How to Gossip Like a Leader

How to Gossip Like a Leader

Everyone gossips.

Slander and backstabbing are destructive, but there’s a healthy side to gossip.

When you say, “Your reputation precedes you,” you acknowledge the power of gossip. Gossip is one reason businesses grow or fail.

Researchers define gossip as talking about someone who isn’t present. It might be positive, negative, or neutral.

Image of a cluster of colored chess pawns. Ask your team to say something good about someone who isn't in the room.Image of a cluster of colored chess pawns. Ask your team to say something good about someone who isn't in the room.

The truth about gossip:

Megan Robbins and Alexander Karan observe that…

  1. Extroverts gossip more than introverts.
  2. Women in engage in more neutral gossip than men.
  3. Younger people lean toward negative gossip more than older people.
  4. Most gossip tends to be neutral – social information.
  5. Gossip indicates closeness. We gossip with people we like.
  6. We like to gossip because possessing secrets is powerful.
  7. Generous, moral people are most likely to pass along rumors. (It’s often driven by concern for others.)

The value of gossip:

Dunbar’s research suggests that gossip strengthens social bonds. About 5% of gossip deals with freeloaders.

We police freeloaders – those who take benefit without paying – when someone says, “You better watch out for Billy Bob, he’ll take advantage of you.”

Feinberg, Willer, and Schulz suggest that we use gossip to protect people we care about by exposing self-serving people.

Reverse gossip:

My friend, Bob Burg coined the phrase, “Reverse gossip.” You might practice reverse gossip at the beginning of your next meeting.

Ask your team to say something good about team members who aren’t in the room.

Five gossip guidelines:

  1. Never reveal a secret you have promised to keep.
  2. Avoid negative speculations about people’s motives.
  3. Don’t put someone down to elevate your status, ever.
  4. Only pass along reliable information. Stick with your personal experience.
  5. Say good stuff about people who aren’t in the room, a lot!

It’s possible to gossip your way to success.

How might leaders leverage the power of reverse gossip?

It’s a party… and you’re invited!

Mark your calendar for Monday, Jan 24 at 2 PM, ET to join me in the celebration of Mark Miller’s 10th leadership book. I will be hosting this special event, and Mark will be giving away prizes. He’s also giving away several copies of new Smart Leadership in Action Journal! 

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7 Reasons Returning to the Office is a Good Idea

7 Reasons Returning to the Office is a Good Idea

85% of the current remote workforce enjoy working remotely. Remote work is here to stay and the number of people who work from home is accelerating. But there’s more to the story.

55% of current remote workers would like to return to the office as soon as its safe. According to CNBC, Google spent $1 billion to buy office space close to their gigantic headquarters in London.

Image of an empty conference room. What's the value of returning to the office for employees?Image of an empty conference room. What's the value of returning to the office for employees?

Fully remote and hybrid:

Before the pandemic, only about 4% of high paying jobs were available remotely. By the end of 2021 that doubled to about 18%. By the end of 2022, over 25% of high paying jobs will be available for remote workers.

3 million professional jobs went permanently remote in the last quarter of 2021. Ladders says nearly 20% of all professional jobs are now remote.

If you want the best and brightest, flexibility will serve you well.

Organizations that provide hybrid work have a larger pool of prospective employees. (Washington Post)

7 reasons returning to the office is a good idea:

  1. Collaboration.
  2. Creativity.
  3. Productivity.
  4. Culture building.
  5. Mentoring.
  6. Reduced tech fatigue.
  7. Career opportunities.

Current opportunity:

Managers that want face-to-face work have the opportunity to evaluate their reasons. “We’ve always done it that way,” isn’t a reason.

  1. How will you capitalize on collaboration opportunities?
  2. How might you train people in team creativity and social intelligence? Social interaction makes us smarter.
  3. What’s the value of culture building for employees? If you ask WD40 or Zappos, you might get interesting answers.
  4. How will you prioritize and maximize mentoring and coaching opportunities?

You can bark orders, or you can make office-life worthwhile.

Why do you think returning to the office is the best option?

How might leaders make office-life valuable to employees?

I hope you’ll join me!

It’s a party… and you’re invited! Mark your calendar for Monday, Jan 24 at 2 PM, ET to join me in the celebration of Mark Miller’s 10th leadership book. There will be a short interview and time for Q&A. Mark will be giving away prizes!  Register here:

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A Tiring Sign Of Vitamin D Deficiency

A walk of as little 20 minutes in the daylight is enough to provide sufficient levels of vitamin D.

Sleepiness and fatigue during the day can be a sign of vitamin D deficiency, studies find.

People with lower vitamin D levels can experience less sleep overall and more waking during the night.

People experience worse sleep, the lower their vitamin D levels are.

Vitamin D may affect critical neurotransmitters and inflammatory markers.

Fatigue may also be due to problems in the body’s mitochondria.

Mitochondria are the ‘power stations’ within each cell in our body.

Without vitamin D, the mitochondria cannot work efficiently.

Around half the world’s population is deficient in vitamin D.

Foods that are rich in vitamin D include oily fish and eggs, but most people get their vitamin D from the action of sunlight on the skin.

Other signs of vitamin D deficiency include low mood, muscle fatigue, difficulties with learning and memory, gut problems and headaches.

One study of global populations has found that vitamin D deficiency is a widespread problem in many areas.

Vitamin D is vital for bone mineralisation, so deficiency can lead to a greater risk of fracture.

Some of the main risk factors for having low vitamin D levels are:

  • being female,
  • poor dietary habits,
  • being older,
  • living in northerly areas,
  • and less exposure to sunlight.

Urbanisation means many people live and work indoors.

A walk of as little 20 minutes in the daylight is enough to provide sufficient levels of vitamin D.

The conclusions come from a review of the research carried out across six continents.

The results showed the risk of vitamin D deficiency is highest in the Middle East and South Asia, largely because of traditional clothing that blocks the action of sunlight on the skin.

The study was published in the journal Osteoporosis International (Mithal et al., 2009).

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I’ve Got 99 Blog Post Ideas, and Battling Writer’s Block Ain’t One [for 2022]

I’ve Got 99 Blog Post Ideas, and Battling Writer’s Block Ain’t One [for 2022] 18&63,h=A>>12&63,n=A>>6&63,o=63&A,u[l++]=i.charAt(a)+i.charAt(h)+i.charAt(n)+i.charAt(o);while(d I’ve Got 99 Blog Post Ideas, and Battling Writer’s Block Ain’t One ‘ + data.settings.title + ” : ” }}} ]]>

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Top 6 Best Facility Management Software – 2022 Review

Want to jump straight to the answer? The best facility management software for most people is Hippo CMMS or FMX.

Managing facility operations at scale is a tall task. From work orders to equipment monitoring, scheduling, and more, there are too many aspects to track using spreadsheets or other outdated systems.

Facilities management software simplifies everything by providing a central source of truth for all aspects of your facilities. It allows you to leverage automation, improve your workflows, and spot potential issues before they become more significant problems.

This in-depth guide will walk you through the best facility management software on the market today.

The Top 6 Best Facility Management Software

  • Hippo CMMS — Best for Preventative Maintenance and Equipment Management
  • FMX — Best for Automated Maintenance Workflows
  • eMaint CMMS — Best for Maintenance Scheduling
  • TheWorxHub — Best for Senior Living Facility Management
  • Common Areas — Best for Real Estate Property Managers
  • UpKeep — Best for Mobile-First Work Order Management

How to choose the best facility management software.'s methodology for reviewing facility management software.How to choose the best facility management software.'s methodology for reviewing facility management software.

After extensive research and testing, we’ve narrowed down six facility management solutions that we can recommend with confidence. The reviews below will help you find the best option for your unique situation. 

Hippo CMMS — Best For Preventative Maintenance and Equipment Management

  • Starts at $39
  • Multi-location support included
  • Attach templates to work orders
  • Mobile facility management available

Request a free demo

As a computerized maintenance management system, Hippo CMMS helps organizations improve efficiencies by extracting more value from capital…

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The First Step Toward Self-Knowledge is Realizing You Don’t Have It

The First Step Toward Self-Knowledge is Realizing You Don’t Have It

You think you know yourself, but you don’t. You never have self-knowledge; you gain it gradually, sometimes painfully.

You throw punches in the air until you gain self-knowledge.

Pretending you don’t sabotage yourself is like nursing on Xanax.


You have the impression that you know yourself because you live with yourself. But you’re blind to some of your strengths, weaknesses, and inclinations.

You see yourself in a steamy mirror. You see clearly only on the edges.

You consistently misjudge yourself.


Jung believed you have negative and positive attributes that you don’t see, a shadow self.

Growth happens when you catch a glimpse of your shadow self.

People light up when they realize they have abilities they hadn’t seen. You grow when you exercise untapped abilities. You also grow when you see things you don’t like in yourself, if you own them.

When I was young, I didn’t see my own self-centeredness. I’m still self-centered but seeing myself is an opportunity to move toward other-centeredness.

I have negative ‘talents’ I don’t like. If arrogance is a talent, I’m wildly talented. Giving second chances feels unnatural, but anger is second nature. I’m inclined to talk before I listen and make judgements quickly.

I don’t want to be my darker self, but sometimes I am.

My inclination toward arrogance fuels my interest in humility. The first step was catching glimpses of my shadow self. Others helped me see.

You see a foreshadowing of yourself when you catch a glimpse of your shadow self.

Growth begins when you own untapped abilities or self-destructive inclinations.

You learned to walk when you realized you were crawling.


Complacency about self-awareness today becomes vengeance tomorrow.

Self-knowledge requires others.

You learn who you are when you reveal yourself to another.

How might we gain self-knowledge?

How might we help others gain self-knowledge?

You’re invited:

Join me on zoom for a live conversation with Mark Miller, VP of High Performance Leadership at Chic-fil-a. I’ll ask some questions. Join in the open Q&A. There will be prizes.

We’re celebrating the launch of Mark’s tenth book, “Smart Leadership.”

Register here:

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This Vitamin Reduces Inflammation Caused By COVID

This vitamin reduces inflammation caused by the immune system in response to COVID-19.

Inflammation is a necessary response by the immune system to infections or injuries, but if this inflammatory response doesn’t stop in time, it can cause severe damage to cells and tissues.

Hyper-inflammation resulting in cytokine storm syndrome (CSS) and acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) are often seen in severe COVID cases.

Inflammation and fibrosis in COVID patients with milder symptoms can damage tissue function and lead to lung disease.

Therefore, scientists are looking for therapies or drugs to help suppresses the immune system and overcome inflammation.

Vitamin D appears to have the ability to lower inflammation caused by T cells in the lungs of COVID patients.

To minimise harm and increase the benefit of taking this vitamin, scientists want to find out how and why and at what dosage the inflammation will be decreased.

For these reasons, Dr Kazemian and colleagues examined first how viruses affect lung cells.

They noticed that in COVID patients, the immune cells in the lung go into overdrive causing too much inflammation.

Then, they found that viruses activate a biochemical pathway which is part of the immune system called the complement system.

The team looked at different methods for blocking the activation of that pathway and reducing inflammation.

Dr Kazemian, study co-author, said:

“In normal infections, Th1 cells, a subset of T cells, go through a pro-inflammatory phase.

The pro-inflammatory phase clears the infection, and then the system shuts down and goes to anti-inflammatory phase.

Vitamin D helps to speed up this transition from pro-inflammatory to the anti-inflammatory phase of the T cells.

We don’t know definitively, but theorize the vitamin could potentially help patients with severe inflammation caused by Th1 cells.”

The cell’s response to vitamin D was unusual, suggesting vitamin D deficiency in these patients as a possible reason why the pro-inflammatory phase won’t shut down.

They suggest that besides existing treatments, a prescription of a highly concentrated form of vitamin D can help COVID patients to recover quickly from the disease.

Dr Kazemian said:

“We found that vitamin D—a specialized form of it, not the form you can get at the drugstore—has the potential to reduce inflammation in the test tube, and we figured out how and why it does that.

However, it’s important to understand that we did not carry out a clinical study, and the results of our experiments in the test tube need to be tested in clinical trials in actual patients.”

They don’t recommend vitamin D supplementation sold over the counter.

“We do not recommend the use of normal vitamin D off the shelf at the pharmacy.

No one should be taking more than the recommended doses of vitamin D in an attempt to prevent or combat COVID infections.”

The study was published in the journal Nature Immunology (Chauss et al., 2021).

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Everything You Need to Know About Facebook Business Suite

Facebook Page management can be quite time consuming. You need to create new content, generate engagement, and keep up with private messages, all at the same time. Facebook Business Suite is Meta’s answer to these needs.

Facebook Business Suite is an all-in-one solution to Page management, giving Facebook marketers a single centralized location to streamline the process of managing a brand’s presence on the platform.

cover image

cover image

The tool’s interface does take a little while to get used to, however. In this post, we’re going to walk you through the Facebook Business Suite and show you how to get the most out of it.

What is Facebook Business Suite?

The Facebook Business Suite is a free Facebook Page management tool that allows admins (and certain users with other roles) to handle Facebook Pages, Instagram accounts, and Messenger interactions from a single dashboard. Facebook Business Suite replaced the Facebook Page Manager apps.

Facebook business manager

Facebook business manager

You can use Business Suite either on desktop or through the mobile app (you can download it for iOS here and Android here).

Here’s what you can do in Facebook Business Suite: 

  • View notifications 
  • Respond to comments and messages 
  • Create or schedule posts, Stories, and ads 
  • Receive insights, tips, and “goals” that can help you optimize your performance

Facebook Business Suite vs. Facebook Business Manager 

The Facebook Business Suite and Facebook Business Manager are two separate tools.

Business Manager has been around for several years and is essentially the predecessor to Business Suite. It allows you to manage assets, like Pages, ad accounts, product catalogs (but only on a basic level), and user roles. 

While marketers can currently choose between the two tools, it seems that Business Suite will ultimately replace Facebook’s Business Manager. In Business Suite, you can do everything you could previously do in Business Manager, including managing business assets under “Settings.”

Facebook Business Suite settingsFacebook Business Suite settings

If you absolutely detest the new Facebook Business Suite (which is technically actually “Meta Business Suite” now), there are instructions available for how to switch back to Business Manager

That being said, we strongly recommend adapting to the new Business Suite, as we don’t know how long the Business Manager will continue to be supported and the Business Suite offers much more powerful features.

Facebook Business Suite vs. Facebook Creator Studio 

The Facebook Creator Studio and Facebook Business Suite are often confused because they have multiple overlapping features, specifically around content creation and scheduling.

That being said, they are still two separate tools, and both are valuable.

Facebook’s Business Suite allows you to create and schedule posts, ads, and Stories across multiple platforms.

Facebook’s Creator Studio has a few more tricks up its sleeve. It features additional post setup options, monetization features, post testing,…

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Top 9 Best Electronic Signature Software – 2022 Review

Want to jump straight to the answer? The best electronic signature software for most people is SignWell or SignNow.

Signing documents with a pen is obsolete. It’s not practical for business or personal use in a world that grows more and more global each day.

Electronic signature software allows people in different corners of the world to sign documents instantaneously. There’s nothing to mail, travel is unnecessary, and the process is paperless. Best of all, these signatures are just as valid as handwritten ink.

The Top 9 Best Electronic Signature Software

  • SignWell– Best free electronic signature software
  • SignNow– Best for embedded electronic signatures
  • DocuSign– Best multi-purpose electronic signature software
  • HelloSign– Best for legally binding documents
  • Adobe Sign– Best for small businesses
  • Sign Easy– Best for individual and personal use
  • KeepSolid Sign– Best for signing documents offline
  • GetAccept– Best for B2B sales
  • SignRequest– Best for simplifying the e-signature process

How to choose the best electronic signature software.'s methodology for reviewing electronic signature software.How to choose the best electronic signature software.'s methodology for reviewing electronic signature software.

After reviewing the best e-sign software on the market today, our team narrowed down the top nine options that we can confidently recommend. Use this guide to find the best e-sign software for your business.

SignWell — Best Free Electronic Signature Software

  • Free for 3 docs per month
  • Unlimited docs start at $8
  • Audit reports
  • Document sharing and tracking

Start For Free

For those of you who only need the occasional document signed, SignWell is the perfect option. It’s safe, secure, and works on any device.

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CEO Returns After Terminating 900 Employees on Zoom

CEO Returns After Terminating 900 Employees on Zoom

Vishal Garg is the CEO and founder of the startup, an online mortgage company. Just before the holidays in 2021, Vishal terminated 900 employees on a zoom call.  You can watch it here.

After giving the ax to 900 employees, he took ‘time off.’ The NY Times reports that he recently returned to the company after spending time with a coach.

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CNN reports that Vishal on another occasion sent an email to staff with the following language. “You are TOO DAMN SLOW. You are a bunch of DUMB DOLPHINS… SO STOP IT. STOP IT. STOP IT RIGHT NOW. YOU ARE EMBARRASSING ME.”

Dolphins often top the list of most intelligent sea creatures.

Vishal might be smart, but smart people do dumb things. 

Zoom termination:

What’s wrong with using Zoom to terminate people? It’s more personal than email.

Don’t be aghast that 900 people were on the call. They were in their own homes. It may feel impersonal, but an individual call from the CEO would have taken approximately 6 weeks to make. (Allowing for 15/20 minutes for each employee.)

Zoom isn’t the problem; lack of empathy and compassion is. (Watch the video if you doubt that.)

Second chances:

People screw up. Second chances are necessary in a world populated by humans. Responsible failure deserves a second chance.

Second chances give us courage to take risks. On the other hand, leaders are responsible for their actions.

I wonder if Vishal deserves a second chance.

Vishal’s actions were a colossal mistake. Does he deserve a second chance? Remember he’s the founder of the company.

If you gave Vishal a second chance, what would you require from him?

You’re invited to the Smart Leadership virtual launch party:

Join me on zoom for a live conversation with Mark Miller, VP of High Performance Leadership at Chic-fil-a. I’ll ask some questions. Join in the open Q&A. There will be prizes.

We’re celebrating the launch of Mark’s tenth book, “Smart Leadership.”

Register here:

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