Gusto Review – How does Gusto stack up?

The benefits of payroll software speak for themselves, but the price tag can be limiting, especially for small businesses.

Gusto offers some of the most affordable plans on the market and transparent pricing.

You even get a generous serving of HR features to complement your payroll processing.

Is Gusto the payroll service for you? How does it measure up to the competition?

This review covers everything you might need to know about Gusto before you open your wallet.

Gusto Pros and Cons


  • Very easy to use for beginners
  • Affordable pricing for startups and small businesses
  • Great range of payroll and HR features
  • Unlimited payroll runs
  • No extra charge for filing taxes
  • Transparent pricing


  • Health insurance coverage is limited to 39 states
  • No dedicated payroll specialist
  • The time tracking feature isn’t available with the basic plan
  • You have to pay for all employees, whether or not you pay them

How Gusto Compares to Top Online Payroll Services

Three top contenders for the best payroll services are ADP, Paychex, and OnPay. However, Gusto is still a terrific online payroll service, especially for small businesses or startups. It is arguably the most straightforward software for an absolute beginner. It also comes with a full suite of payroll and HR features, making it worth the cost. For these reasons and more, Gusto made it onto our list of the best payroll services after much research and reviewing.

Gusto Management & Employee Self-Service

Payroll software already makes processing salaries and wages easier. However, things can be even easier with employee self-service. Again, this is an area where Gusto excels at benefiting employers who don’t have a lot of time or resources to deal with personnel paperwork.

With Gusto, you only need to…

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Navigating People-Threats with Confidence

Navigating People-Threats with Confidence

In nature the strong eat the weak. We live in a threatening world. Thankfully, no one is trying to eat you, at least literally.

Threats happen when:

  1. Competitors gain a foothold with your clients.
  2. Boundaries blur and colleagues intrude on your turf.
  3. Someone wants your job.

Malevolent people are bigger threats than difficult circumstances. The most dangerous people smile while they cut you down.

Image of a magnified fly. The more you think about something the bigger it gets.

Navigating people-threats with confidence:

#1. Listen to what people say. Believe what they do.

Threat wants to be perceived as a friend. It approaches with a smile on its lips and a knife behind its back.

#2. Obsessing is natural. Don’t condemn yourself.

Fear demands attention. Before long all you see is fear and all you taste is bitter.

#3. Recurring thoughts are magnifiers.

The more you think about something, the bigger it gets. Yes, take threats seriously, but focus on solution-finding, not catastrophizing.

#4. Agreements aren’t solutions.

Negotiated agreements with a threat might help, but they don’t remove concerns. The enigma of Ronald Regan’s statement comes to mind. “Trust but verify.”

#5. Protecting yourself is only half the battle.

When threatened you tend to build walls to protect your turf. But the walls that keep others out, hold you in. The added question is how you will expand your boundaries and add more value to others.

#6. Reconnect with your best self.

Threat pushes you off center. You forget yourself. When you forget yourself, you are never your best self.

Never let a threat be an excuse to do things you can’t tell momma about.

#7. Grow through, don’t simply push through.

  1. How will you be a better person as a result of growing through a threat?
  2. What’s going to be different about you when this threat is over?
  3. How will you live up to your aspirational self today, not when this is over?

The above list is only a beginning. What suggestions do you have for succeeding when facing people-threats?

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Episode 1473 Scott Adams: All the Headlines With Twice the Sipping. Get in Here. Whiteboard Coming.

Quantcast {{options.learnMore}} {{options.dismiss}}’, ”, ”, ” ], cookieName: ‘dilbert_cookieconsent_dismissed’, readystate: ‘interactive’ }; ]]> Episode 1473 Scott Adams: All the Headlines With Twice the Sipping. Get in Here. Whiteboard Coming. – Scott Adams’ Blog ]]>

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10 Reasons Your Facebook Ads Are Not Delivering (And What to Do About It)

Published an ad but don’t see it getting the reach you expected? Wondering if your Facebook ads are delivering at all?

cover image

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Keep reading for a list of the top reasons why your Facebook ad campaign isn’t delivering and how you can fix it right away.

What does “not delivering” mean on Facebook ads?

“Not delivering” means that your active ads are not being displayed to your target audience. This can happen to new ads or to existing ads that have been delivering in the past.

To see if this is the case for your campaigns, ad sets or ads, check the Delivery column in Ads Manager.

The status “Not delivering” can appear for a variety of reasons. If an issue prevents the ad from being delivered, the sub-status will read “Update required.”

No matter the reason, don’t fret or ditch the campaign. The reason is, more often than not, something maddeningly simple and straightforward to fix.

10 reasons your Facebook ads are not delivering

Here’s a list of the most common reasons your Facebook ads are active but not delivering — and what you can do to set things right.

1. Your ad post is not available

Problem: The post associated with your ad is not available

The Facebook post associated with your ad may have been removed, or you may no longer have permission to view it. Or, you may be using a post that can’t be promoted in an ad.

Your ad might contain an offer/event that has ended/expired, or the product you’re trying to promote couldn’t be found because the product ID is missing or the product set is empty (out of stock or deleted).

Also, Shared posts can’t be boosted by anyone except the owner of the original post.

Fix: Choose a different post or adjust permissions

Depending on the exact reason, you can either:

  • Get permission from the page Admin or Editor.
  • Choose a different Page post.
  • Create a new offer and ad in a different ad set.
  • Review your catalog to see if the product you wish to promote is available.

Once you’ve made the necessary changes, manually toggle the ad set back to active, and the “Update required” sub-status should now be gone.

2. Your spending limit has been reached

Problem: You set a spending limit and forgot about it

Another simple problem that’s easy to forget (but also easy to fix!) is going over your account’s spending limit. Your account spending limit is the overall spending limit you set for the entire ad account. Once the limit is reached, Facebook will stop showing your ads.

Fix: Change, remove, or reset your limit

In Ads Manager, navigate to the Billing & Payment Methods section in Settings.

Facebook ads manager navigational menuFacebook ads manager navigational menu

You will find…

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How to Start an LLC in Ohio

If you’re starting an LLC in Ohio, you’ve come to the right place. 

Running a business is a tall task, but you need to handle the legal formalities with the state before you can operate.

The idea of filling out complicated forms, managing tax compliance, and applying for business licenses can be intimidating for an entrepreneur.

Fortunately, this guide simplifies the LLC registration process in Ohio.

Just follow the tips and steps described in this guide, and you’ll be up and running with ease. 

The Easy Parts of Starting an LLC in Ohio

There are a lot of advantages to starting an LLC in Ohio. If you’re currently operating as a sole proprietor, the LLC formation gives you added liability protection for your business. You can shield your personal assets if the company gets sued or owes money to creditors.

Many entrepreneurs forming an LLC in Ohio worry about the documentation and filing requirements. But this process is hassle-free if you use an online formation service.

ZenBusiness is an excellent option for anyone starting an LLC in Ohio.

With platforms like ZenBusiness, you don’t have to worry about filling out complicated paperwork or filing formation documents with the Ohio secretary of state office. You just need to provide some basic information about your company and what you’ll be doing—ZenBusiness will take care of the rest.

Simplicity and accuracy are two of the main reasons why this service is so helpful.

If you file your Ohio LLC formation paperwork on your own, it’s much more susceptible to errors and mistakes. This will cause delays in the formation process and could push your start date back for months. ZenBusiness ensures that your documents are filed quickly and accurately so you can get to…

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7 Top Strategies that Break the Grip of Self-Inflicted Anxiety

7 Top Strategies that Break the Grip of Self-Inflicted Anxiety

Healthy anxiety rises to face challenge, opportunity, and threat. That tension in your gut means you care. But self-inflected anxiety causes leaders to…

  1. Struggle with decision-making.
  2. Flip flop after making decisions.
  3. View others as threats.
  4. Over-react.
  5. Obsess.

(I’m thinking about anxiety as something we do to ourselves, not anxiety as a disorder* that may need professional treatment.)

Bunny ears sticking out of the grass. The difference between self-reflection and self-absorption is one leads to anxiety.

Looking inward to reflect is necessary for self-awareness and growth. But constantly thinking about yourself contaminates life.

The difference between self-reflection and self-absorption is anxiety.


  1. Reveals who you are.
  2. Empowers healthy decision-making.
  3. Exposes negative patterns before they become destructive habits.
  4. Enables useful service.
  5. Maximizes joyful contribution.

The purpose of self-reflection is expanding capacity to serve.

Self-reflection enables you to escape unhealthy navel gazing.


  1. Replaces self-refection by focusing on what’s happening to you.
  2. Disempowers decision-making.
  3. Reinforces negative patterns until they become destructive habits.
  4. Disables useful service.
  5. Prevents joyful contribution.

A person absorbed with themself feels frustrated and offended when you don’t focus on them.

Healthy leaders think, “It’s all about others.” Sick leaders believe they’re the center of the universe.

7 top strategies that break the grip of self-inflicted anxiety:

  1. Turn inward so you can turn outward. Turning inward is a means to an end, not an end in itself.
  2. Take care of yourself so you can take care of others. Healthy habits keep anxiety at bay. Rest. Have fun. Eat good food.
  3. Do something kind, generous, and unexpected every day. If possible, do it for someone who can’t pay you back.
  4. Develop routines.
  5. Engage in things that capture your attention. Engagement cures anxiety. You forget yourself.
  6. Get a friend, mentor, or coach that helps you process and get outside yourself.
  7. Do something physical. Take a walk in the park.

There’s more to self-inflicted anxiety than what I’ve written.

What causes self-inflected anxiety?

How might leaders break the grip of self-inflicted anxiety?

*Anxiety Disorders: Types, Causes, Symptoms & Treatments (

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The Personality Trait Linked To Living Longer

Certain personality traits predict how long you will live.

People who are persistent and careful live the longest lives, research finds.

Surprisingly, to live a long life you don’t need to be particularly happy.

In fact, the people you might expect to live longest — cheerful, happy-go-lucky types — actually have the shortest lives.

The reason is that cheerful, laid-back people tend to be more careless about their health.

Persistent and conscientious people, though, get that check-up and are more committed to their work.

The conclusions come from a study that originally included 1,500 smart children.

They were followed from when they were 10-years-old in 1921.

Professor Howard S. Friedman, the study’s first author, said:

“Probably our most amazing finding was that personality characteristics and social relations from childhood can predict one’s risk of dying decades later.”

Namely, being conscientious predicted a long life, explained Professor Leslie R. Martin, study co-author:

“…participants who were the most cheerful and had the best sense of humor as kids lived shorter lives, on average, than those who were less cheerful and joking.

It was the most prudent and persistent individuals who stayed healthiest and lived the longest.”

The study also found that people who were the most committed to their jobs lived the longest.

Productive people lived longer than their more laid-back peers.

Professor Friedman said:

“…we found that as a general life-orientation, too much of a sense that ‘everything will be just fine’ can be dangerous because it can lead one to be careless about things that are important to health and long life.

Prudence and persistence, however, led to a lot of important benefits for many years.

It turns out that happiness is not a root cause of good health.

Instead, happiness and health go together because they have common roots.”

Some other pointers for a long life from the study included:

  • Help others: it can lengthen your life.
  • Avoid getting divorced if you are a man. Women, though, do just as well without their husbands.
  • Don’t start formal schooling too soon — early play is important.
  • Do work hard and stay committed to what you do.

It’s never too late to make a change, said Professor Martin:

“Thinking of making changes as taking ‘steps’ is a great strategy.

You can’t change major things about yourself overnight.

But making small changes, and repeating those steps, can eventually create that path to longer life.”

The research was published in The Longevity Project: Surprising Discoveries for Health and Long Life from the Landmark Eight Decade Study (Friedman & Martin, 2011).

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How to Create an Effective Branding Campaign That Inspires a Movement

Brand is the perception of your company in the eyes of the world. It’s shorthand for who and what you are. 

Getting branding right gives people a reason to love you, which they’ll reward with loyalty. Getting it wrong, however, can create an impression you may never be able to change.

In this article, you’ll learn what’s required to create a branding campaign that strikes the right chord. We’ll look at the importance of strategy and cover the key ingredients a campaign needs to increase brand awareness. We’ll also give you creative fuel by breaking down how Lemonade has used branding to disrupt the market.

Branding strategy is more than a series of gimmicks

When we start in business one of the first things we’re encouraged to do is nail the branding: come up with a memorable brand name, a good logo, and a striking visual brand identity. These elements are important in making you recognizable. 

If you were to show a group of people the Apple logo, most would associate it with Apple the tech company and not a Red Delicious. The same goes for all of the major tech and consumer companies in the world: Facebook, Starbucks, McDonald’s, Coca-Cola, Nike, etc. 

If people see your name or logo and instantly know who you are, you’ve done a great job of creating the tangible aspects of your brand. 

But it’s what people feel when they see your brand that matters. 

Reading the company names we just mentioned probably triggered feelings and associations in you. These feelings are called brand associations; the stronger the brand association, the more likely a consumer will buy from you.

As companies, we don’t directly control these feelings. They’re intangible and personal to each individual. But we can indirectly influence them. In fact, everything we do influences how people feel, for better or worse.

This is where a good brand strategy comes in. It’s also why campaigns can’t ever be led by gimmicks. 

“Today’s audiences can smell a gimmick. Sometimes, they uncover the baloney within the first line of your ad content. They are more aware of marketing gimmicks than ever before. And, these potential customers no longer tolerate false promises and astounding claims. Instead, consumers want transparency and honesty from brands.”

– Steve Olenski [via Forbes]

Brand strategy helps influence how people perceive your brand. It maps out where you’re headed and helps you work out what (and what not) to do. It carries you into every campaign knowing the message you need to get across and how to say it. 

“A good definition of brand strategy is the considered intent for the positive role a company wants to play in the lives of the people it serves and the communities around it.”

– Neil Parker, Chief Strategy Officer at Co: Collective [via Branding Mag]

It also gives your brand the robust foundations to handle scrutiny and bounce back if ever you…

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JazzHR Review – How does JazzHR stack up?

JazzHR’s primary focus is helping small to medium-sized businesses attract and hire candidates.

It’s our top recruiting software pick for applicant tracking needs, but it has helpful onboarding features as well. 

With JazzHR, employers can promote their brand using company websites, branded messaging, and social media channels. 

JazzHR users can also automate communication with candidates and generate insightful performance reports. 

This software doesn’t come with a free plan, but it includes a 21-day free trial and affordable pricing options.

JazzHR Pros and Cons


  • Employer Branding
  • Unlimited Open Jobs (with select plans)
  • Applicant Tracking Features
  • Affordable Pricing Options
  • Onboarding Tools
  • Insightful Reporting


  • Lack of Agency Features
  • No Free Plan
  • Absence of Phone Support (with most plans)

How JazzHR Compares to Top Recruiting Software

With features that include automated tasks, collaborative hiring, and employer branding, JazzHR is the best recruiting software for applicant tracking. It is best for small to mid-sized businesses looking to hire in one location, and it has additional tools that help with onboarding. 

JazzHR made our list of the Best Recruiting Software for its applicant tracking capabilities, but there are other products worth mentioning. Breezy HR is the best tool for unlimited job postings, and it includes a free plan for users posting only one job at a time. Workable starts at a higher price, but it is the best tool for recruiting at scale. 

JazzHR In-House vs. Agency Solutions

You should always differentiate whether a recruiting software is meant for in-house use or agencies. JazzHR has options for both. While its standard plans are suited to small to mid-sized businesses, it has high-volume plans that include tools for recruitment agencies. The high-volume plans cost more, but it may be worth it if you’re with an…

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The 5 Key Resilience Traits You Need Right Now

Photo by SHaHraM Anhari on Unsplash

This message is excerpted from the book Life Coaching for Successful Women: Powerful Questions, Practical Answers by Valorie Burton.

Research shows that resilient people think differently. They have a set of skills – sometimes learned, other times innate – that allow them to persevere, manage stress, and triumph in the face of challenges. In the midst of your current challenges, which of the five traits of resilient people is it time to lean on?

1. They are authentic.
Resilient people are at peace with their humanity. Perhaps it is because their mistakes along the way have humbled them, or life experiences have helped them accept their own vulnerability, but resilient people don’t let imperfections hinder them. They don’t think failing makes them a failure. They learn as they go, making course corrections that lead them to positive outcomes.

As a leader, your ability to navigate challenges and lead effectively in an uncertain environment can set you apart and positively influence those you lead. Your team looks to you for clues about how to respond in these ever-changing times. Organizations that thrive with change are those who have high psychological capital – a workforce that has the resilience to see the big picture, embrace a new vision, and work together to persevere towards it.

2. They are flexible thinkers.
Even if they initially struggle with negative thoughts, resilient people are self-aware enough to notice when their thinking is counterproductive. They don’t jump to conclusions or make assumptions. Instead, they gather the facts they need to move around obstacles and face challenges head-on. If something isn’t working, they make adjustments. They find aspects of the challenge that are within their control, and they exercise that control.

3. They are (mostly) optimistic.
It’s hard to bounce back from setbacks when you see every obstacle as the end of the world. Research shows that optimists live as much as nine years longer than pessimists. But it isn’t just about positive thinking. Resilient people see risks and take precautions to prevent problems. When faced with a challenge, they are more likely to say, “I can get through this.”

4. They reach out.
Resilient people don’t go it alone. They have close friends and are not too proud to ask for help when they need it, talk out problems, or help others in need. When faced with a stressful situation, just knowing you have support can alleviate the pressure.

5. They use their strengths.
Everyone has innate talents and strengths. When faced with a challenge, there is power in tapping into those strengths – the things that come naturally to you. It takes less energy to use your strengths – and, in fact, you are energized by them. Know what your strengths are and use them.

Coach Yourself

Of the five key resilient traits, which do you possess in abundance? What is an example of a time…

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