Types of Blogs Starter Guide: Learn The Basics

We recommend starting a blog using WordPress with Hostinger as it’s easy to tailor to your needs. Get started today for $2.59 per month.

Not all blogs set out to accomplish the same things. And around a third of bloggers don’t make any money. That’s why you must consider what type of blog to start carefully. Choosing a blog niche that has an audience and fits your goals is the crucial first step to success. In this post, you’ll learn what you need to know about different blog types and which kinds of blogs are most popular and most profitable according to data.

The 3 Best Blogging Platforms for Creating Different Types of Blogs

We used our wealth of experience creating websites and prior research to identify the top blogging platforms for creating any type of blog. Our top three picks are versatile enough to start you on the right foot, no matter what your goals for your blog are:

Brand logos for WordPress, Wix, and Squarespace.Brand logos for WordPress, Wix, and Squarespace.

What Types of Blogs Are There?

Blog creators have a wide array of goals and objectives for their content, but there are four main categories of blogs in general. Let’s discuss each of those in a quick overview:

1. Personal blogs – These are journal-like blogs in which writers document their thoughts, opinions, tastes, or slices of daily life. It’s the way blogging started out on the early internet. Sometimes, bloggers keep their personal blogs private or only share them with friends and family, but nowadays more and more people use them as a sounding board, a place to share advice and experiences, or a way of building a community around a topic…

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The Personality Trait Linked To Positive Aging

This personality trait is linked to living almost 8 years longer on average.

Optimists are most likely to hold positive beliefs about aging, researchers finds.

Critically, optimists believe they can control their lives and make improvements.

This means that believing in a healthy, engaged old age is a self-fulfilling prophecy — people with these views tend to experience better health and are more active and social.

Ms Shelbie Turner, the study’s first author, said:

“How we think about who we’re going to be in old age is very predictive of exactly how we will be.”

People who imagine themselves more positively at 50-years-old tend to have better health 40 years later, studies have found.

They are less likely to suffer a heart attack, have better memory, greater will to live and are less likely to die prematurely.

Professor Karen Hooker, study co-author, said:

“Previous research has shown that people who have positive views of aging at 50 live 7.5 years longer, on average, than people who don’t.”

For the study, 244 people were tested for their optimistic traits and for how they saw themselves in the future.

Each person listed two ‘hoped-for’ future selves and two ‘feared’ future selves.

For example, people feared being chronically sick and in pain and hoped to be healthy and active.

The results revealed that optimistic people were more positive about aging.

Overcoming ageist stereotypes

Older people are often stereotyped as suffering memory problems, having difficulty exercising and being poor drivers.

Professor Hooker said:

“Kids as young as 4 years old already have negative stereotypes about old people.

Then, of course, if you’re lucky enough to live to old age, they eventually apply to you.”

Even older people sometimes reinforce these stereotypes themselves in the way they behave and think about aging.

Professor Hooker said:

“People need to realize that some of the negative health consequences in later life might not be biologically driven.

The mind and the body are all interwoven.

If you believe these bad things are going to happen, over time that can erode people’s willingness or maybe even eventually their ability to engage in those health behaviors that are going to keep them as healthy as they can be.”

The social mixing of young and old would help generate positive views of aging, says Professor Hooker:

“The more you’re around older people, the more you realize that it’s not all bad.

Older people can do some things better than young people do. Increasing opportunities for intergenerational relationships is one way we can make people more optimistic about aging.”

Increase your optimism

People naturally become more optimistic with age, studies have found.

However, exercises such as visualising your ‘best possible self‘ have been shown to increase optimism in the short-term.

Visualising your best possible self may sound like an exercise in fantasy but, crucially, it does have to be realistic.

Carrying out this exercise typically involves imagining your life in the future, but a future where everything that could go well, has gone well.

You have reached those realistic goals that you have set for yourself.

Then, to help cement your visualisation, you commit your best possible self to paper.

The study was…

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My Best Relationship Advice for Leaders

My Best Relationship Advice for Leaders

It’s tragic to fight the battle alone. A relationship with someone who acts with the best interest of others sustains you.

“A person standing alone can be attacked and defeated, but two can stand back-to-back and conquer.” (Hebrew Bible)

Relationship advice: Try to avoid attractive idiots. Image of a dog with a bowtie on.Relationship advice: Try to avoid attractive idiots. Image of a dog with a bowtie on.

My best relationship advice:

#1. Try to avoid attractive idiots.

Quality of people determines quality of connection. Toxic people have toxic relationships.

Who to avoid:

  1. “I” people. Who do they frequently talk favorably about? Themselves or others.
  2. Chronic grumps. What is the ratio of joy to unhappiness in their conversations? Some people need to complain to feel powerful.
  3. Drama mongers. How frequently are they embroiled in the latest tempest? Attention-seekers love turmoil.
  4. Pugnacious knuckleheads. Do they fight about everything?

#2. Accept zits.

Noticing bad is easier than noticing good.

Look at imperfect people with approval. You might be perfect, but if perfection is your standard of approval, I hope you enjoy shallow relationships.

Nitpicking weakens relationships. It’s easy to correct, complain, and disagree. It takes positive intention and commitment to build up.

Acceptance is the foundation for acknowledging weaknesses, not pretending everything’s great when it sucks.

Enjoyment turns battle to play. Image of a baby standing in a milk crate.Enjoyment turns battle to play. Image of a baby standing in a milk crate.

#3. Play.

A little play does relationships good. We loved riding our bikes and playing baseball. In the winter we put on mittens and played basketball in the hay loft. Being good at school had little to do with it.

#4. A difficult genius might be better than an easy fool.

Choose people who think differently, have obsessions, and take a point of view. Boredom sets in when you’re surrounded by head-bobbers.

#5. Choose meaningful over happy.

Good feelings are wonderful; meaning is better (If you have to choose between the two).

Meaningful battles create strong bonds. What makes connections meaningful?

  1. Learning and curiosity.
  2. Fighting for something instead of against someone.
  3. Shared values.
  4. Suffering together.

Which of the items above seems most relevant to you today?

What would you add to the above list?

Still curious:

7 Relationship Building Rules for Results-Driven Leaders

11 Tips for Leaders Who Want to Encourage Positive Workplace Relationships

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HostGator Alternatives and Competitors – 2023 Review

Hostinger is our top recommendation for most people because of its all-around versatility and reliability as a web host. Start your Hostinger web hosting plan for just $1.99 per month.

Regardless of why you need a website, you need your web hosting provider to deliver reliability, ease of use, and affordability. HostGator ticks all of those boxes, plus offers its customers a free domain for one year, plenty of upgrade options, and a responsive customer support team. 

With web hosting plans for personal and business use, just about any website owner can get what they need from HostGator. Get over 60% your monthly rate when you sign up with HostGator today.

The 9 Best Web Hosting Services

With web hosting services, one size certainly doesn’t fit all. Even though their offerings are largely similar, certain options rise to the occasion best for specific needs. HostGator made the cut of our top picks, but here’s a full rundown of our favorite hosting providers:

Learn more about these high-ranking web hosting providers by reading our full post reviewing all of them.

Brand logos for HostGator alternatives.Brand logos for HostGator alternatives. Hostinger brand logo image.Hostinger brand logo image.

Hostinger‘s affordable web hosting plans make it possible for virtually anyone to get their website up and running, then grow their site as their budget allows. The provider delivers rock-bottom rates for its shared and WordPress hosting, but doesn’t skimp on the resources you’re afforded. Even at its lowest price point, website owners get 100 GB of storage, 1 GB of RAM, and automated weekly backups.

How Hostinger Compares to HostGator

Hostinger and HostGator are relatively similar in terms…

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One Simple Instruction That Will Keep You Motivated

Motivation can stay at maximum all day long, research finds.

The key to keeping your motivation at maximum is switching tasks, research finds.

Most people’s motivation and performance starts to dip after doing a difficult task for around 30 minutes.

As people get closer to one hour on a task, there is very noticeable drop in performance.

However, if people switch tasks, their self-control is less limited than many believe.

Dr Dan Randles, the study’s first author, said:

“While people get tired doing one specific task over a period of time, we found no evidence that they had less motivation or ability to complete tasks throughout the day.”

Self-control means doing a task that doesn’t reward you immediately, Dr Randles said:

“It’s doing something not because you enjoy it, but because it’s connected to a larger goal and you want to see it through.”

The conclusions come from a study in which over 16,000 people were given a difficult memory task to do at different times of day.

The results showed that people had the same motivation throughout the day.

Psychologists have generally thought that motivation decreases over the day as people’s self-control wears down or is exhausted.

Dr Randles said:

“This doesn’t mean all studies on self-control are wrong, but at least for that one, attempts to replicate it have found no evidence for the effect.

Our results are consistent with theories showing that people lose motivation within a specific task, but at odds with theories that argue self-control is general resource that can be exhausted.”

Dr Iain Harlow, study co-author, thinks the research shows why short, effortful bursts can be so effective in cementing learning:

“This finding is especially important for intellectually demanding tasks like learning.

It fits with research showing that you remember more of what you learn when you review it frequently but in short bursts.”

Dr Randles concluded:

“The fact participants got worse at a single task speaks to how effortful they found it, and despite the difficulty, we found no evidence whatsoever that their ability or motivation decreased up until the point they got tired late at night.”

→ Try Dr Jeremy Dean’s motivation ebook: “Spark: 17 Steps That Will Boost Your Motivation For Anything”

The study was published in the journal PLOS ONE (Randles et al., 2017).

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