Episode 150: Using Clubhouse to Grow an Audience and Drive Sales with Jen Gottlieb Co-Founder of Super Connector Media

The DigitalMarketer Podcast | Episode 150: Using Clubhouse to Grow an Audience and Drive Sales with Jen Gottlieb Co-Founder of Super Connector Media The DigitalMarketer Podcast | Episode 150: Using Clubhouse to Grow an Audience and Drive Sales with Jen Gottlieb Co-Founder of Super Connector Media
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WJR Business Beat with Jeff Sloan: Data Shows Consumers Want to Shop and Dine Locally (Episode 224)

WJR Business Beat with Jeff Sloan: Data Shows Consumers Want to Shop and Dine Locally (Episode 224) [] (function(w,d,s,l,i){w[l]=w[l]||[];w[l].push({‘gtm.start’: new Date().getTime(),event:’gtm.js’});var f=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0], j=d.createElement(s),dl=l!=’dataLayer’?’&l=’+l:”;j.async=true;j.src= ‘https://www.googletagmanager.com/gtm.js?id=’+i+dl;f.parentNode.insertBefore(j,f); })(window,document,’script’,’dataLayer’,’GTM-MM8GNSK’);]]> This website uses cookies to improve your experience. We’ll assume you’re ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. Cookie settingsACCEPT

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The Value of a Mile

Photo by Volkan Olmez on Unsplash

Since January 1 I’ve been walking one mile a day. It’s part of our Transformathon—which ends later this month with an amazing 5K walk that I’ll be live-streaming from two different locations—but it’s also part of my health routine.

When Covid hit last year and my travel schedule suddenly opened up, it didn’t take me long to realize that I would have to fill some of those now empty hours with something productive. Something that would make me better. Something that would help my growth.

So I started walking. I could’ve joined a gym, or hired a trainer, but walking is something that everyone can do. It’s something that doesn’t require fancy equipment. It’s something that you can do without needing a coach to show you how.

When it comes to it, a walk is just you, your willpower, and the open road.

What I loved about my walks was the uninterrupted thinking time! I made use of every mile, no matter how slow it may have been, by using the time to think about the things I was learning, or the things I was reading, or to think about our work for Transformation. Those daily walks became some of my most productive minutes of the day.

They also taught me the value of a mile.

One mile might not sound that impressive to some of you, but for many of us, it’s a big achievement. That’s because it’s takes us a little longer, requires a little bit more grit to get it done. That mile represents the victory of our will and celebrates the power of intentional action in our lives.

That’s why I love this Transformathon. Hundreds of you have signed up and joined me out on the road (or in the pool, as I was today!) to put in your mile. And while you’re walking, my team and I have provided you with a value to think about along the way. Since all Transformation is rooted in good values, it makes sense for us to meditate on a value as we walk.

Today’s value is teachability and I’ve recorded a video teaching on that value that you can watch on my Instagram or Twitter feeds (and I encourage you to give today’s video a look—it’s a hoot!).

But we’ve also discussed other values, powerful values like Attitude, Courage, Initiative, and Empathy. These values are the key to unlocking the potential in other people; they are the way that you and I can introduce change into our worlds by living out these values with the people we call neighbors and friends.

As you walk each mile, I want you to think about how the value of the day could change your neighborhood. What would happen if people were to embrace teachability and be open to learning new ideas or ways of living? What would happen if your neighbor who’s struggling with their marriage…

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Episode 1372 Scott Adams: Pipeline Hackers, Tiger Loose in Houston, China Persuasion Game and More Fun

Quantcast {{options.learnMore}} {{options.dismiss}}’, ”, ”, ” ], cookieName: ‘dilbert_cookieconsent_dismissed’, readystate: ‘interactive’ }; ]]> Episode 1372 Scott Adams: Pipeline Hackers, Tiger Loose in Houston, China Persuasion Game and More Fun – Scott Adams’ Blog ]]>

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Marketing Integrations: The Challenge of Getting Your Marketing Tech Stack to Play Nice

More than 60% of marketers use 20+ marketing tools on a regular basis according to Airtable. For email marketing alone, more than half of small businesses use two or more tools according to Litmus. And the number of sales and marketing tools each company uses is forecasted to continue to increase rapidly as the number of available tools and the amount of customer data grows.

At the same time, according to Mulesoft, only 28% of tools a company uses are integrated with other tools. More tools, more data, but limited integration—can you spot the issue here?

Before we get to possible solutions, let’s take a step back and look at the biggest martech dilemma that sales and marketing leaders have been grappling with over the last several years. 

Should you use best-of-breed tools or an all-in-one marketing suite?

The major shift: a preference for integrated suites

Up until recently the best-of-breed approach was steadily gaining popularity. Each year, an increasing share of companies picked the proverbial set of kitchen knives over a Swiss army knife. 

The trend has since changed. Not slightly, but dramatically.

The preference for integrated suites doubled from 29% in 2019 to 59% in 2020. Why?

According to Gartner and Scott Brinker the primary driver is the increased need to join data and tools not just between sales and marketing but across the whole company. 

Today’s “suite” is not about marketing. Or, more accurately, it isn’t just about marketing. It’s about providing the backbone for marketing, sales, and customer service. – Scott Brinker

Another key reason is that integrated suites are much easier to keep up with than they were in the past. As more companies build products with an integration first approach, it’s easier for companies to connect all their favorite tools with relative ease. 

Last but not least, large software suites have acknowledged that they’ll never be able to build everything their customers want. So they’ve invested heavily into opening up and building their marketplaces, and app developers have had time to build properly useful integrations. 

Today, there are roughly more than 500 apps on the Hubspot Marketplace, 850 on ActiveCampaign Apps Marketplace and more than 4000 on Salesforce Appexchange. 

It’s no longer about choosing between all-in-one suites and best-of-breed tools. They’ve merged into the same thing. 

The 2015 all-in-one martech suite was a landmass of code that tried to do everything.

The all-in-one martech suite of today is a backbone for the business with an open ecosystem. Use the database as the single source of truth, and pick and choose the tools that work for you whether from the same vendor or somewhere else. 

Let’s take the example of HubSpot itself. HubSpot offers a CMS and email marketing as part of its offering. And yet, two of the top three marketing apps on the platform are WordPress and Mailchimp, popular CMS and email marketing solution,…

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6 Recession-Proof Side Hustles You Can Start Today to Bring in Extra Cash

6 Recession-Proof Side Hustles You Can Start Today to Bring in Extra Cash [] (function(w,d,s,l,i){w[l]=w[l]||[];w[l].push({‘gtm.start’: new Date().getTime(),event:’gtm.js’});var f=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0], j=d.createElement(s),dl=l!=’dataLayer’?’&l=’+l:”;j.async=true;j.src= ‘https://www.googletagmanager.com/gtm.js?id=’+i+dl;f.parentNode.insertBefore(j,f); })(window,document,’script’,’dataLayer’,’GTM-MM8GNSK’);]]> This website uses cookies to improve your experience. We’ll assume you’re ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. Cookie settingsACCEPT

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One More Chance to Join the Movement

Become part of the movement today!

Today is a historic day for the United States of America; for the 59th time in our country’s history, we inaugurated a new president and vice-president, and began another chapter in our leadership history. As is common for inaugurations, there were a lot of words spoken about where our country finds itself and where the new leadership sees the nation going. It is a day of vision and invitation.

Good leaders cast vision and invite you to embrace it; great leaders cast vision, invite you to embrace it, and then create a pathway for you to take action to bring it about. A vision is only as good as the practical steps you and I can take to see it come true.

A vision minus action steps is a merely an ideal; it’s a compelling picture of a possibility without arms or legs. It’s like eating sugar when your energy is low—it offers a short burst of energy but leaves you emptier once that burst burns out.

A true vision provides a pathway to seeing that vision come true. Those steps will not be exact; there will be challenges that arise, plans that change, and new information revealed that reforms what the vision requires. But without a first step, no vision can go anywhere. That’s why the first step is the most important, because the first step reveals the next step, and that’s how visions come to pass:

Visionaries take the next step, one step at a time.

Over the last three weeks, I’ve been inviting people to join me in a vision of Transformation—a vision where good people, who learn and live good values, value other people and add value to them and together they take action to create a positive values culture that changes the communities and countries of our world.

To make it practical, I’ve challenged you to join me in walking/running/swimming/biking/hiking or otherwise moving one mile a day while thinking deeply about a Transformational Value. Thousands of you have joined in by not only hitting the streets daily but registering to join me for the Transform-a-thon, our virtual 5K event that takes place this Saturday, January 23rd.

You’ve received a personal letter from me, welcoming you to the movement, as well as your own personal copy of Change Your World, my new book written with my good friend Rob Hoskins. You also received your personal race bib to wear on Saturday when you join me for either (or both) of the two scheduled 5K walk/runs. You’ll find the schedule for the day on the Change Your World website, as well as the schedule for mine and Rob’s upcoming book tour!

I want to renew my personal invitation for you to join me and my fellow visionaries who are taking the necessary steps to see Transformation come to pass.

Sign up today for the Transform-a-thon virtual 5K this Saturday. Get out…

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Episode 1373 Scott Adams: CRT is Double-Racist, Putin and the Pipeline Hackers, Fauci Versus Rand Paul, Lots More

Quantcast {{options.learnMore}} {{options.dismiss}}’, ”, ”, ” ], cookieName: ‘dilbert_cookieconsent_dismissed’, readystate: ‘interactive’ }; ]]> Episode 1373 Scott Adams: CRT is Double-Racist, Putin and the Pipeline Hackers, Fauci Versus Rand Paul, Lots More – Scott Adams’ Blog ]]>

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