PERMA – 5 Elements to Thrive

PERMA – 5 Elements to Thrive

Positive psychology isn’t happy talk.

Positive psychology concerns itself with things that cause people to flourish.

I couldn’t list the 5 elements necessary to thrive during a coaching conversation yesterday (PERMA). I decided a refresher was necessary. Everyone who cares about the success of others needs to understand PERMA.

PERMA: Positive emotion, Engagement, good Relationships, Meaning, Accomplishment. Image of a sunrise behind a tree.

Martin Seligman, former president of the American Psychological Association, championed the positive psychology movement in 1998. Seligman learned there are 5 elements necessary for people to thrive.

  1. Positive emotion.
  2. Engagement.
  3. good Relationships.
  4. Meaning.
  5. Accomplishment.


#1. Positive emotion:

To thrive you need hope, happiness, joy, satisfaction. I love that the champion of positive psychology says his happiness setpoint is on the low side.

Whether you’re naturally upbeat or not, you can impact the way you feel with behaviors. Choose to act your way into feeling instead of feel your way into acting.

Tip: Practice gratitude to impact positive emotion.

#2. Engagement.

To flourish you need to voluntarily do things that challenge you. Things that capture your attention. It’s called FLOW.


Discuss the concept of challenge with team members. What challenges you? What level of challenge do you typically feel at work? How challenging does this new project feel to you? (Too much challenge overwhelms. Too little causes boredom.)

#3. good Relationships.

How connected are you with friends, family, and co-workers?

Create an environment where results and relationships go hand in hand.

#4. Meaning.

People who thrive feel they are doing things that matter. How are you participating in something bigger than yourself?

#5. Accomplishment.

How can you help people win today?

What does personal progress look like today?


PERMA is usually top of mind for me. Yesterday I realized I had lost touch with it. I thought you might enjoy a refresher as well.

What aspect of PERMA is most relevant to you today? To your team?

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4 Dimensions of Office Politics that Matter Most

4 Dimensions of Office Politics that Matter Most

You probably think backstabbers and manipulators when someone brings up politics. If unethical office politics turn your stomach, good.

Don't be naive about office politics. Cartoon of a backstabber chasing a person.Don’t be naive about office politics. (AI generated image.)

The back alleys of organizational life are filled with hateful backstabbing and self-serving manipulation. Don’t play there.

Office politics exist wherever people work. The larger an organization the more politics matter.

You can’t thrive in organizations by putting your head down, doing your work and ignoring other people.

Ethical office politics:

  1. Build good will.
  2. Foster collaboration.
  3. Add value to others.
  4. Let others help you.

4 dimensions of ethical office politics:

#1. Build relationships that serve your team.

Your team depends on others. They need resources and opportunities to shine. Constant collisions with other team leaders hinder your team’s ability to thrive.

  1. Serve colleagues when you have opportunity.
  2. Show up to help.
  3. Don’t be afraid to seek advice from ethical leaders.

#2. Build relationships that serve higher ups.

Don’t be the person who always shows up saying, “I need something.” You lose when you bring problems every time you talk to the boss.

Make life easier for the boss, ethically. Don’t sell your soul to the devil. And don’t cut corners or lie for your manager.

Find ways to row-with instead of rowing against.

#3. Build relationships that serve organizational mission.

Relationships help you add value. Where is the energy? Go there if you can. Who’s in the thick of things? Find ways to connect with them.

Know unofficial power players. Understand unofficial networks.

#4. Build relationships that develop your potential.

Connect with people who can enrich your life and career. Don’t be needy. Don’t manipulate. Earn opportunities with high performance and strong relationships.

Who is likely to get mentored by top people? Someone who raises their hand to participate or the person who keeps their head down.

How can leaders engage in office politics ethically?

What warnings can you to this topic?

Still curious:

10 Ways to Deal with Two-Faced Backstabbers

12 Strategies for Navigating Office Politics

Five Ways to Master Office Politics (From 2011)

You Can’t Sit Out Office Politics (

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Do This to Energize Teams

Do This to Energize Teams

You believe the path you’re on leads to Oz. Perhaps it does. But it might lead to flying monkeys that tear your team apart.

Sincerity isn’t enough to energize teams.

Sincerity isn’t skill.

You can be sincere and do stupid things. You can work to energize your team and end up draining them.

Sincerity isn't enough to energize teams. Image of a lion cub.

Do this to energize teams:

You say something sincere like, “I’m worried we won’t reach our goal.” The team thinks you don’t believe in them.

Teams perform poorly when leaders don’t have confidence in them.

Fearful leaders unintentionally tear down teams.

Listen to fear. Speak with courage.

Courage doesn’t minimize challenges.

Courage and fear co-exist. Novices pretend hard things are easy. Don’t pretend a rocky path is smooth. But don’t wring your hands in fear either.

Courage says:

  1. “The hill is steep. I believe we can make it.”
  2. “This challenge is going to take the best we got.”
  3. “We’ve done hard things before. This might be the hardest one yet. I’m calling you to bring your best.”

If you don’t believe you can win, quit so you can fight another day.

If you believe you can win, don’t say, “I’m worried we’re going to lose.”

Believe they will rise. Courage energizes teams.

Listen to fear. Speak with love.

Fear seeks to protect itself. Love seeks to advantage others.

Energize teams by seeking their best interests.

Listen to fear. Turn to the mission.

Fear is a “don’t want” emotion. When you’re fearful, turn toward a positive goal.

Energize teams by turning to “do want”.

Energize teams by turning to


List your fears and use them to identify future-facing goals. Acknowledge what you don’t want. Focus on what you want.

What might leaders do that unintentionally drains teams?

What energizes teams?

Still curious:

12 Questions Guaranteed to Energize People

5 Energizing Conversation Starters for One-on-Ones

6 Ways to Energize Your Team

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5 Steps to Love Your Job

5 Steps to Love Your Job

You can hate 20% of your job and still love your job. Over the years I asked managers how much of their job they could hate and still love their job. The number hovers around 20%.

Unrealistic expectations ruin satisfaction.

You can hate 20% of your job and still love your job. Image of a surprised person.

You don’t have to love your job all the time. Markus Buckingham explains to love your job you need to love the things you do at least 20% of the time. (Love + Work)

We do things we don’t love because we get to do things we love.

You’ll be a failure if expect to do fun stuff all the time.

The formula to love your job:


20% of your job is pure delight. Think about losing track of time. Reflect on things you can’t wait to do and want to do again.

60% of your job can be ho hum.

20% of your job feels like rocks in your pockets. What drains you? Perhaps it’s paperwork or terminating employees.

Tips to love your job:

  1. Focus on the 20% you love. Negative thinking obscures love.
  2. Don’t procrastinate on the 20% you hate. Brian Tracy said eat the frog first. (Eat that Frog)
  3. Have a best friend at work. People with a best friend at work get more done, engage with customers and employees, share ideas, and have fun at work. (Gallup)
  4. Maintain a “what’s next” attitude. Turning toward the past is an anchor. Turning toward building the future is fuel.
  5. Develop yourself. Stop worrying about fixing other people! Get better at what you do. Better yet, get better at what you hope to do.

What does it take to love your job?

Here’s more on loving your work: 5 Ways to Love Work

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The Right Kind of Discontentment

The Right Kind of Discontentment

The world is ugly when you’re filled with discontentment.

Discontentment with the past drags you into helplessness. But dissatisfaction with the present is opportunity to change the future.

Wallowing in displeasure defeats leaders.

The world is ugly when you're filled with discontentment. Image of a grumpy child.

The wrong kind of discontentment:

Forget about “can’t do” and “don’t have.”

Forget about changing people. Expect people to change themselves. Trying to change people makes you a manipulator.

  1. Give feedback.
  2. Explain expectations.
  3. Offer support.
  4. Practice mutual accountability.

The right kind of discontentment:

#1. Radical acceptance:

Accept the world as it is. Resistance is futile.

Anger at injustice becomes an excuse to act unjustly.

#2. Reject passivity:

Acceptance isn’t passivity.

#3. Clear focus:

Focus on things you have power over. What’s within your control? If you want to end the day exhausted, try to corral the wind.

The secret to focus is eliminating distraction. Image of a person creating a point of focus.

#4. Graceful confrontation.

Confront recurring offenses. Don’t tolerate negative patterns. Everyone screws up. Patterns are the problem.  

#5. Criticize less.

#6. Explore perspectives.

Perhaps discontent comes from a cloudy perspective. You don’t see the whole picture.

#7. Focus on response.

Think less about what others should do and more about things you should do. What are you going to do about that?

Bonus: Enjoy the view even if the window is dirty.

What distinctions do you see between healthy and unhealthy discontentment?

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The Five Opportunities of Good Fortune

The Five Opportunities of Good Fortune

Don’t wait for good fortune but welcome it when it knocks.

Jay Elliot became a Sr. VP at Apple because he struck up a conversation with a stranger in the waiting area of a restaurant. The stranger was Steve Jobs. (The full story is in the book, “The Steve Jobs Way.”)

You honor good fortune when you share it. Image of a ladybug on a daisy.

5 opportunities of good fortune:

  1. Humility. Fools take credit for unexpected benefits.
  2. Gratitude. Few things are more lovely than someone saying, “I’ve been fortunate.”
  3. Responsibility. How will you advantage others with your own good fortune?
  4. Generosity. Hoarding your advantages shrinks your soul.
  5. Compassion. You honor good fortune when you share it. The weight of holding what you have shrinks life.

What if good fortune neglects you?

5 advantages of disadvantage:

#1. Wisdom.

You learn wisdom in the dark chapters of life. In that sense, disadvantage is advantageous.

“For these two things are, as it were, at opposite poles – good fortune and good sense; that is why we are wiser when in the midst of adversity. It is prosperity that takes away our righteousness (moral integrity).” Seneca

Success gives the illusion of brilliance.

#2. Compassion.

Those who suffer well are tender toward those who suffer.

#3. Growth.

Bitterness makes you rigid and brittle. The other side of rigidity is openness. Disappointment enables growth when it opens your heart.

#4. Humility.

Difficulties are opportunities when you realize you could be wrong. Doubt that paralyzes defeats. But a dash of doubt sweetens life.

#5. Creativity.

You find advantage in difficulty when you explore new methods. You can rage against troubles, or you can get creative.

What are some opportunities of good fortune?

Which advantage of adversity do you find most interesting?

3 Advantages of an Enemy

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Five Heart Habits of Uncommon Leaders

Five Heart Habits of Uncommon Leaders

It’s another great book giveaway.

20 copies available!!

Leave a comment on this guest post by Mark Miller to become eligible for one of 20 complimentary copies of his new book, “Uncommon Greatness: Five Fundamentals to Transform Your Leadership.”

Deadline for eligibility is 03/03/2024. International winners will receive electronic version.

Over a career spanning more than four decades, I’ve noticed something about leaders: Most of them are chasing greatness.

Here’s a second observation: Most of the leaders who achieve any measure of greatness discover it is not what they hoped it would be. The recognition, excitement, joy, and fans are fleeting.

I believe every human being was created for another form of greatness: Uncommon Greatness. When pursuing this goal, the leader’s focus is on serving others, not themselves. In the process, the leader elicits greatness from their followers. This rare form of greatness also provides real satisfaction and has an enduring impact.

So, how can a leader shift their focus from common to uncommon greatness? There is only one path: Uncommon Leadership.

For decades, I’ve been searching, studying, stumbling, practicing, and learning, all while attempting to apply the Fundamentals of Uncommon Leadership. These Fundamentals can be divided into two distinct categories: Skills and Heart. Today, let’s examine your heart.

If you want to become a leader people want to follow, you will need to Embody a Leader’s Heart. If your heart is not right, no one cares about your skills.

Uncommon Leaders cultivate 5 heart habits:

Hunger for Wisdom – An unquenchable desire to learn and grow

Expect the Best – A spirit of optimism while remaining grounded in reality

Accept Responsibility –To accept that we, as leaders, are accountable for any shortcomings in the performance of those we lead

Respond with Courage –A willingness to consistently do hard things with grace

Think Others First – The ability to put the needs of others above your own

How’s your heart?

“When you learn to do the common things in life in an uncommon way, you will command the attention of the world.” George Washington Carver.

Be Uncommon… Start with your heart!

Which of the above heart habits are most relevant to you today?

What heart habits do you seen in uncommon leaders?

Mark Miller is a bestselling author of 12 books, speaker, and leadership expert. He is the co-founder of Lead Every Day ( His latest book, Uncommon Greatness: Five Fundamentals to Transform Your Leadership (Matt Holt), launches today. 

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Do This to Bring Meaning to Work

Do This to Bring Meaning to Work

Your boss can’t give you meaning. Neither can your organization. You can work in healthcare and feel work is meaningless. You can work on an assembly line and find meaning in monotonous work.

Meaning doesn’t come from delivering babies or peeling potatoes.

Meaning comes from within. Activities can be useful or destructive, moral or immoral, difficult or easy, energizing or monotonous.

We don’t find meaning at work. We bring meaning to work.

We don't find meaning at work. We bring meaning to work. Image of a person getting ready to paint.

Viktor Frankl said, “What is demanded of man is not, as some existential philosophers teach, to endure the meaninglessness of life, but rather to bear his incapacity to grasp its unconditional meaningfulness in rational terms.”

Frankl echoes words found in Ecclesiastes. “[God has] put eternity in the human heart, yet no one can fathom what God has done…” We know there’s more to life, but you can’t figure it out.  

Do this to bring meaning to work:

#1. Own it:

Meaning doesn’t jump from behind the door yelling, “Ta Dah! I’m here.”

Belief that meaning is “out there” creates anxiety. The search is futile because you’re looking in the wrong place.

#2. Make it:

Meaning is based on personal values and beliefs.

#3. Reflect on it:

Bringing meaning to work requires self-reflection. No one does it for you.

  1. What are your beliefs? Jews, Muslims, and Christians believe meaning is about honoring God. But you don’t have to be religious to live a meaningful life.
  2. What are your values? Meaningful living aligns with your values. Boring work is meaningful when you value providing for your family, for example.

Meaning is energy to run a painful race. Image of a person running down a lane of trees.

#4. Grow it:

Meaning isn’t magic. Even if you believe life is about honoring God, you still must work out what that means. Sometimes it’s clear. Other times it’s foggy.

How do we bring meaning to work?

What are the downsides of expecting work to bring us meaning?

Still curious:

Find Meaning and Purpose at Work – I Don’t Think So

Simple Practices That Will Change Your Life

How to Find Meaning When Your Job Feels Meaningless

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10 Questions Reveal Trustworthy Leaders

10 Questions Reveal Trustworthy Leaders

Be trustworthy if you aspire to matter in the world.

“Earn trust, earn trust, earn trust. Then you can worry about the rest.” Seth Godin

Trustworthy leaders: Earn trust, earn trust, earn trust. Then you can worry about the rest. Image of a high-five.

10 questions:

How do your team members answer the following questions when they think of you?

  1. Would your team members recommend you as a boss for a family member?
  2. Can people count on you to have their backs?
  3. Do you understand each team member’s aspirations and goals?
  4. Will you show up when someone needs you?
  5. Are people confident you protect their confidence?
  6. Do people believe you are fair?
  7. Will you freely share information?
  8. Do you have a hidden agenda?
  9. Are they sure you will never throw them under the bus?
  10. Will you give them credit for their ideas?

I prefer questions that begin with “how” or “what”. But trust is fundamentally a “yes” or “no” issue. You either trust someone or you don’t.

5 Simple ways to be trustworthy:

#1. Listen to people.

The best way to be trustworthy is to understand people. Let them know you’re listening.

  1. Calm your spirit when others are talking.
  2. Indicate you’re listening, nod and look at them.
  3. Give your attention. Turn off distracting notifications.
  4. Sit or stand with an open posture.
  5. Clarify understanding by repeating what you hear.
  6. Don’t interrupt!
  7. Listen to understand. Don’t judge.

#2. Under-promise and over-deliver.

Trustworthy leaders keep promises. Optimistic commitments make you untrustworthy.

#3. Stay within your strengths.

Own your weaknesses. Don’t pretend you know when you don’t. Don’t pretend you can when you can’t.

#4. Apologize.

Surprising sentences that convince people you are trustworthy:

  1. I was wrong.
  2. I screwed up.
  3. I made a mistake.
  4. I apologize.
  5. Will you forgive me?

People love to see leaders who love people. Image of a duck looking at the screen.

#5. Love people.

Always strive to advantage others, even when it’s painful for them or you.

Which of the 10 questions do you find most revealing?

What suggestions do you have for being a trustworthy leader?

Still curious:

The Top 5 Tips for Building Trust and Multiplying Impact

How to B.U.I.L.D. T.R.U.S.T.

Active listening helps people trust you

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7 Ways to Prepare for One-On-Ones Like a Pro

7 Ways to Prepare for One-On-Ones Like a Pro

Beginnings shape endings.

Lack of preparation allows toxic habits to contaminate one-on-ones. You often miss when shooting from the hip.

Lack of preparation allows toxic habits to contaminate one-on-ones. Image of two people having a one-on-one conversation.

7 ways to prepare for one-on-ones like a pro:

#1. Choose your reason.

Why meet with employees? You’re busy. They’re busy. One-on-ones that don’t bring value are a waste of time.

#2. Get right with yourself.

Your baggage contaminates people when you bring it into one-on-one conversations. Set frustration with higher ups aside. Are you disappointed with yourself? Forget it. Turn your attention to the team member on the other side of the table.

#3. Calm your spirit.

Stress makes you interested in one thing and disinterested in everything else. A hurried spirit makes others feel like an inconvenience.

Close your eyes and breathe deeply for at least one minute. Write intrusive thoughts on a piece of paper and hide it. Your brain feels a little better when it knows you won’t forget pressing issues.

#4. Choose how to show up.

When you take a minute to breathe (See #3 above.) reflect on how you want to show up. I often choose curiosity. Other times I choose respectful, encouraging, and sometimes I show up to challenge.

#5. Review your notes.

Keep notes of all your one-on-ones. Do it during or after but do it. Record important topics and action items. Let people know your notes are descriptive, not prescriptive.

Say, “I reviewed my notes before you arrived.” Let employees know their conversation is important to you.

Words are hammers. Embrace the power of one-on-one communication. Image of black smith hammering.

#6. Jot down potential topics.

I often find the thing on my mind is on their mind too. You don’t have to bring up any topics that come to mind. Just jot them down.

#7. Recall three things you respect.

What do you respect about the person you are meeting with? Respect reflects a supportive mindset.

Which of the above items do you need to implement?

What items can you add to the above list?

Still curious:

4 Ways to Have Lousy One-On-Ones

Quick Strategies to Energize One-On-Ones

5 Energizing Conversation Starters for One-on-Ones

13 Ways to Get the Most Out of One-on-One meetings

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