Create Yourself: The Active Side of Authentic Development

Create Yourself: The Active Side of Authentic Development

“Young people searching for their “real self” must learn that the real self is not something one finds as much as it is something one makes; and it is one’s daily actions that shape the inner personality far more permanently than any amount of introspection or intellection.” Sydney J. Harris

You create yourself every day. Image of a sculptor's hands.You create yourself every day. Image of a sculptor's hands.

The great responsibility:

Do we discover ourselves? Yes. Do we create ourselves? Yes.

The cliché, “You are beautiful just the way you are,” short circuits responsibility. We don’t tell people who harm others they’re beautiful just the way they are. The self-discovery movement leads us astray when it neglects self-development.

Everyone isn’t beautiful:

Is it beautiful to withhold useful information from colleagues, cut in line at airports, or cheat on our taxes? How about when we steal someone’s reputation with gossip, or disrespect customer flight attendants and restaurant servers? We have intrinsic value even though we have a Darth Vader side.

The unbeautiful items above are frivolous compared to a world that includes malevolence, deceit, and brutality.

Everyone has intrinsic value. And you have limitless room for improvement. Don’t insult potential by ignoring the growth opportunities.

Create yourself:

Image from, “The Story of Philosophy,” by Will Durant, 1943, pg. 61.)

You create yourself every day, but you may not notice until it’s too late.

Aristotle said, “Virtues are formed in man by his doing the actions.” Virtues don’t magically appear. You live into them.

Will Durant explains Aristotle’s wisdom when he says, “… we are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act but a habit…”

Create yourself by living into your ideal self.

You haven’t been your natural self since you learned to control anger and hold your tongue.

You have the power to create yourself.

What simple habits have made you the leader you are today?

What simple habits would help you create your ideal self?

Still curious:

The Habit of Finishing Stuff (90 second read.)

5 Steps to Making Habits that Create Your Future (90 second read.)

Atomic Habits, by James Clear.

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This Drink May Cut Dementia Risk In Half

It can help clear the brain of toxins.

Drinking moderate amounts of alcohol is linked to a 45% lower risk of dementia, research concludes.

Moderate drinkers — those who drink no more than around a bottle and half of wine a week — saw the reduced risk in comparison to those who do not drink.

Moderate drinkers also had a lower risk of dementia than those who drank heavily.

As alcohol intake increases, so does the risk of dementia.

A couple of alcoholic drinks per day, though, can help clear the brain of toxins, some research finds.

Low levels of alcohol — the equivalent of around 2.5 standard drinks per day — may help to remove waste linked to Alzheimer’s disease and reduce inflammation in the brain.

The study’s authors write:

“We show that both long term alcohol abstinence and excessive alcohol consumption may increase the risk of dementia.

Given the number of people living with dementia is expected to triple by 2050 and the absence of a cure, prevention is key.”

The study’s conclusions come from an analysis of 9,087 people who were followed for around 23 years between 1985 and 1993.

Dr Sevil Yasar, writing in a linked editorial, said:

“The most intriguing finding from this study was the significantly increased risk of dementia among abstainers, including long term abstainers and participants who became abstainers, and that association was only present in those who abstained from wine.”

Dr Yasar continued:

“Wine, in addition to alcohol, contains polyphenolic compounds, which have been associated with neuroprotective effects on both neurodegenerative and vascular pathways, and with cardioprotective effects through inflammation reduction, inhibition of platelet aggregation, and alteration of lipid profile.”

One limitation of the study is that people who abstain from alcohol may have a history of overindulgence.

Along with the study design, this makes it difficult to draw firm conclusions about causality.

The study was published in the BMJ (Sabia et al., 2018).

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4 Simple Questions to Clarify Complex Challenges

4 Simple Questions to Clarify Complex Challenges

When facing complex challenges reflect on urgency, necessity, and perfectionism. Here’s how.

Clarify complex challenges with simple steps forward. Image of a spiral staircase.Clarify complex challenges with simple steps forward. Image of a spiral staircase.

#1. How important is finding a solution now?

Make progress by leaving the most complex challenges until later. Do the simplest thing now. Take the easiest path now.

Taking the bull by the horns sounds great until you meet an angry bull.

Deal with underlying issues before solving the most complex challenges. Ask yourself, “How can we make progress without solving the most confusing challenge first?”

#2. How can you shrink big to small?

Taking the bull by the horns sounds great until you meet an angry bull. Image of a bull's horns.Taking the bull by the horns sounds great until you meet an angry bull. Image of a bull's horns.

Brian Tracy wrote the international best seller, “Eat that Frog.” He suggests doing the hard thing first. Perhaps you can gobble a frog and get it over with. But elephants go down in small pieces.

  1. What’s the simplest step forward?
  2. What’s the clearest step forward?
  3. What’s the easiest step forward?

Make progress. Don’t choke on the most difficult challenges. Don’t fret about the size of your elephant. Take a small bite and chew.  And so on.

#3. What’s necessary?

Urgent feels necessary, but maybe it’s a distraction. Evaluate ‘urgent’ issues by exploring impact. What if you do nothing? Imagine someone feels upset. Is it necessary to halt progress to deal with their splinter? Be kind and focused.

Urgencies distract from priorities.

Some feelings distort reality. When urgent concerns have big implications deal with them. What happens when you temporarily ignore an urgency. Will the house burn down?

#4. What is good enough?

Perfect solutions to the most complex challenges are rare. Reject perfectionism. Embrace the next imperfect step.

Perfect is slow, laborious, and unlikely. Imperfect is achievable. A good steak now is better than waiting for the perfect steak.

A good step is better than the perfect step.

Set the bar high enough to inspire effort, not so high people walk away.

Still curious:

10 Ways to Successfully Lead Through Problems

The Process of Solving Complex Problems Research paper.

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The Supplement That Fights Type 2 Diabetes

A supplement that may help to manage pre-diabetes and diabetes.

Medication, certain diets, and exercise are effective in fighting diabetes, but there is a possible new way to control the disease.

Researchers from the University of British Columbia suggest that ketone drinks sold as a food supplement might help people with diabetes to keep their blood glucose levels under control.

Dr Jonathan Little, study lead author, said:

“There has been a lot of excitement and interest in ketone drinks and supplements, which have really only been on the market and available to consumers for the last couple of years.

Because they’re so new, there’s very little research on how they can influence metabolism and we’re among the first to look at their use in non-athletes.”

Type 2 diabetes is a life-long disease that causes the body’s blood glucose or sugar level to spike.

The condition occurs when either the body doesn’t respond to the insulin hormone or the pancreas doesn’t make enough insulin.

Glucose is the main form of energy carried by the blood to all cells.

But people with diabetes, due to a lack of insulin, can’t use glucose for energy and so the excess sugar stays in the blood.

Dr Little said:

“It’s a disease that’s becoming alarmingly common in Canada and approaching what many would consider epidemic levels.

While type 2 diabetes can be controlled with medications or injectable insulin, many people are looking to options that don’t require taking pills every day or that are less invasive.”

A ketogenic or keto diet involves eating very low carb and high fat foods.

When a person is on a keto diet, the body produces ketones which are a source of energy from the fat breakdown.

However, ketone supplements claim they can do the same without restricting carbs.

Dr Little said:

“There is mounting evidence that a low carbohydrate ketogenic diet is very effective in controlling blood sugar and even reversing type 2 diabetes.

We wanted to know what would happen if artificial ketones were given to those with obesity and at risk for type 2 diabetes but who haven’t been dieting.”

So they tested this idea and asked participants to take a ketone drink on an empty stomach and half-an-hour later they consumed a drink that contained 75 grams of sugar.

Dr Little explained:

“It turns out that the ketone drink seemed to launch participants into a sort of pseudo-ketogenic state where they were better able to control their blood sugar levels with no changes to their insulin.

It demonstrates that these supplements may have real potential as a valuable tool for those with type 2 diabetes.”

But he pointed out that ketone supplements are not the perfect answer in controlling the disease.

Dr Little said:

“There are a number of problems that we still have to work out, including the fact that we still don’t know what the long-term effects of consuming ketones are.

And not to mention that the drink itself tastes absolutely terrible.”

A study suggests that the keto diet improves human health only if applied for a very short time as its negative effects begin straight after a week of…

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Give Your Marketing A Makeover

For small and boutique salon owners, regular clients are often the heart of the business. From driving sales to influencing by word of mouth, customers are critical for any beauty business.

However, growth is both important and inevitable for a new beauty business. The goal soon becomes maintaining your regular customers while constantly growing the brand.

So, how is a salon owner supposed to make it work?

Turn to salon marketing!

Ensuring outreach and retention happens through targeted marketing and market-focused thinking. Finding the best way to extend that focus is often a major hurdle for business owners. Fortunately, salon owners have plenty of tricks at their disposal.

Here are four of the most impactful marketing techniques for beauty business owners.

Social Media is Key

In today’s hyper-connected world, a business without a strong social media presence is missing out on growth. Most customers use several forms of social media throughout their day.

For success, make your presence known across those social media channels. 

Your business must have a Facebook page. It creates a centralized hub of connectivity for your customers. Plus, Facebook Ads help put the salon’s name directly in front of new customers.

Be sure to target your specific audience. Younger customers are more likely to use Instagram and TikTok rather than Facebook. Consider going the extra step and collaborating with local influencers. Doing so allows:

  • A known name to represent your brand and products.
  • The salon to connect with hundreds of potential customers.
  • The public to see the skills of the stylists.
  • An “inside look” into the business, which boosts connections with new and existing customers.

If social media isn’t a forte within the salon, consider hiring a social media manager.

Specialized channels like Instagram and TikTok benefit from a dedicated manager. They film and edit videos and pictures, and they interact with your customers online. 

Think of a social media manager as the public mouthpiece of the salon. Their expertise and marketing knowledge helps ensure the salon has an impactful online presence. 

Focus on Your Customers

Salon marketing is all about showing the business to more and more people. However, that doesn’t mean advertising without a strategy.

Today’s customers are savvy when it comes to marketing. Daily email notices or stale Facebook ads are now a detriment, not a marketing tool.

Today’s consumers want personalized, relevant communication. After all, nearly 80% of customers desire personally-appropriate marketing from a business.

Some key ways to keep the salon customer-centered include:

  • Send emails or texts after appointments asking for reviews and feedback. This provides an endless list of what your customers expect. 
  • Use birthdays and sign-up days for specialized discounts. This is a perfect way to deliver personalized marketing.

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4 Ways Leaders Instill Vitality and Defeat Uncertainty

4 Ways Leaders Instill Vitality and Defeat Uncertainty

Uncertainty is as certain as a sunrise. Vitality is uncommon.

Vitality is energy to thrive in difficulty.

Vitality is energy to thrive during difficulty. Image of dark clouds.Vitality is energy to thrive during difficulty. Image of dark clouds.

4 Ways leaders instill vitality:

#1. Use uncertainty.

You give power to things you resist. Ignoring uncertainty drains vitality. Every time you knock down uncertainty it gets angry. Whoever said, “What you resist persists,” was right.

Give uncertainty a seat at the table. Use it for good. Practice humility. Arrogance tries to control. Humility is open and curious. Curiosity is vibrant.

Uncertainty is the spotlight that reveals your leadership. Image of stadium lights.Uncertainty is the spotlight that reveals your leadership. Image of stadium lights.

#2. Call out lies.

Emotions make fantasies seem real. Notice the feelings you experience at an action-adventure movie or reading a Stephen King story.

Emotions make lies seem true. When you catastrophize about the future you feel anxious, stressed, and helpless. True feelings authenticate lies.

Uncertainty makes life harder. Life is hard sometimes.

Face lies with reality. You are making it right now even if it feels hard. The only power to change the future is acting now.

#3. Reject optimism.

Admiral Stockdale observed that optimistic POW’s struggled the most. They told themselves they would be rescued by Christmas, but they weren’t. They told themselves they would be home by Easter, but they were still being tortured after Easter.

People who survive acknowledge difficulties and believe they will eventually prevail. You will prevail. Tell your team they will prevail. When you’re certain you can’t prevail, quit.

#4. Care for people.

Uncertainty drains everyone. Fill your tank before it goes dry. Find ways to rest. Long hours are necessary sometimes. Long hours as a lifestyle destroy you.

Take someone for a short walk when you notice frustration, for example. Walk slowly. Listen. Focus on what they can do next. It’s overwhelming to focus on everything.

Redefine success. Regardless of results, success during uncertainty is getting up again and fighting the battle with vitality.

How can leaders instill vitality during times of uncertainty?

Still curious:

How to Honor the Law of Vitality

Seven Ways to Cope with Uncertainty

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The Simplest Way To Improve Memory And Learning By 30%

The activities that cause a 30 percent hit to learning and memory.

Getting enough bright light could be one of the simplest ways to improve memory and learning.

Too long spent indoors in dim lighting causes damaging changes to the brain’s structure and function, research finds.

Continual exposure to dim lighting hurts parts of the brain that are central to memory and learning.

The study of rodents found they lost 30 percent capacity in their hippocampus — a structure important for memory — when they were kept in dim light for four weeks.

However, when the rats were exposed to bright light for four further weeks, their performance and brain capacity recovered completely.

Professor Antonio Nunez, who led the study, said:

“When we exposed the rats to dim light, mimicking the cloudy days of Midwestern winters or typical indoor lighting, the animals showed impairments in spatial learning.

This is similar to when people can’t find their way back to their cars in a busy parking lot after spending a few hours in a shopping mall or movie theater.”

The study is the first to show the effects of changes in normal levels of environmental light on brain structure and function.

The researchers found that in dim light, there were significant reductions in the production of brain-derived neurotrophic factor.

This peptide helps maintain healthy connections between neurons.

Joel Soler, the study’s first author, said:

“Since there are fewer connections being made, this results in diminished learning and memory performance that is dependent upon the hippocampus.

In other words, dim lights are producing dimwits.”

Light does not act directly on the hippocampus, though, but rather via other sites in the brain.

A peptide called orexin could be involved in how light influences the hippocampus.

It may be possible to use this information to provide a boost for people with eye problems.

Dr Lily Yan, study co-author, said:

“For people with eye disease who don’t receive much light, can we directly manipulate this group of neurons in the brain, bypassing the eye, and provide them with the same benefits of bright light exposure?

Another possibility is improving the cognitive function in the aging population and those with neurological disorders.

Can we help them recover from the impairment or prevent further decline?”

The study was published in the journal Hippocampus (Soler et al., 2017).

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Reinventing Book Browsing – Mark Sanborn

Of the many emails I receive daily, this one got my attention:

“My name is Ben Fox, and I am a serial entrepreneur who loves to read. I am a long-time entrepreneur who loves to take ideas and turn them into reality. Combining this with my love of reading is pure joy. I have so many ideas on how to help readers find books in new and unique ways, and I can’t wait to share them over the coming years. Plus, I get the pleasure of meeting amazing authors and helping them achieve their dreams.”

His love of books and creative ideas on how to improve the online browsing experience motivated him to start Shepherd, where the motto is “discover the best books.”

Ben shared, “I started Shepherd because browsing books online is boring. I love wandering through bookstores and seeing where my curiosity leads me, so I tried to reimagine this but for an online world.

I’ve started by asking authors to share 5 of their favorite books around a topic, theme, or mood. And then, we connect those books and book lists around topics (genres are coming soon). So, a reader interested in creating a better customer experience at their business can browse that topic and keep following their curiosity as they read and discover what books authors love. Maybe they end up on our planning bookshelf or on a list from an author and business owner on how to improve your customer service team.

My goal is to introduce a bit more fun and serendipity in finding your next book. While also providing some amazing curation from authors and experts.”

His value proposition is simple:

For Readers – To reimagine book discovery online with more serendipity and delight. 

For Authors – To help authors meet more readers. Authors illuminate our world, take us on faraway journeys, and entertain us. There is a growing trend that authors have to become their own marketing team. That concerns me because it is very difficult to do. I want to make this easier. 

I’ve been impressed with Ben and Shepherd, enough so that I wanted to share his business with you. If you love books and reading, and want a better online reading experience, check out Shepherd.


Mark Sanborn is motivational keynote speaker and Leadership Expert in Residence at High Point University, the Premier Life Skills University. His presentations help the best leaders get better and inspire everyone to pursue their potential. For more information about his work, visit 


Author: Mark Sanborn

Mark holds the Certified Speaking Professional designation from the National Speakers Association (NSA) and is a member of the Speaker Hall of Fame. He was recently honored with the Cavett Award, the highest honor the NSA bestows on its members, in recognition of his outstanding contributions to the speaking profession. In 2020, Global Gurus named Mark the #5 Leadership Authority in the world.

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The Personality Trait Linked To Dementia

At least 5 million Americans are living with Alzheimer’s.

Having moderate or severe anxiety in midlife is linked to dementia later on, research finds.

Anxiety is strongly linked to the personality trait of neuroticism, which includes sadness, irritability and self-consciousness.

The extra risk could be related to the stress caused by a mental health condition.

The stress response to anxiety could accelerate the aging process in the brain, increasing cognitive decline.

Depression has already been linked to a doubling of the risk in developing dementia.

Tackling anxiety and depression in midlife could be a way to reduce dementia risk, the study’s authors write:

“Non-pharmacological therapies, including talking therapies, mindfulness-based interventions, and meditation practices, that are known to reduce anxiety in midlife, could have a risk-reducing effect, although this is yet to be thoroughly researched.”

The study was a meta-analysis, a type of research that pools together the results of other studies.

The researchers found four large studies examining the link between dementia and anxiety that together included almost 30,000 people.

All four studies found that moderate to severe anxiety was linked to developing dementia later on.

The researchers write:

“Clinically significant anxiety in midlife was associated with an increased risk of dementia over an interval of at least 10 years.”

Dr Sara Imarisio, Head of Research at Alzheimer’s Research UK, said:

“Mental health conditions like anxiety and depression have been linked to dementia before and many overlapping symptoms make a dementia diagnosis difficult.

This review took a high-quality approach, combining findings from four existing studies exploring anxiety as a risk factor for dementia.


It’s important to remember that just because there is an association between the two factors does not necessarily mean that anxiety causes dementia.

Dementia is caused by a complex mix of risk factors including age and genetics and although this study looked at dementia in people more than ten years after being diagnosed with anxiety, we know the diseases leading to dementia can begin in the brain up to twenty years before any symptoms show.”

The study was published in the journal BMJ Open (Gimson et al., 2018).

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6 Habits That Can Fight Depression Symptoms

Psychological studies support these six fascinating ways of fighting depressive symptoms.

1. Change how you see the future

It’s often assumed that it’s depression that causes a pessimistic view of the future.

But it could be the other way around, a study finds.

Being pessimistic about the future may actually cause depression.

There are three ways in which thinking about the future may cause depression:

  • Poor generation of possible futures.
  • Poor evaluation of possible future.
  • Negative beliefs about the future.

Depression also likely feeds back into more negative views of the future, creating a vicious circle.

Try to address the way you think about the future — is there a way to be a little more optimistic about it?

2. Eat a Mediterranean diet

A Mediterranean diet including fruits, vegetables and legumes can prevent depression, a large study finds.

People only had to make relatively small changes to see the benefits.

Depression could be partly down to a lack of essential nutrients.

The benefits of the diet are likely related to higher levels of omega 3 and other essential nutrients.

3. Socialise face-to-face

Regular face-to-face communication reduces the risk of depression in older adults by half, a study finds.

In comparison, socialising by phone or email does not have the same beneficial effect.

Dr Alan Teo, who led the study, said:

“Research has long-supported the idea that strong social bonds strengthen people’s mental health.

But this is the first look at the role that the type of communication with loved ones and friends plays in safeguarding people from depression.

We found that all forms of socialization aren’t equal.

Phone calls and digital communication, with friends or family members, do not have the same power as face-to-face social interactions in helping to stave off depression.”

4. Identify with a group

It has long been known that social connections are vital for a person who is experiencing depression.

Research finds that it’s not just social groups which help those with depression, crucially it’s identifying with that group which helps alleviate depression.

The conclusions come from an Australian study of patients both at risk and diagnosed with depression who had joined a number of local groups.

These patients who strongly identified with the groups they’d joined — whether at the hospital for group therapy or in their hobbies — said they felt supported because they were ‘in it together’.

5. Give up Facebook for a week…or longer

Comparing yourself to other people on Facebook has been linked to depressive symptoms, a study finds.

While the social network can be a useful way of connecting with others, there may be psychological dangers.

Mai-Ly Steers, the study’s first author, said:

“One danger is that Facebook often gives us information about our friends that we are not normally privy to, which gives us even more opportunities to socially compare.

You can’t really control the impulse to compare because you never know what your friends are going to post.

In addition, most of our Facebook friends tend to post about the good things that occur in their lives, while leaving out the bad.

If we’re comparing ourselves to our friends’ ‘highlight reels,’ this may lead us to think their…

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