin-containing supplements goes along with improved levels of the respective vitamins.

However, vitamin-containing supplements are not a universal remedy, and particularly older people should watch out for maintaining a healthy and nutritious diet.”

The study was published in the journal Nutrients (Conzade et al., 2017).

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