7 Lessons from the Naïve Leader

7 Lessons from the Naïve Leader

One day a naïve leader decided to explore the desert. He was smart enough to know he needed water and clothing for protection from the sun. But he didn’t understand all the dangers in the desert.

At the edge of the desert, he was surprised to meet a poisonous snake. But he was excited and didn’t know the snake was deadly.

A naive leader feels excitement when caution is needed. Image of a cobra.A naive leader feels excitement when caution is needed. Image of a cobra.

The snake, with sly reserve, asked, “Where are you going my friend?”

“I’m off to explore the desert,” replied the naïve leader.

“Oh my,” the snake said with mock concern. “Do you know poisonous snakes live in the desert?”

The naïve leader gasped, “I have never seen a poisonous snake. What do they look like?”

The sly snake said, “Look for an animal with four legs, a bushy tail and two black beady eyes. They pretend to be friendly and helpful, but they’re deadly.”

The surprise:

He thanked the sly snake and turned with confidence toward his adventure. But when he turned, the sly snake bit him on his hind end and he died.

7 lessons from the naïve leader who died:

  1. What you don’t know can bite you in the butt.
  2. A naïve leader feels excitement when caution is needed.
  3. Inexperience doesn’t know what it doesn’t know.
  4. Seek advice from several sources.
  5. The person who seems to help might be waiting for you to turn your back.
  6. Passion adds danger to naiveté.
  7. You are never fully prepared for a journey you haven’t taken before. Life is that journey.

What lessons do you see in the story of?

Still curious: The Naive Leader – What Makes You One and How To Avoid It.

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5 Ways to Teach Your Face to Express Your Heart

5 Ways to Teach Your Face to Express Your Heart

Children show their feelings. Leaders learn to do the ‘right’ thing instead of the real thing.

When you hide your heart, you hide yourself.

Dare to be authentic. Express your heart on your face.

You can’t completely hide your heart.

Express your heart: When you hide your heart, you hide yourself. Image of a woman tearing through plastic.Express your heart: When you hide your heart, you hide yourself. Image of a woman tearing through plastic.

4 reasons you don’t express your heart (Some legitimate):

  1. Trust. Perhaps they’ll use your feelings against you.
  2. Protection. You don’t want to burden people with your struggles.
  3. Focus. Sometimes it doesn’t matter how you feel. A job must get done.
  4. Social limitations. It’s not acceptable to share emotions in certain situations.

When you’re hard to read, people assume the worst. They wonder if you care. Years ago, my daughter said, “I think you like to intimidate people.”

Your think face is your stink face.

3 reasons to express your heart:

#1. Create and strengthen connection.

Connection is the foundation of influence. Deep connection requires heart.

When you hide your heart, connection is a fraud.

#2. Enhance the power of listening.

A flat face intimidates people. Empathy invites people to open their heart to you.

When you’re hard to read, people aren’t sure if they can trust you.

#3. Express who you really are.

The things in your heart reflect who you are.

When you hide yourself:

  1. You lose yourself.
  2. People pleasing controls you.
  3. Perspective is twisted.
  4. Health is damaged.

Express your heart. When you hide your heart, connection is a fraud. Image of a swan hiding its face.Express your heart. When you hide your heart, connection is a fraud. Image of a swan hiding its face.

5 ways to teach your face to express your heart:

  1. Reject the notion that being hard to read is a virtue. It makes people uneasy around you.
  2. Focus on the good in your heart. Show concern for people, zeal for performance, interest in development, on your face.
  3. Practice in the mirror. You’d be surprised how sad and serious you usually look.
  4. Overcome feeling like a fake. If you are a flat face, you will feel like a fake when you show your heart.
  5. Never fake what’s in your heart. Be genuine.

How might leaders teach their face to express their heart?

What concerns you about teaching your face to express your heart?

Still curious? Leading From the Heart

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6 Ways to Make Leadership Meaningful

6 Ways to Make Leadership Meaningful

Dedicated leaders tend to lose themselves to work. They end up frustrated, drained, and burned out.

Take the helm of your leadership journey. Don’t let others drive your life.

Life is too precious to squander it on things that don’t matter to you.

Make leadership matter. Life is too precious to squander it on things that matter to you. Image of a drain.Make leadership matter. Life is too precious to squander it on things that matter to you. Image of a drain.

#1. Align definitions:

Define how you make leadership meaningful for yourself. When your definition of meaningful leadership collides with your boss’s definition:

  1. Discuss and explore options.
  2. Redefine ‘meaningful leadership’.
  3. Find a job that brings fulfillment.

#2. Include how:

The deliverables of your job aren’t negotiable:

  1. Reach the numbers.
  2. Communicate vision.
  3. Recognize achievement.
  4. Provide feedback.
  5. Challenge apathy.
  6. Expose elephants.
  7. Move the agenda forward.

You make leadership meaningful when you control how you do your job.

Open your door and your heart. Image of an open door to the ocean from the desert.Open your door and your heart. Image of an open door to the ocean from the desert.

#3. 6 ways to make leadership meaningful:

  1. Create growth opportunities. How will you deliver results and grow at the same time?
  2. Shift from commander to coach. How will you help others grow and achieve results?
  3. Open your door and your heart. How will you create and strengthen relationship?
  4. Clarify purpose. How will you bring your story to work?
  5. Maximize strengths. How will you spend most of your time doing what you do best?
  6. Express values. Work you don’t value leaves you drained. How will you clarify your values?

Added resource: It’s the Manager

#4. Results when you make leadership meaningful:

You know you’re doing something meaningful when:

  1. You want to do it again.
  2. The joy of improving outweighs dissatisfaction.
  3. People are drawn to you.
  4. Feeling tired at the end of the day is fulfilling. You’re glad you did what you did.
  5. People find focus when you show up. Meaningful leadership energizes you and others to do the ‘right’ things.

You’re engaged in meaningful leadership when life is more about get-to than have-to.

Meaningful leadership brings satisfaction – even when it’s difficult – to you and value to others.

How might leaders make leadership meaningful?

What drains leadership of meaning?

The Simplest Way to Have a Meaningful Day

3 Things that Make a MEANINGFUL Vision

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5 Awesome Ways to Energize Your Day

5 Awesome Ways to Energize Your Day

One of the five factors of well-being is energy to get things done.

You die a slow death when you don’t energize your day. Vacation might help but those who neglect their energy insult their potential.

You are responsible for your energy.

Problems seem smaller, people seem less irritating, and the future looks brighter when you feel energized.

Energize your day: Those who neglect their energy insult their potential. Image of a rusty car covered with dead leaves.Energize your day: Those who neglect their energy insult their potential. Image of a rusty car covered with dead leaves.

Arrogance and fatigue:

Arrogance believes it’s above the rules. The cycle of depletion and renewal cannot be ignored. The unalterable law of energy cannot be violated.

The person who neglects their energy dissolves resolve and dilutes opportunity.

5 ways to energize your day:

#1. Shift your thinking about challenges.

Nagging problems never end.

  1. Avoid setting random deadlines.
  2. Determine what progress looks like today.
  3. Adapt to changing situations. Failing to reach an irrelevant goal is success.
  4. Choose what matters to you.

#2. Establish a routine.

Predictability strengthens focus. Develop morning and evening routines.

#3. Break a routine.

You’re stuck when you don’t alter routines.

Personal energy is more important than skill, talent, or resources. Image of a lightbulb burning out.Personal energy is more important than skill, talent, or resources. Image of a lightbulb burning out.

#4. Finish everything on your to-do list.

A thousand to-dos drain you. Finish stuff.

“The key to getting through challenges is to not worry about tomorrow but to win today.” John Gordon

Create a to-do list you can complete today.

#5. Reject frivolous optimism.

Life isn’t Disneyland and leadership isn’t a walk in the park. Some days you’ll wonder if it’s worth it.

Many things that suck the life out of you aren’t worth it.

Expectations that drain you:

  1. Things should be easier. Things that matter are usually harder than you think.
  2. Happiness and fulfillment aren’t the same thing. You can be sad and fulfilled at the same time.
  3. People should appreciate you. People don’t appreciate how much work it takes to excel at any meaningful activity.

Personal energy is more important than skill, talent, or resources.

What simple daily practice might energize your day?

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24 Ways to Challenge People Without being a Jerk-Hole

24 Ways to Challenge People Without being a Jerk-Hole

Performance is about rigorous standards, high expectations, clear goals, and providing support.

Challenge people and be tenderhearted.

“The best leaders are toughminded on standards and tenderhearted with people.” Doug Conant

Challenge people to challenge themselves. Image of a rock climber.Challenge people to challenge themselves. Image of a rock climber.

24 ways to challenge people without being a jerk-hole:

  1. Like people. Leaders who dislike people become self-affirming jerk-holes.
  2. Build on progress. Don’t nitpick success. Challenge people to press forward.
  3. Notice strengths and encourage growth. Challenge people by committing to growth and development. Be supportive by noticing strengths.
  4. Respect contribution and set high standards. Don’t tolerate drifting. Say, “You have more in you.”
  5. Build momentum by honoring wins, not complaining. Chronic complainers drain people.
  6. Fight-for more than you fight-against.
  7. Listen attentively. Judge slowly.
  8. Inquire about meaningful issues. Get beyond the weather. Explore dreams and aspirations.
  9. Correct optimistically. Challenge people to challenge themselves.
  10. Set high standards and pull-with.
  11. Brag about others. Bragging is good when it’s about others.
  12. Receive help. People love to be helpful as long as it’s appreciated.
  13. Forget about small irritations.
  14. Don’t make excuses for yourself or others.
  15. Practice self-love and challenge yourself. Self-love gone bad is self-indulgent and hypocritical.
  16. Exude quiet confidence. Don’t put yourself down. Centeredness makes you inspirational.
  17. Tell the truth with kindness. Don’t dance around issues.
  18. Remember names.
  19. Notice when people light up. People learn about themselves when you say, “Your eyes just lit up. What’s going on for you?”
  20. Seek the best interest of others.
  21. Don’t speak with defensiveness.
  22. Laugh. Humor is attractive and contagious. Laugh at yourself. Laugh with others.
  23. Teach your face to express your heart. It takes more muscles to frown but it’s usually easier than smiling.
  24. Open the blinds. Let yourself be seen, warts and all as long as you’re committed to improve. Share a little about yourself. Engage in friendly banter.

Which of the above practices could you implement today?

What would you add to the above list?

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Going from Zero to Hero

My antivirus software license had expired and the company emailed me to let me know. The email said I could renew and upgrade my software online.

While I was downloading the upgrade, the process froze my computer. I couldn’t get it restarted correctly. I couldn’t get is started at all. My computer formerly working well was now incapacitated by a software upgrade for which I’d paid.

Over the next several days I spoke with or emailed with eight different customer service employees at that company (I used my other computer, a laptop). Every one of those employees took action.

The ones I spoke with by phone told me exactly what to do. I did it, and my computer was still broke.

Those who emailed gave instructions for me to follow. I followed those instructions and my computer still didn’t work. There was lots of activity, but no solution from the provider.

Desperate, I finally hired a consultant to fix my computer. It cost me $250, more than three times the cost of the antivirus software upgrade.

When I think about the employees at that software company and their help in resolving my problem, they were zeros. Interestingly, they all took action. But they still failed.

Why? What would enable any one of them to go from zero to hero?

Many managers don’t understand the nuance of what I’m about to share with you. Even fewer employees consciously think about it either.

Zeros hide behind taking action. Heroes take responsibility.

Going through the normal process these reps followed automatically didn’t fix my computer or salvage my loyalty. If any one of those people had taken responsibility, the outcome would have been entirely different.

Imagine if one of the representatives I spoke with said something like this: “Mr. Sanborn, you must be mightily frustrated since your office computer is down. I’m going to personally work with you to get it fixed. I’m not going to send you an email and disappear. I won’t hang up the phone never to be heard from again, nor will I hand you off to a colleague. I’m going to help you get your computer fixed even if I have to fly to Denver to get it done.”

That last line, in italics, seems dramatic. Actually, if a person had gone that far to solve my problem, it would have been remarkable. I probably would have written about it and told the story dozens of time, mentioning the individual and the company by name. The good will and positive buzz would have far outweighed the cost of a quick trip to Denver.

Of course it probably wouldn’t have been necessary. Just some focused attention by an individual, rather than the redundant handoffs and wasted time I experienced, would have been enough to restore my computer. It would have not only saved my business but also prevented the word-of-mouth thrashing that resulted from being abandoned by the company that caused the problem.

Here is an action plan for Heroes:

1. Take responsibility for results.
2. Fix problems even if you didn’t create them.

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