6 Ways to Make Leadership Meaningful

6 Ways to Make Leadership Meaningful

Dedicated leaders tend to lose themselves to work. They end up frustrated, drained, and burned out.

Take the helm of your leadership journey. Don’t let others drive your life.

Life is too precious to squander it on things that don’t matter to you.

Make leadership matter. Life is too precious to squander it on things that matter to you. Image of a drain.Make leadership matter. Life is too precious to squander it on things that matter to you. Image of a drain.

#1. Align definitions:

Define how you make leadership meaningful for yourself. When your definition of meaningful leadership collides with your boss’s definition:

  1. Discuss and explore options.
  2. Redefine ‘meaningful leadership’.
  3. Find a job that brings fulfillment.

#2. Include how:

The deliverables of your job aren’t negotiable:

  1. Reach the numbers.
  2. Communicate vision.
  3. Recognize achievement.
  4. Provide feedback.
  5. Challenge apathy.
  6. Expose elephants.
  7. Move the agenda forward.

You make leadership meaningful when you control how you do your job.

Open your door and your heart. Image of an open door to the ocean from the desert.Open your door and your heart. Image of an open door to the ocean from the desert.

#3. 6 ways to make leadership meaningful:

  1. Create growth opportunities. How will you deliver results and grow at the same time?
  2. Shift from commander to coach. How will you help others grow and achieve results?
  3. Open your door and your heart. How will you create and strengthen relationship?
  4. Clarify purpose. How will you bring your story to work?
  5. Maximize strengths. How will you spend most of your time doing what you do best?
  6. Express values. Work you don’t value leaves you drained. How will you clarify your values?

Added resource: It’s the Manager

#4. Results when you make leadership meaningful:

You know you’re doing something meaningful when:

  1. You want to do it again.
  2. The joy of improving outweighs dissatisfaction.
  3. People are drawn to you.
  4. Feeling tired at the end of the day is fulfilling. You’re glad you did what you did.
  5. People find focus when you show up. Meaningful leadership energizes you and others to do the ‘right’ things.

You’re engaged in meaningful leadership when life is more about get-to than have-to.

Meaningful leadership brings satisfaction – even when it’s difficult – to you and value to others.

How might leaders make leadership meaningful?

What drains leadership of meaning?

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