Stop Guessing: Here’s a Social Media Strategy That Works

Everyone makes it sound so easy. Post a few times on Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn, and the traffic will pour in.

In reality, it’s not easy. And like with anything else, you need to spend some time learning how to do it properly.

The problem is…

With so many different sources offering their guidance on the subject, how do you know which ones to trust and implement?

You need a strategy that works, which is exactly what we’re going to give you in this article.

You’ll learn:

  • The one reason why most blogs fail to generate significant traffic from social media
  • The social media networks that are best for your business
  • How to understand and engage your audience on social media
  • How often you need to post and how to do it with minimal effort
  • How to drive more traffic than you’ve ever have before

Let’s dive in.

Consistency is key

A good social media strategy will benefit your business in many ways:

  • more traffic
  • relationship building
  • better customer satisfaction/retention
  • better customer service

In this article, we’re going to focus on the first benefit: getting you more traffic. We can go over the other benefits some other time.

Here’s the one key part of using social media effectively that often gets left out: consistency.

If you follow all the steps in this article, you will have a complete social media strategy.

If you execute it for one day, you’ll see no results.

If you execute it for a month, you’ll see some results.

If you execute it for a year, you will see significant traffic.

If you’re looking for some magic secret, you’re not going to find it. But if you’re serious about building long-term sustainable traffic for your business, read on.

Commit to the strategy we…

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Top 10 Social Media Trends

Social media is constantly evolving.

It’s no longer just a place for your family and friends to share old and embarrassing photos of you every Thursday.

As a marketer, you need to learn how to properly leverage these platforms to your advantage. Being active on social media is huge, and it’s absolutely necessary for your survival.

But that alone won’t automatically make you successful. You also need to stay up to date with the latest marketing trends and apply them to your business.

Read on to learn about the top social media trends to grow your brand.

1. Live video continues to thrive

Live video content made big waves in recent years. In one of our previous blog posts, we explained that you should jump on the live video bandwagon.

Research shows that 80% of audiences prefer watching live video from brands as opposed to reading a blog. And 82% of consumers say they would rather watch live videos than read social media posts.

As a result, the most popular social media channels have implemented live streaming options. Brand marketers are taking advantage of this.

Infographic of which channels have you created live video on?Infographic of which channels have you created live video on?

Marketers aren’t the only ones taking advantage of live streams. Regular people share live videos to interact with their friends and family on social media.

The increasing popularity of live video means your company needs to get on board with this trend right now. Businesses need to recognize how this trend can help increase engagement with social media followers.

Start going live on all your distribution channels. Respond to user comments in real time.

This will help you maximize your reach and generate new…

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How to Change Registered Agents in 5 Simple Steps

Want to just get started? Click here to sign up for MyCompanyWorks and change registered agents today.

The vast majority of legal business entities in the United States are required to appoint a registered agent.

Whether you’re running an LLC or a corporation, you initially named your registered agent during the business formation process with your state.

But like many aspects of running a business, things change—the day has come where you’ve decided to switch registered agents.

Many business owners are concerned about this process due to the paperwork, fees, and potential compliance issues.

Fortunately, it’s really easy to change registered agents—and this guide will teach you how.

Top Registered Agent Services to Change Registered Agents

If you want to change your registered agent, you’ll need a registered agent service. Here’s the best options.

You can read our full reviews of each registered agent service here.

5 Steps to Change Registered Agents

Regardless of your state or business type, this is the easiest way to change registered agents:

  1. Know your primary reason for changing
  2. Evaluate your options
  3. Choose your new registered agent
  4. Submit your filing to the state
  5. Inform your old registered agent of the change

How to change registered agents in 5 easy steps.How to change registered agents in 5 easy steps.

The Easy Parts of Changing Your Registered Agent

There’s no shortage of registered agent services available on the market today. These are ideal options for anyone that needs a new registered agent, as the service will handle the paperwork and filings on your behalf. All you have to do is sign up, and they’ll take care of the rest.

Obviously, there’s a reason you want to…

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12 Content-Writing Secrets of Professional Writers

Since most content starts with written words, it doesn’t matter what type of content you produce, you can benefit from knowing the secrets of professional writers.

One of the biggest struggles content marketers have is producing enough content and simultaneously keeping the quality high. That’s something professional writers must work through on a daily basis.

So in this guide, you’ll learn 12 secrets of professional writers: the tips and tricks that help them consistently produce a steady stream of high-quality content.

1. Stay in research mode at all times.

In order to keep your queue filled with great content ideas, you need to stay in research mode at all times.

Research shouldn’t be reserved for planning or writing sessions only. The quality of your content will increase substantially if you do it on an ongoing basis, as ideas pop into your head.

As soon as you get an idea, jot down ways you could develop it.

You can wait until it’s time to produce your content to think about what you want to say. But it’s often easier to begin developing your ideas before it’s time to write. To do that, as soon as you get the idea, begin looking for:

  • Major points you’d like to make about the topic.
  • URLs for sites that provide additional information.
  • URLs for Web pages that illustrate your points.

By stepping into research mode every time you browse the Web, you can often have your entire outline finished before it’s time to sit down and write.

As you browse the Web, gather reference material.

Don’t just browse the Web. Research the Web. Whenever you’re online, be on the lookout for material that could help you tell your stories.

If you see a social media post or article that relates to a topic,…

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The Top 10 Tactics for Marketing Your Company on a Budget

Graphic image of mock infographic for blogger header for a blog about the top ten tactics for marketing on a budget.Graphic image of mock infographic for blogger header for a blog about the top ten tactics for marketing on a budget.

Not everyone has unlimited funds for a marketing budget.

Even those of you with a high bank balance shouldn’t dump every dollar into marketing without a plan. We understand how much you want to promote your business, but you must devise ways to accomplish this efficiently.

You don’t need to spend tons of money on marketing. Trust me, we know from experience.

We’ve gone through both paths with our business ventures. There were times when we spent tons of money on marketing and other times when we paid as little as possible.

Don’t get us wrong, we’re not saying spending doesn’t always pay off. But there are still plenty of marketing tactics you can use that won’t break the bank.

We’ve outlined the top low-budget strategies to promote your brand. We’ve seen results with these methods in our own businesses and those we helped from consulting work.

These are the top 10 ways to market your business on a budget.

1. Create and distribute videos

Despite popular belief, you don’t need to spend much money to create video content.

You can easily do this yourself without hiring a professional. Don’t waste money on fancy equipment. You can probably get away with using your smartphone to record videos.

Otherwise, invest in a decent camera and microphone. Those will be your only expenses.

Videos help businesses benefit from higher conversion rates of 80% and click-through rates of 65%.

Screenshot of image from Siege Media article on...
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Does Infographic Marketing Still Work? A Data Driven Answer

Screenshot of an infographic with positive stats for infographic marketing. Screenshot of an infographic with positive stats for infographic marketing.

We undertook a case study nine years ago to determine whether infographics impacted traffic.

Today, we’ll look back at that study to see whether the opinion of the tester aligns with the current position of infographic marketing.

Before the data exercise in 2014, we used to be big fans of leveraging infographics to grow our traffic and brand. Why? Because it used to provide exceptional results.

The results were so great that when we started releasing infographics on the KISSmetrics blog in 2010, it helped us generate 2,512,596 visitors and 41,142 backlinks.

Based on the KISSmetrics stats from 2010, we know infographics worked well then. But the real question is: do they still work today?

Over the years, we’ve created hundreds of infographics, so let’s analyze the data to see what we can glean from these numbers:

The KISSmetrics blog

Within the two-year period from 2010 to 2012, 47 infographics generated 2,512,596 visitors and 41,142 backlinks from 3,741 unique domains. They also generated 41,359 tweets and 20,859 likes.

That means, on average, each infographic generated 53,459 visitors and 875 backlinks from 79 unique domains. When it comes to social shares, each one generated 879 tweets and 443 likes.

After 2012, infographics weren’t providing the same results as before. One of the main reasons for the poorer ROI was their rise in popularity. More and more companies started leveraging them, which made them more common.

The newer infographics, on average, drove 21,582 visitors and 371 backlinks from 34 unique domains. As for social shares, each one generated 486 tweets and 259 likes.

The reason for the drop in traffic and links isn’t related…

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How to Reach Your Perfect Customers with Generational Marketing

Blog header image with photos of generations of people for marketing purposes.Blog header image with photos of generations of people for marketing purposes.

There’s no such thing as a one-size-fits-all approach to marketing.

This is especially true when it comes to marketing to different age groups.

When dealing with different age groups, genders, income levels, etc., you need to be flexible and understand the psychology and habits of each customer base.

Easier said than done.

This is where customer segmentation comes in. Customer segmentation is the practice of dividing your audience into different types of people.

There are all kinds of ways to segment your customers. Some businesses choose to segment by value, frequency of purchase/visit, product interest, acquisition channel, etc.

Infographic depicting generational demographics from 60 second marketer. Infographic depicting generational demographics from 60 second marketer. Image source – 60-second marketer

Without segmentation, we don’t think we would have gone very far in business. Using the power of segmentation in our email marketing, content creation, and analytics has allowed us to give the best value to our customers.

Segmentation is especially important in reaching different generations of customers.

Regarding age groups, there are three primary generations you may need to reach at any given time.

  • Baby boomers – born between 1946 and 1964
  • Generation X – born between 1965 and 1980
  • Millennials – born between 1981 and 201996
  • Generation Z – born between 1997 and 2012
  • Generation Alpha – born between 2013 and now.

We’ve seen many marketers make mistakes regarding segmenting by generation.

  • The biggest mistake is thinking that members of a particular generation are all the same—they…

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How to Get 99+ Endorsements on All Your LinkedIn Skills

Blog header image that provides the title - how to get 99+ endorsements on all your LinkedIn skills. Also has a photograph of a group of businesspeople networking. Blog header image that provides the title - how to get 99+ endorsements on all your LinkedIn skills. Also has a photograph of a group of businesspeople networking.

LinkedIn is the professionals’ choice for online networking, and a bit part of that is endorsements.

In fact, they’re one of the most effective ways to prove your expertise and back up your claims.

Anyone can say they possess a particular skill, but having 99+ endorsements proves that.

We’ll use a case study of a popular LinkedIn member to highlight the best practices for gaining some much-needed profile engagement.

What are endorsements?

Before we go any further, we’ll explain this concept if you’re unfamiliar.

It’s pretty simple.

Endorsements are a LinkedIn feature that allows others to verify your skills with a single click.

Here’s a screenshot of the formal definition given by LinkedIn:

Screenshot of LinkedIn's explanation of an endorsement. Screenshot of LinkedIn's explanation of an endorsement.

For instance, the top three skills on this profile are SEO, online marketing, and web analytics.

Screenshot of case study - LinkedIn user's featured skills and endorsements screen. Screenshot of case study - LinkedIn user's featured skills and endorsements screen.

Endorsements are a simple way to prove you are not a charlatan — you’re genuinely proficient at the skills you list on your profile.

The more endorsements you have, the more legit you appear.

Ideally, you’ll want to reach 99+.

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How to Find and Test New Marketing Channels

testing marketingtesting marketing

Do you remember when Google released AdWords? It was like the gold rush because companies were making millions of dollars from those ads.

If you fast-forward to today, AdWords is still a great marketing channel, but it is more expensive due to its saturated marketplace. You won’t make as much profit from it now as you could in the past because all marketers know about it.

The same thing is happening with Facebook ads. It’s still a great channel, but it was much easier to make money from when Facebook ads were brand new.

This situation doesn’t just apply to paid channels either. There weren’t as many SEOs 14 years ago as there are now, which made it easier to rank high. Google eventually caught on and updated its algorithm to combat SEOs.

No matter how good of a marketer you are, it’s never easy to scale marketing efforts. Why? Because every good channel becomes used, and eventually abused, by marketers.

So, what are you supposed to do?

All you can do is continually find and test new marketing channels. Sure, some channels will work better than others, but as you continually expand, you’ll see good growth.

Here is how to find and test new marketing channels:


Do you remember how fun it was to try new things as a kid? Experimenting with your marketing efforts is just as fun!

What is marketing experimentation? It’s all about trying and testing new channels. You’ll never grow your marketing if you don’t constantly test new channels, whether they are paid, organic or partnership-based.

How can you find these channels?

The simplest way to do it is to spy on your competitors. From Spyfu to SEMrush to…

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How to Use Visual Elements to Enhance Your Blog Post’s Engagement

A picture is worth a thousand words.

This is an ageless English adage we’re sure you’ve heard countless times throughout your life. It’s a simple concept. In short, it means that it’s easier to show someone something than to tell them about it.

But are you applying this strategy to your blog posts since blogging is a science?

There are lots of tips and tricks you can learn to engage with your audience, such as mastering the art of storytelling. However, words alone won’t drive engagement.

You’ll need to learn how to incorporate visual elements into your blog posts as well. If you’ve been reading my blogs for a while, you know we practice what we preach.

We love using visuals to help improve my content. To those of you who are not used to this, it can sound intimidating.

Where do you start? How many visuals should you include? What visuals are acceptable?

These are all valid questions that we can answer for you. Use this guide as a reference for adding visual content to your blog posts. Here’s what you need to know.

Understand how people read your blog

You can be the best writer in the world, but the reality is people aren’t going to read your content word for word. It’s a fact you need to accept right now.

According to a recent study, people read only 20% of your content on a page.

Let that sink in for a moment. Research shows that the optimal blog post will take someone about seven minutes to read:

An infographic on how long blog posts should be to read. An infographic on how long blog posts should be to read.

Typically, seven minutes translates…

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