Why The Sales Team Hates Your Leads (And How To Fix It)

You ask the head of marketing how the team is doing and get a giant thumbs up.

“Our MQLs are up!”

“Website conversion rates are at an all-time high!”

“Email click rates have never been this good!”

But when you ask the head of sales the same question, you get the response that echoes across sales desks worldwide — the leads from marketing suck. 

If you’re in this boat, you’re not alone. The issue of “leads from marketing suck” is a common situation in most organizations. In a HubSpot survey, only 9.1% of salespeople said leads they received from marketing were of very high quality.

Why do sales teams hate marketing-generated leads? And how can marketers help their sales peers fall in love with their leads? 

Let’s dive into the answers to these questions. Then, I’ll give you my secret lead gen kung-fu to ensure your sales team loves their marketing leads. 

Marketers Must Take Ownership

“I’ve hit the lead goal. If sales can’t close them, it’s their problem.”

How many times have you heard one of your marketers say something like this? When your teams are heavily siloed, it’s not hard to see how they get to this mindset — after all, if your marketing metrics look strong, they’ve done their part, right?

Not necessarily. 

The job of a marketer is not to drive traffic or even leads. The job of the marketer is to create messaging and offers that lead to revenue. Marketing is not a 100-meter sprint — it’s a relay race. The marketing team runs the first leg and hands the baton to sales to sprint to the finish.



To make leads valuable beyond the vanity metric of watching your MQLs tick up, you need to segment and nurture them. Screen the leads to see if they meet the parameters of your ideal customer profile. If yes, nurture them to find out how close their intent is to a sale. Only then should you pass the leads to sales. 

Lead Quality Control is a Bitter Pill that Works

Tighter quality control might reduce your overall MQLs. Still,it will ensure only the relevant leads go to sales, which is a win for your team and your organization.

This shift will require a mindset shift for your marketing team: instead of living and dying by the sheer number of MQLs, you need to create a collaborative culture between sales and marketing. Reinforce that “strong” marketing metrics that result in poor leads going to sales aren’t really strong at all.  

When you foster this culture of collaboration and accountability, it will be easier for the marketing team to receive feedback from sales about lead quality without getting defensive. 

Remember, the sales team is only holding marketing accountable so the entire organization can achieve the right results. It’s not sales vs marketing — it’s sales and marketing working…

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A Major Personality Trait That Indicates High IQ

People with this personality type have higher crystallised intelligence.

People with this personality type have higher crystallised intelligence.

Being open to experience is a sign of high intelligence, research reveals.

People who are open to experience are more interested in things that are complex, new and unconventional.

They are sensitive to their feelings, intellectually curious and seekers of variety.

Curiosity and an appreciation of beauty are particularly strong signs of crystallised intelligence, the study found.

Crystallised intelligence roughly equates to general knowledge: knowing many things about the world.

It is natural that people who are curious and interested in new things tend to pick up more general information.

The conclusions come from a study of around 500 people who were given tests of intelligence and personality.

Openness to experience is one of the five major aspects of personality.

Openness also has a number of facets of its own, the study authors explain:

“The Openness to Experience construct involves the tendency to fantasize (Fantasy), aesthetic sensitivity (Aesthetics), awareness of one’s emotions (Feelings), preference for novelty (Actions), intellectual curiosity (Ideas), and preference for non-traditional values (Values).”

The results revealed that more intelligent people were particularly appreciative of beauty: they had a strong aesthetic sense.

They were also likely to be intellectually curious and to have an interest in ideas for their own sake.

These two facets of openness were most strongly linked to higher crystallised intelligence.

The study was published in the Journal of Research in Personality (Ashton et al., 2000).

Author: Jeremy Dean

Psychologist, Jeremy Dean, PhD is the founder and author of PsyBlog. He holds a doctorate in psychology from University College London and two other advanced degrees in psychology. He has been writing about scientific research on PsyBlog since 2004. He is also the author of the book “Making Habits, Breaking Habits” (Da Capo, 2013) and several ebooks. View all posts by Jeremy Dean

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5 Things Leaders Say – Leadership Freak

5 Things Leaders Say

The first step to becoming a leader is in the heart. You learn to love people. A person who loves people turns their focus outward.

The second step to leadership is practicing things leaders say from the heart.

Words without heart are meaningless irritants. Leaders say things that reflect a heart that has turned outward.

Leaders say things that reflect a heart that's turned outward. Image of a person's mouth filled with nails.

5 things leaders say:

#1. How can we simplify?

The easiest way to do something is also the most complicated. Simplicity is harder than complexity.

One way to simplify is by stopping unnecessary things. You simplify when you put an end to drama. You shorten the path when you eliminate unnecessary steps.

A straight path is easier to walk but harder to create.

#2. How can we be better?

It’s good to talk about doing better. It’s remarkable to talk about being better. Excellent performance is important, but the way we show up for each other determines if we’re exceptional.

#3. How does it feel to work here?

‘Me’ talk makes the world small and fearful. There’s too much “I’m” stressed, I need…, I’m taking care of myself.” The purpose of self-care is reigniting your ability to care for others.

Concern for others includes caring about emotions.

The dumbest things leaders say is,

#4. What are we learning?

Average leaders tell. Remarkable leaders ask.

A leader who always knows is filled with decay.

#5. What’s next?

Celebration is energy to continue, not relax. Victorious athletes say, “We’re going to enjoy this victory tonight. Tomorrow we prepare for what’s next.”

Life apart from ‘what’s next’ is over.

What are some things leaders say?

What do you want to practice saying today?

Still curious:

Why Self-Care isn’t a 4-Letter Word

28 Words Every Leader Needs to Thrive

15 Things Great Leaders Say To Create Engaged Teams

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This Fun Activity Does More For Your Brain Than Simple Exercise (M)

The activity has a surprising cognitive edge over other types of workout.

The activity has a surprising cognitive edge over other types of workout.

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Author: Jeremy Dean

Psychologist, Jeremy Dean, PhD is the founder and author of PsyBlog. He holds a doctorate in psychology from University College London and two other advanced degrees in psychology. He has been writing about scientific research on PsyBlog since 2004. He is also the author of the book “Making Habits, Breaking Habits” (Da Capo, 2013) and several ebooks. View all posts by Jeremy Dean

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The Surprising Effect Of Coffee On Blood Pressure

Lower blood pressure linked to one of the most popular drinks in the world.

Lower blood pressure linked to one of the most popular drinks in the world.

Coffee is one of the most common drinks around the world yet due to its natural stimulant effect, caffeine has been controversial.

Caffeine can cause a short spike in blood pressure by affecting adenosine production, a compound that relaxes blood vessels.

However, antioxidants in coffee reduce this effect, helping the blood vessels to widen and improve blood flow.

Phenolic compounds in coffee have antioxidant activity that can provide anti-inflammatory benefits and improve insulin sensitivity.

Contrary to what many believe, a study has found that drinking coffee helps maintain low blood pressure.

Participants who consumed two or three cups of coffee every day had notably lower blood pressure than those who did not drink coffee.

The research team observed that moderate coffee consumption was associated with lower peripheral and central (aortic) systolic blood pressure (SBP).

Elevated central aortic pressure is a strong indicator of cardiovascular disease.

Professor Arrigo Cicero, the study’s first author, said:

“The results obtained show that those who regularly drink coffee have significantly lower blood pressure, both on peripheral and central levels, than those who do not drink it.

This is the first study to observe this association in the Italian population, and the data confirm the positive effect of coffee consumption on cardiovascular risk.”

Despite the side effects linked to its powerful stimulant effect, several studies show that people who drink coffee regularly, but in moderation, are less likely to develop diabetes, cardiovascular disease, liver disease, and certain neurodegenerative conditions.

Professor Cicero said:

“Caffeine is only one of the several coffee components and certainly not the only one with an active role.

Positive effects on human health have indeed been recorded even among those who consume decaffeinated coffee.

We know that caffeine can increase blood pressure, but other bioactive components in coffee seem to counterbalance this effect with a positive end result on blood pressure levels.”

To find out the impact of coffee on blood pressure, the study compared central and peripheral BP values in 1,503 Italian adults.

Participants’ coffee drinking habits (the amount and how often) and blood pressure levels were recorded.

Professor Cicero said:

“The results are very clear: peripheral blood pressure was significantly lower in individuals consuming one to three cups of coffee a day than in non-coffee drinkers.

And for the first time, we were also able to confirm these effects with regard to the central aortic pressure, the one close to the heart, where we observe an almost identical phenomenon with entirely similar values for habitual coffee drinkers compared to non-coffee drinkers.”

Their data shows that coffee drinkers had lower values in central aortic pressure, peripheral circulation, SBP, and pulse pressure suggesting the beneficial health effects in lowering cardiovascular disease risk.

The study was published in the journal Nutrients (Cicero et al., 2023).

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Battling for Attention in the 2024 Election Year Media Frenzy

As we march closer to the 2024 U.S. presidential election, CMOs and marketing leaders need to prepare for a significant shift in the digital advertising landscape. Election years have always posed unique challenges for advertisers, but the growing dominance of digital media has made the impact more profound than ever before.

In this article, we’ll explore the key factors that will shape the advertising environment in the coming months and provide actionable insights to help you navigate these turbulent waters.

The Digital Battleground

The rise of cord-cutting and the shift towards digital media consumption have fundamentally altered the advertising landscape in recent years. As traditional TV viewership declines, political campaigns have had to adapt their strategies to reach voters where they are spending their time: on digital platforms.

According to a recent report by eMarketer, the number of cord-cutters in the U.S. is expected to reach 65.1 million by the end of 2023, representing a 6.9% increase from 2022. This trend is projected to continue, with the number of cord-cutters reaching 72.2 million by 2025.

Moreover, a survey conducted by Pew Research Center in 2023 found that 62% of U.S. adults do not have a cable or satellite TV subscription, up from 61% in 2022 and 50% in 2019. This data further underscores the accelerating shift away from traditional TV and towards streaming and digital media platforms.

As these trends continue, political advertisers will have no choice but to follow their audiences to digital channels. In the 2022 midterm elections, digital ad spending by political campaigns reached $1.2 billion, a 50% increase from the 2018 midterms. With the 2024 presidential election on the horizon, this figure is expected to grow exponentially, as campaigns compete for the attention of an increasingly digital-first electorate.

For brands and advertisers, this means that the competition for digital ad space will be fiercer than ever before. As political ad spending continues to migrate to platforms like Meta, YouTube, and connected TV, the cost of advertising will likely surge, making it more challenging for non-political advertisers to reach their target audiences.

To navigate this complex and constantly evolving landscape, CMOs and their teams will need to be proactive, data-driven, and willing to experiment with new strategies and channels. By staying ahead of the curve and adapting to the changing media consumption habits of their audiences, brands can position themselves for success in the face of the electoral advertising onslaught.

Rising Costs and Limited Inventory

As political advertisers flood the digital market, the cost of advertising is expected to skyrocket. CPMs (cost per thousand impressions) will likely experience a steady climb throughout the year, with significant spikes anticipated in May, as college students come home from school and become more engaged in political conversations, and around major campaign events like presidential debates.

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Stop Working For – Give Yourself To

Stop Working For – Give Yourself To

Thoreau wrote, “The cost of a thing is the amount of what I will call life, which is required to be exchanged for it, immediately or over the long run.” (Walden)

You determine value when you subtract cost from benefit.

Some things don’t cost anything. Good investments return more than they take.

Self-consciousness goes down when you give yourself to something. Image of a child lost in play.

To not for:

Working for something is the pursuit of gratification.

Give yourself ‘to’ not ‘for’. Working for something is an exchange of life for benefit. Giving yourself to something goes beyond material exchange. It’s simple to ask, “What are you working for?” The challenging question is “What you are giving yourself to?”

When you give yourself to something you express purpose.

2 things leaders give themselves to:

#1. Give yourself to personal development.

The benefits of personal development exceed cost when you multiply your ability to impact others.

Enhance your ability to manage your calendar. You manage yourself when you manage your time. A person who doesn’t control their calendar is out of control.

Develop your ability to develop others. You multiply the impact of your life when you develop your ability to coach. You extend the value of your life when you improve your mentoring skills.

#2. Give yourself to people.

Live a life worth remembering. I’m not talking about climbing mountains and visiting beautiful places. Live in a way that people miss you when you’re gone. They remember your generosity, kindness, and drive to excel.

Live as if your reputation matters. Your reputation is the way people talk about you when you’re not in the room.

Image of E. B. White smiling.

E. B. White expressed the challenge, “I arise in the morning torn between desire to improve the world and a desire to enjoy the world. This makes it hard to plan the day.”

What can you give yourself to today?

Still curious:

7 Powers of Life Purpose

4 Simple Reasons Your Calendar is Out of Control

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2 Personality Traits That Predict Your Lifespan

People with this personality trait tend to have better health habits and more stable jobs and marriages.

People with this personality trait tend to have better health habits and more stable jobs and marriages.

People who are conscientious and careful live the longest lives, research finds.

Conscientious people tend to be self-disciplined and they aim for achievement.

Two aspects of conscientiousness have the strongest link to a long life:

  1. A preference for order,
  2. and an orientation towards achievement.

Careful people are also less likely to smoke or drink and experience lower levels of stress.

In more bad news for people trying to enjoy their lives, happiness seems to have little connection with a long life.

The reason is that cheerful, laid-back people tend to be more careless about their health.

Persistent and conscientious people, though, get that check-up.

The conclusions come from an analysis of 20 different studies which included over 8,900 people in many countries.

Being more conscientious was consistently linked to living a longer life.

It is probably because conscientious people tend to have better health habits and more stable jobs and marriages.

Conscientiousness is one of the five major aspects of personality, along with agreeableness, extraversion, openness to experience and neuroticism.

Professor Howard S. Friedman, the study’s co-author, said:

“The major finding is that this conscientiousness aspect of personality is indeed reliably predictive of mortality risk across studies.

This seems to be as important as most commonly assessed medical risk factors, few of which are psychological.”

If you are not that conscientious, there is still hope, said Dr Margaret L. Kern, study co-author:

“There is some evidence that people can become more conscientious, especially as they enter stable jobs or good marriages.

We think our findings can challenge people to think about their lives and what may result from the actions they do.

Even though conscientiousness cannot be changed in the short term, improvements can emerge over the long run as individuals enter responsible relationships, careers and associations.”

The study was published in the Journal of Personality (Kern & Friedman, 2008).

Author: Jeremy Dean

Psychologist, Jeremy Dean, PhD is the founder and author of PsyBlog. He holds a doctorate in psychology from University College London and two other advanced degrees in psychology. He has been writing about scientific research on PsyBlog since 2004. He is also the author of the book “Making Habits, Breaking Habits” (Da Capo, 2013) and several ebooks. View all posts by Jeremy Dean

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7 Essentials to Reputation Management for Celebrities

Reputation management helps improve a public figure’s brand, gain better control over what information circulates about the figure in question, and repair damage caused by negative news pieces. It’s also an important consideration for every public personality with a fanbase, regardless of size. 

Without reputation management, for example, just one insensitive or outdated comment on a dormant social media account can cause loads of backlash and reverse years of work—even if you think everyone forgot about it. The truth is, you never know when an armchair muckraker who has nothing better to do will stir up a media scandal against you. 

And since you don’t want to be the next person posting an apology video, it’s important to know the ins and outs of celebrity reputation management so you can be prepared to prevent and manage any backlash. 

1. Own Your Social Accounts 

The first step to managing your reputation is to have an official communication channel to connect with your fanbase—because emails and press releases simply won’t cut it. 

If you happen to land in a PR crisis for any reason, social media channels serve as the first line of defense to address any issues and make a statement before things blow out of proportion. 

Meanwhile, having verified social accounts also helps keep impostors and impersonators at bay. These people often set up fake celebrity accounts to scam fans, mostly for monetary gain. If you don’t identify these accounts and address this issue quickly enough, you’ll have to deal with the backlash. 

Keanu Reeves, for example, does not have any social media accounts, and this can often land his fans in hot water (or even debt) for believing in scammers who appear credible. 

Instagram story from Dogstarband announcing that Keanu Reeves does not have social...
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10 Profitable Solopreneur Business Ideas Anyone Can Start

10 Solopreneur Business Ideas You Can Start Now triggerPosition) { // Show or modify the styles of your sticky bar welcomeBar[0].style.display = ‘block’; } else { // Hide or revert the styles of your sticky bar welcomeBar[0].style.display = ‘none’; } }); ]]> 10 Profitable Solopreneur Business Ideas Anyone Can Start ]]> {{{ ( data.maybeFilterHTML() === ‘true’ ) ? _.escape( data.label ) : data.label }}} ]]>

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