Weekend Update: 8/16/2021 to 8/20/2021

Weekend Update: 8/16/2021 to 8/20/2021

Three things I’m noticing.

  1. Organizations revert to past strategies and former leaders when the goal is stability.
  2. When personal agendas conflict with organizational mission relationships are weapons and progress slows to a crawl.
  3. Vision answers complaints. But complaints capture the imagination of people who don’t have vision.

Now, here’s a quick recap of this weeks posts.

Image of a little girl looking through a heart-shaped hole in a fense.


Passive patience disappoints.

5 ways grace exceeds patience.

  1. Patience withholds. Grace gives.
  2. Patience permits. Grace provides.
  3. Patience tolerates. Grace innovates.
  4. Patience is restraint. Grace is intervention.
  5. Patience is reactive. Grace is proactive.

Generosity with strings is manipulation. Kindness that imposes obligation is barter.

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Image of a man facing an elephant.


A car that won’t start requires root cause analysis. But people development and culture building may not.

Don’t focus on what you can’t do and don’t have.

The challenge is doing something today in service of incremental improvement.

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Image of three giraffes that look like they are talking to each other.


Open-minded leadership is a pernicious waste of time when you lose sight of outcomes. So how can you open your mind without wasting time on useless conversations?

Conversations need boundaries to deliver useful results.

Direction is protection for an open mind.

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Image of a green field of hay with scattered red poppies.


Fools make simple things complicated.

  1. Complexity leads to confusion.
  2. Confusion produces anxiety.
  3. Anxiety creates insecurity.
  4. Insecurity leads to stagnation.

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Image of lightbulbs with one bright.


Apart from curiosity, leaders…

  1. Feel defensive.
  2. Need obedient minions.
  3. Seldom connect.
  4. Tend to manipulate.

Smart people practice curiosity. Everyone else gets dumb and dumber.

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Weight Loss: A Half Cup Of This Food Reduces Belly Fat

Reduce your belly fat 10 percent with a half cup of this food.

Lowering sugar consumption by about one can of soda and adding one half-cup of fibre-rich foods daily reduces abdominal fat and type 2 diabetes risk.

A study has found that decreasing about 47 grams of sugar intake per day — equivalent to a can of soda — lowers insulin secretion, on average, by 33 percent.

Increasing fibre intake by 5 grams a day — the amount in a half cup of beans — results in a 10 percent reduction of belly fat.

Visceral fat is a type of body fat stored within the abdominal area and internal organs.

This type of fat causes abdominal obesity and is also associated with several health problems, like type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and cancer.

Dr Emily Ventura and colleagues conducted a 16-week study on overweight Latino adolescents who were between 12 to 19 years old.

They tested if increasing fiber consumption and decreasing sugar intake have an effect on type 2 diabetes risk factors.

The study’s authors wrote:

“A reduction in visceral fat indicates a reduction in risk for type 2 diabetes, considering that to a greater degree than total body fat, visceral fat [fat surrounding the internal organs] has been shown to be negatively associated with insulin sensitivity.”

Those who increased fiber intake had a significant reduction in body mass index (-2 percent vs. 2 percent) and visceral adipose tissue (-10 percent vs. no change) compared with those who decreased fiber intake.”

Being overweight or obese are serious issues affecting adults and children around the world.

The World Health Organization reports that in 2016 over 1.9 billion adults were overweight and more than 650 million adults were obese.

The authors of this study wrote:

“Our results suggest that intensive interventions may not be necessary to achieve modifications in sugar and fiber intake.

Accordingly, nutritional guidance given in the primary care or community setting may be sufficient to promote the suggested dietary changes in some individuals.

In addition, policies that promote reduced intake of added sugar and increased intake of fiber could be effective public health strategies for the prevention of type 2 diabetes in this high-risk population.”

The study was published in the Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine (Ventura et al., 2009).

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Apparently the Anonymous Chatting App Yik Yak is Back

The time of life when Yik Yak was in it’s prime feels like a fever dream. College campuses used this app like it was Gossip Girl. You could find out about social gatherings, tips on people in your community, gossip … It was a completely unregulated anonymous Twitter. Which ended up being as chaotic as it sounds.  

The Haps

Yik Yak was a community based social media app, but it was 100% anonymous. You could post to your communities (mainly college campuses) anonymously to find things like parties, or a blacklist of your classmates. Posts were visible in a 5 mile radius of the poster. During the peak of its popularity in 2014, the company was valued at around $400 million. 

“We’re bringing Yik Yak back because we believe the global community deserves a place to be authentic, a place to be equal, and a place to connect with people nearby,” the new owners said on the company’s website. The app was brought down four years ago for cyber bullying and hate speech. 

Impact for Marketers

The new company owners are taking a strong stand against threats and abuse. Which makes this the ideal app to post about your company’s events! If your target audience is Gen Z or younger millennials, this could mean big things for your company! A completely free communal page, where you can anonymously post your company and events and make it sound like you’re part of the community instead of an advertising robot. Anonymity gives you access to an entire market without having to pay for influencers with status. 

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How to Start a Clothing Business

There are many great reasons to get into the clothing business.

The apparel market is lucrative, and there is high potential to win financial independence.

A clothing business can also be a great avenue to indulge your creativity and build a brand.

But the route you should take when starting your clothing business isn’t exactly obvious.

In this guide, I’ll take you step-by-step on how to start a new clothing business.  

The Easy Parts of Starting a Clothing Business

Starting a clothing business isn’t necessarily a walk in the park. But some aspects of starting are a lot easier than many people think. For example, creating an online store may sound daunting. But you can set up an operational online store in a day. Plus, you don’t even need any coding experience.

Shopify, an ecommerce platform, lets you easily build an online storefront in just a few steps. And you can migrate your brick-and-mortar store online without missing a beat (if you have one). Shopify also comes with built-in tools to help you develop and execute digital marketing campaigns with zero prior digital marketing experience.

If you’ve never created a business plan before, this task can be intimidating. But, organizations such as the U.S. Small Business Association (SBA) offer comprehensive resources to help you create a business plan. We’ll cover the details of making your business plan in another section. 

Finding a clothing supplier to work with can also be tricky. But, again, there are resources to help you with this step. If you don’t know where to start finding a supplier, there are plenty of free online directories you can use. Some of these directories even vet the suppliers before adding them to the marketplace.

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An anecdote for COVID-19

COVID-19 has wreaked havoc on our lives. We went from a booming economy to great uncertainty almost overnight. We have seen illness, death, job loss, social unrest, increased anxiety, and a loss of normalcy in our lives. We are grieving over many things, including the sense of security many thought we possessed. But the truth is, the only things we can control are our own reactions and attitudes to what is put before us! 

As we start to wind down 2021 and set our mind to a better 2022, I think we should seek to live out the universal commandment to love others.  No matter your faith perspective, the words about love written by the Apostle Paul over 2000 years ago are still very appropriate today. Paul defined love, the verb, in seven key concepts:  to be patient, kind, trusting, truthful, unselfish, forgiving, and dedicated.  In this blog I would like to explore three of the seven words of love that are most needed right now:  being patient, kind, and trusting.   

Be Patient: Have Self-Control in Difficult Situations. Paul says that “Love is patient.” And from what I have observed this year, many of us could be more patient, especially with our words. It seems in 2021, we have lost our ability to have constructive conversations with those of opposing views and opinions.  This is a troubling trend.

Let’s remember that disagreement does not have to equal conflict. With our words, we have the power to stop the negative dialogue that is so prevalent online and off. Let’s return to constructive dialogue. Remember to listen more and talk less (there is a reason we have two ears and only one mouth!) Engage in discussions that seek the truth, always try to find common ground, and in the end, be respectful.  

Be Kind: Show Encouragement and Enthusiasm. My mother taught me that every time we come into contact with people, we can make their day better or we can make their day worse.  Why not make it better? In fact, research shows that the human brain needs five points of encouragement for every point of constructive criticism in order to stay encouraged and positive.  Unfortunately, we seem to remember the negative more than the positive. 

COVID focus and can be very depressing. So, we need to be more encouraging to family, friends, and those around us. Writing notes of encouragement or saying kind words will not only make the day better for others—it will brighten ours, too! 

Be Trusting: Place Confidence in Someone. Years like 2021 make it harder to trust, period.  It is harder to trust our government leaders, to trust the future of our society, and to trust our own judgment. 

If you struggle with trust and hope in the future, try to keep a broad perspective. I would encourage us all to remember there have been many times in history that seemed to have little hope. The Revolutionary War went on for seven endless years with no hope in sight until…

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The Foods That Help You Live Longer

The foods that help you live longer and protect you from cancer and heart disease.

Drinking tea and eating apples, or any flavonoid-rich foods, can shield people from cancer and heart disease, new research finds.

People who have a daily consumption of 500 mg of flavonoids are more likely to live longer and more healthily.

If you eat one orange, one apple, 100 g of broccoli and 100 g of blueberries and have a cup of tea per day, you are guaranteed to obtain 500 mg of flavonoids.

Flavonoids are antioxidants and part of the polyphenol class found in plants and known to have several health benefits and help prevent various diseases.

Apples, cherries, dark chocolate, pears, tea, red wine (due to grapes), cabbage, and berries, including blueberries and strawberries, are good sources of flavonoids.

The discovery of flavonoids’ protective effect on lowering risk of some diseases comes from a new study that looked into the diets of 53,048 Danes over 23 years.

Dr Nicola Bondonno, the study’s lead author, said:

“It’s important to consume a variety of different flavonoid compounds found in different plant based food and drink.

This is easily achievable through the diet: one cup of tea, one apple, one orange, 100g of blueberries, and 100g of broccoli would provide a wide range of flavonoid compounds and over 500mg of total flavonoids”.

They found that those who ate flavonoid-rich foods were protected against cardiovascular and cancer-related diseases.

They also found that daily intake of flavonoid-rich foods had the most protective effect for heavy drinkers and smokers.

These smokers or those who had two standard alcoholic drinks per day were at higher risk of chronic diseases.

The reason is that smoking and alcohol intake can harm blood vessels and cause inflammation to the cells, leading to greater risk of serious diseases.

The potential health benefits of flavonoids are related to their antioxidants having anti-inflammatory effects and their ability to improve blood vessel function.

This may explain why the smokers and drinkers benefited strongly from foods rich in flavonoids.

Dr Bondonno said:

“It’s also important to note that flavonoid consumption does not counteract all of the increased risk of death caused by smoking and high alcohol consumption.

By far the best thing to do for your health is to quit smoking and cut down on alcohol.

We know these kind of lifestyle changes can be very challenging, so encouraging flavonoid consumption might be a novel way to alleviate the increased risk, while also encouraging people to quit smoking and reduce their alcohol intake.”

The study was published in Nature Communications (Bondonnoet al., 2019).

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