The Power of Self Leadership

What Should Always Come before Leadership

Before you earn the right to lead others, you must first be able to lead yourself. Nobody wants to follow someone who hasn’t demonstrated the discipline and skills to be personally successful. How can that person help others be more successful? 

Self-leadership is the first step toward leading others.


What is Self-Leadership?

Self-leadership is the art of taking responsibility for your own life and making conscious choices that align with your values, passions, and goals. It involves becoming the captain of your own ship and being able to create the life you desire. Self-leadership is about recognizing that you have the power to shape your destiny, regardless of external circumstances.


Why is Self-Leadership Important?

Self-leadership empowers you to live a life of purpose, authenticity, and personal fulfillment. Importantly, it gives you credibility. If you are the kind of person others admire and respect, they will be influenced by your example, and ultimately leadership is positive influence. 

Self-leadership enhances your decision-making abilities, increases your resilience, and develops a sense of control over your life. It is the key to unlocking your true potential and creating a life that reflects your deepest aspirations and positively impacts others.

Developing Self-Leadership

Here are some of the key skills that create self-leadership:

Self-Awareness: Start by understanding yourself on a deeper level. Reflect on your values, strengths, weaknesses, and aspirations. As Socrates said, know thyself. Identify your purpose and the legacy you want to leave. Self-awareness forms the foundation of self-leadership, giving insight into your true self.

Goal Orientation: Establishing clear, meaningful goals provides direction and purpose. Define what success means to you in different areas of your life—career, relationships, health, personal growth—and set SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound) goals to guide your actions. Regularly review and adjust your goals as you progress.

Personal responsibility: Take responsibility and see yourself as the CEO of your life. This includes responsibility for your choices, actions, reactions and outcomes. Avoid blaming others or external circumstances when things go wrong. Instead, focus on what you can control and how you can learn from challenges.

Self-Discipline: Develop the discipline to consistently take actions that align with your goals and values. This means prioritizing tasks, managing your time effectively, and staying committed even when faced with distractions or setbacks. Practice self-control, building habits that support your growth and progress.

Continuous Learning: Adopt a growth mindset and commit to lifelong learning. You choose to keep learning and growing. Seek out new experiences, acquire new skills, and challenge yourself to step outside your comfort zone. Embrace failure as an opportunity to learn and grow. Stay curious, open-minded, and adaptable in the face of change.

A Supportive Network: Surround yourself with individuals who inspire and challenge you to be your best self. Seek mentors and role models who embody the qualities and values you admire. Engage in communities that provide support, accountability, and opportunities for collaboration and growth.


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The Secret To Happiness For The Psychologically Mature (M)

The simple pleasures like a delicious meal or enjoying nature make most people happy, but the psychological mature often need more.

The search for meaning in life promotes greater happiness in those with high levels of psychological maturity, a study suggests.

People with advanced ego development tend to seek out more opportunities for personal growth, the nurturing of others and overcoming challenges.

However, the simple pleasures in life also play an important role in happiness for people at all levels of psychological maturity.

It is the psychologically mature, though, that benefit most from the search for meaning in life.

Paths to happiness

These conclusions come from a study that looked at how people’s paths to happiness change along with their psychological maturity.

The researchers used a theory of ego development introduced by the American psychologist Jane Loevinger.

As people mature psychologically, Loevinger proposed, they attain new strategies for establishing relationships, making sense of life experiences and regulating the self.

Essentially, people move from a pre-occupation with their own desires and emotions to understanding how they differ to others, cope with their feelings and make difficult decisions.

In other words, people slowly learn that they are not the only person in the world and everything does not revolve around what they want, feel or think.

Higher ego development

The researchers tested the ego development, or psychological maturity, of 360 people by using a projective sentence completion task.

These were then assessed by experts.

Dr Evgeny Osin, the study’s first author, explained the test:

“For example, completed sentences such as ‘Being with other people is cool’, ‘… is something I enjoy’ or ‘… is awful’ indicate an early stage of ego development.

In contrast, sentences like ‘Being with other people can be tiresome but often useful’ or ‘…means observing their personality and learning from them’ suggest a more advanced stage of ego development and higher complexity of self-perception.”

Participants were also asked about their levels of happiness and life satisfaction.

This provides an insight into people’s happiness, but only a limited one, explained Dr Osin:

“Emotional well-being functions like a thermometer: we can measure a person’s temperature to assess their overall state—does their life go well? —but the temperature alone is insufficient to make a diagnosis—what kind of life is it?”

Accepting new challenges

The results revealed that people at higher levels of ego development continue to seek out hedonic pleasures, such as pleasure (say, from eating, travelling, entertainment etc.) and comfort.

However, unlike those with lower levels of ego development, they also sought out more meaning in life.

They had a greater desire for personal development; to reach out and accept new challenges for themselves and explore.

Age, though, was no barrier to psychological immaturity, Dr Osin said:

“Interestingly, in adults, the level of ego development is no longer contingent upon age.

While some individuals progress to higher levels of psychological maturity as they age, others remain at the impulsive or self-protective stages without further advancement.

The study demonstrates that the meaning of life is not an abstract notion, but a real-life challenge that individuals encounter as they attain a higher level of personal maturity.

It is highly likely…

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How to Use Visual Elements to Enhance Your Blog Post’s Engagement

A picture is worth a thousand words.

This is an ageless English adage we’re sure you’ve heard countless times throughout your life. It’s a simple concept. In short, it means that it’s easier to show someone something than to tell them about it.

But are you applying this strategy to your blog posts since blogging is a science?

There are lots of tips and tricks you can learn to engage with your audience, such as mastering the art of storytelling. However, words alone won’t drive engagement.

You’ll need to learn how to incorporate visual elements into your blog posts as well. If you’ve been reading my blogs for a while, you know we practice what we preach.

We love using visuals to help improve my content. To those of you who are not used to this, it can sound intimidating.

Where do you start? How many visuals should you include? What visuals are acceptable?

These are all valid questions that we can answer for you. Use this guide as a reference for adding visual content to your blog posts. Here’s what you need to know.

Understand how people read your blog

You can be the best writer in the world, but the reality is people aren’t going to read your content word for word. It’s a fact you need to accept right now.

According to a recent study, people read only 20% of your content on a page.

Let that sink in for a moment. Research shows that the optimal blog post will take someone about seven minutes to read:

An infographic on how long blog posts should be to read. An infographic on how long blog posts should be to read.

Typically, seven minutes translates…

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Your Lens Determines Vision – Leadership Freak

Your Lens Determines Vision

I have attributed the following statement to Annis Nin. “We don’t see things as they are; we see them as we are.” Quote Investigator’s article says its attribution is uncertain. The wisdom remains whoever said it first.

The way you see yourself is the way you see the world.

The lens:

  1. Weakness sees threats. Competence sees opportunities.
  2. Pessimism sees obstacles. Optimism sees possibilities.
  3. Insecurity sees judgment. Self-assurance sees acceptance.
  4. Doubt sees limitation. Self-belief sees potential.
  5. Negativity sees problems. Positivity sees solutions.
  6. Ignorance sees confusion. Knowledge sees clarity.
  7. Isolation sees loneliness. Connection sees companionship.
  8. Resentment sees offense. Forgiveness sees healing.
  9. Rigidity sees stagnation. Adaptability sees growth.
  10. Scarcity sees lack. Abundance sees plenty.
  11. Conformity sees can’t. Creativity sees can.
  12. Entitlement sees privilege. Gratitude sees blessings.
  13. Failure looks to the future with anxiety. Success looks to the future with confidence.
  14. Regret sees missed opportunities. Acceptance sees learning experiences.
  15. Complacency sees indifference. Initiative sees growth.


Different lenses – same situation.

I heard a story about two shoe salesmen who showed up in a town where people didn’t wear shoes. One phoned back and said, “It’s a dead market. No one wears shoes here.” The other phoned the office and said, “Ramp up production. Everyone here needs shoes and they have no shoe stores.”

Consider the consequences of the words above.

  1. Offense or healing.
  2. Solutions or problems.
  3. Obstacles or possibilities.
  4. Limitation or potential.

What does your way of seeing the world say about the way you see yourself?

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Weight Loss: A Supplement That Reduces Belly Fat

A natural supplement for weight loss that is found in many healthy foods.

Taking certain supplements has been shown by research to increase weight loss.

Inulin, a natural fibre available as a supplement, can even quadruple weight loss, one study has found.

Inulin is a fibre found naturally in many foods, including leeks, wheat, onions, bananas and asparagus.

The natural fibre works by reducing appetite.

It has a creamy consistency and is sometimes used in the food industry as a substitute for fat.

Inulin is low in calories, high in fibre and it can improve the health of the digestion.

Researchers repeatedly find that an increase in fibre intake can help with weight loss.

A recent study on mice fed them either a high-fat diet on its own or a high-fat diet with a fibre supplement.

After four weeks on this regime, the results showed that inulin — the fibre supplement — reduced obesity resulting from weight gain.

The size of fat cells was also reduced by supplementation with inulin.

Dr. Andrew Gewirtz, study co-author, said:

“We found that manipulating dietary fiber content, particularly by adding fermentable fiber, guards against metabolic syndrome.

This study revealed the specific mechanism used to restore gut health and suppress obesity and metabolic syndrome is the induction of IL-22 expression.

These results contribute to the understanding of the mechanisms that underlie diet-induced obesity and offer insight into how fermentable fibers might promote better health.”

Metabolic syndrome is a cluster of problems including excess belly fat, high blood pressure and low levels of ‘good’ cholesterol.

Inulin also reduced bad cholesterol levels and helped to keep blood sugar more stable.

The balance of the microbes in the gut was restored by taking inulin.

The study was published in the journal Cell Host & Microbe (Zou et al., 2018).

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How to Create Content That Drives Sales

There is a big misconception that content marketing doesn’t drive sales. But if it didn’t work well, none of our companies would exist.

Content marketing is an absolute necessity for brand survival and we’ve grown each of our businesses through content marketing.

If you want to generate hordes of sustainable, long-term traffic without spending too much money, content marketing is the way to go.

At its core, it’s very simple:

Create valuable content for your target audience, and give it to them.

You’re on the right track if you are currently creating and distributing content. But for those of you not seeing results from these marketing campaigns, it can be frustrating.

If you’re putting so much time and effort into this, why aren’t you seeing results? What’s the issue?

We see this problem a lot when we’re consulting businesses. They don’t have a clearly defined content strategy. If this sounds like you, it’s important you read this post carefully.

It’s great that you are continuing to publish new content. But this isn’t effective if your sales aren’t increasing.

Sure, content marketing can be used for many different things. Primarily, businesses use content marketing to:

  • generate leads
  • acquire new customers
  • increase brand awareness
  • establish credibility
  • engage with an audience

All of these are great and critical for success. However, you need to learn how to create content that directly drives sales.

That’s why you got into business in the first place, right? You wanted to make money.

We want to show you what types of content you should be producing in order to generate strong sales from the rest of your content marketing efforts.

Some of these might overlap with the content you’re already producing to generate traffic, but some will be new.

If you’re starting to…

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The Simplest Of All Personality Tests Is Surprisingly Accurate

This easy test reveals your personality accurately.

People are surprisingly accurate at judging their own personality, research finds.

Simply rating your own personality produces reasonably accurate results — certainly in line with how others likely view you.

When people judge themselves on the five basic personality traits, they are mostly accurate.

The five basic personality traits are:

  1. Openness to experience: curiosity and inventiveness.
  2. Conscientiousness: efficient and organised.
  3. Extraversion: outgoing and energetic.
  4. Agreeableness: friendly and compassionate.
  5. Neuroticism: nervous and sensitive.

Have a go at rating yourself on these factors right now — you probably won’t be far off.

Simply give yourself a score out of 10 for each of the five factors.

Scoring 5 is average, 1 is very low and 10 is very high.

Clue: most people tend towards the middle of the scale.

Dr Brian Connelly, study co-author, said:

“It’s widely assumed that people have rose-coloured glasses on when they consider their own personality.

We found that isn’t necessarily the case, that on average people don’t show any trend in rating themselves more favourably than they’re rated by their peers.”

The conclusions come from 160 different studies of personality.

The researchers were looking for evidence of self-enhancement.

Dr Connelly explained the results:

“We make personality judgements of ourselves and others all the time, and a popular notion is that self-reports are more positively biased … but we find little support for that in the literature.”

One reason people may not self-enhance is that they are kept in line by others, Dr Connelly said:

“People are generally attuned to the impressions they convey.

Some people may stray toward self-enhancement, or in the opposite direction with self-effacement, but there are social costs associated with both that makes the general trend for people to be accurate.”

Next, Dr Connelly plans to look at self-enhancement at work:

“It’s important to know if self-enhancers perform worse on the job or have more trouble in school.

It could be they don’t internalize negative information about themselves or even totally forget about it altogether, both of which could have negative outcomes.”

The study was published in the journal  Psychological Science (Kim et al., 2018).

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The Complete Guide To Paid Search For Bloggers

Paid options can be a great source of traffic for your blog.

But it’s all about the right kind of traffic.

With paid search you can get the right kind of traffic for your blog. Not only can you get the right traffic, you can get lots of the right traffic.

With paid search, though, you’re spending money on top of your time so the stakes are high.

In the following guide we’ll cover the biggest opportunities you have to market your blog posts using paid search.

Google Ads

There are a ton of good posts out there about how to effectively use Google Ads so we won’t focus on the things that have been said before.

Example of Google AdWords.Example of Google AdWords.

We’ll focus on a single strategy that will help you promote your blog posts instead of a general website or ecommerce store.

Step 1 – Publish A New Post

You can use this tactic for every one of your new posts since a key component of blogging is to publish only valuable blog content.

Step 2 – Select Only Specific Keyword Phrases

The biggest and broadest keywords are expensive per click. That’s no surprise.

For blog marketing with paid search you don’t need a ton of traffic to make your efforts effective. You’re trying to get the right kind of people interest in your posts and your brand.

Look for terms that have low competition (instead of high or medium). These terms will usually have less than 1,000 monthly global searches and even less in your local area, which is your local country.

It’s important to determine if you are targeting global readers or readers in a specific location. Only you can determine where…

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The Personality Type Most Likely To Cheat On Their Partner

Men and women cheat on their partners for different reasons, research finds.

Men who are risk-takers, easily excited sexually, or those that have performance anxiety are most likely to cheat, research finds.

For women, the pattern is different.

Women are motivated more by their levels of happiness and satisfaction with the relationship.

In other words: women who are unhappy are more likely to cheat.

Professor Robin Milhausen, who led the study, explained that most studies on infidelity have looked at demographic factors:

“Few studies on infidelity have gone beyond exploring demographics.

This research shows that demographic variables may not influence decision-making as much as previously thought — that personality matters more, especially for men.”

One-in-five unfaithful

The research involved almost one thousand men and women in monogamous relationships.

The results showed that 23 percent of men and 19 percent of women admitted being unfaithful at some point.

Men’s infidelity was predicted by personality factors like risk-taking.

Professor Milhausen said:

“People might seek out high-risk situations to help them become aroused, or they might choose to have sex with a partner outside of their regular relationship because they feel they have an ‘out’ if the encounter doesn’t go well — they don’t have to see them again.”

For women it was more about their satisfaction with the relationship.

Dissatisfaction made them twice as likely to cheat.

Professor Milhausen said:

“All kinds of things predict infidelity.

What this study says is that when you put all of those things together, for men, personality characteristics are so strong they bounce everything else out of the model.

For women, in the face of all other variables, it’s still the relationship that is the most important predictor.”

Professor Milhausen continued:

“Taken at face value, this research might seem to just support sexual stereotypes: Women are just concerned about the relationship, and, for men, once a cheater, always a cheater, regardless of their relationship.

But the caveat is that there are a lot of variants and factors that are not explained here that might impact whether someone cheats.”

The study was published in the journal Archives of Sexual Behavior (Mark et al., 2011).

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How to Create a Custom WordPress Widget in 4 Simple Steps

WordPress widgets are excellent customization tools. You can use it to add text, social media buttons, banners, pages, or any other element to extend your website’s capabilities.

Technically speaking, they’re little snippets of code that you can drag and drop into your WordPress website’s sidebar for display—or other areas of your site, depending on your theme.

As we said, they’re awesome.

Sometimes, the existing available widgets are exactly what you need. But sometimes, you may want them to function in a certain way or look slightly different.

Luckily, you can develop custom WordPress widgets from scratch and implement them on your site. Or collect it into a plugin that’s compatible with multiple WordPress themes.

The even better news? Creating custom widgets for WordPress is super easy.

4 Steps to Create a Custom WordPress Widget

Here’s what you need to do:

  1. Understanding the Requirements of Creating Custom WordPress Widgets
  2. Develop a Plugin to Paste Widget Codes
  3. Create the Widget in WordPress
  4. View Your Custom Widget on Your Website

What to Expect When Creating a Custom WordPress Widget

WordPress and PHP sound intimidating as it is, but when you club them together, it becomes even more daunting.

The reality couldn’t be any more different, though. All you need is WordPress and PHP, and you can create a customized widget for your website in no time.

The Good

There are two ways to create a custom widget in WordPress:

  • You can either edit the function.php, or
  • You can use a plugin to develop the widget

If you aren’t comfortable with a particular method, you can always switch to the other one. In addition, you can also test out the widget in a local environment before implementing it on your main site.

You can use a…

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