Episode 1648 Scott Adams: Governments Are Failing and the Public is Taking Over Everywhere

Episode 1648 Scott Adams: Governments Are Failing and the Public is Taking Over Everywhere


  • President Trump’s advice for Joe Rogan
  • Brainwash your kids, or someone else will
  • Ukraine speculation
  • Mask mandates fading away
  • Rachel Maddow out, MSNBC down
  • Chris Christie’s gigantic assumption
  • If you would like to enjoy this same content plus bonus content from Scott Adams, including micro-lessons on lots of useful topicsto build your talent stack, please see scottadams.locals.com for full access to that secret treasure.

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How is automotive digital retailing performing? – Rico Glover [VIDEO]

How is automotive digital retailing performing?

Rico Glover, Chief Digital Officer of Ben Mynatt Family of Dealerships, gives you an inside scoop into this booming niche.


DigitalMarketer is the premier online community for digital marketing professionals. It’s a place where you can learn how to market like a pro, connect with industry experts, and get the strategies and tools you need to grow and scale your business to new heights.


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4 Ways to Reach Extraordinary

4 Ways to Reach Extraordinary

Everest was identified as the highest point above sea level in 1852. 70 years later, George Mallory and others attempted to reach the summit and failed (1922).

Mallory attempted to summit Everest again on June 8, 1924 with his climbing partner Andrew Irvine. Both perished.

Mallory’s body was found May 1, 1999. After a short ceremony, he was buried on the mountain. Irvine’s body is lost.

31 years after Mallory and Irvine’s failure, Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay made it, May 29, 1953.

News of their extraordinary achievement reached the world the day Elizabeth was crowned Queen of England, June 2. Four days later Queen Elizabeth made Edmund a Knight.

#1. Reach for something you really want.

Know what matters to you.

Forget about climbing Everest until you know you must.

Tenzing Norgay attempted to summit Everest six times before he and Hillary attained it.

How deep is your desire? Forget about aspirations you should have. My coach likes to say, “Don’t should on yourself.” Why struggle with things that don’t matter to you?

People do not decide to become extraordinary. They decide to accomplish extraordinary things.

Sir Edmund Hillary

#2. Accept what you can’t do.

You’re not good at everything; you suck at many.

Becoming extraordinary requires brutal honesty.

Small doses of over-confidence enable you to reach high, but arrogance guarantees failure.

#3. Let others do their jobs.

You can’t climb Everest and carry your own gear.

People who reach extraordinary depend on others. Sir Hillary depended on Norgay and many others. Trying to do everything is like climbing with rocks in your pockets.

Do less to become extraordinary.

#4. Don’t carry elephants.

Confront issues quickly and directly.

You can’t climb high with elephants in your pack.

Practice kind candor.

How do leaders reach high goals?

What prevents leaders from reaching high goals?

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Episode 1649 Scott Adams: Mandates Dropping, Our President is Not Mentally Capable, Putin is Trapped

Episode 1649 Scott Adams: Mandates Dropping, Our President is Not Mentally Capable, Putin is Trapped


  • 67% say cancel culture is out of control
  • Cognitive test for President Biden
  • Rumble $100 Million offer to Joe Rogan
  • Clawing back our rights, ending mandates
  • President Putin’s Ukraine options
  • Fusion, nuclear power solve climate change
  • If you would like to enjoy this same content plus bonus content from Scott Adams, including micro-lessons on lots of useful topicsto build your talent stack, please see scottadams.locals.com for full access to that secret treasure.

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Excel in 2022 with our Complete Guide to Building a Product Marketing Strategy

Around 30,000 new products launch every year. Many of them fail

The biggest reasons? Poor product-market fit, positioning, and messaging. Effectively, they don’t understand their customer, nor where to play or how to win.

Many companies are so focused on building the perfect product that they put off their growth efforts until it’s too late.

In this article, you’ll learn how to create a product marketing strategy that reaches your ideal audience and converts them into customers. We’ll cover positioning, messaging, pricing, and team alignment to help you get ready for launch. 

We’ll also show you how to plan for launch and gather data to keep your product relevant in the long term.

What is a product marketing strategy?

Your product marketing strategy is a roadmap for how you position, price, and promote your new product in the market. 

It’s what tells you where your biggest fans are and how to reach them.

Your strategy should integrate with the product life cycle, informing how you market your product from development to growth. Its creation and implementation require input from product managers, product marketing managers, marketers, and sales teams. 

A good product marketing strategy helps customers perceive you as a better product for their needs, and through the constant feedback loop, you become the best solution.

ConvertKit launched in 2013 to face early-on-the-scene competitors like Mailchimp and Constant Contact. Instead of quitting following a slow first two years, founder and CEO, Nathan Barry, doubled down on a niche: email marketing for bloggers.

Barry used product marketing to pinpoint ConvertKit’s positioning and messaging and evolve into the specialized email marketing suite it is today. 

The platform can’t compete with the big players on features, so instead it focuses on specifically and purposefully addressing the needs of their users through content. 

ConvertKit resources menuConvertKit resources menu

Create a research-backed product marketing strategy that captures and creates demand  

Developing a product marketing strategy requires the skills of both product marketing and product management.

  • Product marketing is responsible for the voice of the customer, positioning, messaging, and product adoption.
  • Product management sets out the vision, identifies pain points, and develops a product that solves them. 

The two then come together on product pricing, gathering research, and influencing product development.

As we go through the process of creating your strategy, you’ll see where the strengths of both teams are needed.

1. Analyze the market and define your target audience

Early-stage research will determine success. Market research will validate the demand for your product and provide insight into customer needs. It’s broken down into two main types:

  1. Qualitative research. Conducting customer interviews, surveys, focus groups, etc.;
  2. Quantitative research. Analyzing swathes of customer and audience data from internal sources (CRM), online sources (audience intelligence tools), journals, and industry studies.

Discover if your product is viable with data-driven…

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Leadership Lessons from Pop Culture

Leadership Lessons from Pop Culture – Michael Hyatt ]]> {{ data.post_title }} {{{ data._highlightResult.post_title.value }}} {{{ data._snippetResult[‘content’].value }}} ]]> {{{ data._highlightResult.name.value }}} ]]> {{ data.display_name }} {{{ data._highlightResult.display_name.value }}} ]]> ‘).replace(/__/ais-highlight__/g, ”); } for (var key in hit._snippetResult) { /* We do not deal with arrays. */ if (typeof hit._snippetResult[key].value !== ‘string’) { continue; } hit._snippetResult[key].value = _.escape(hit._snippetResult[key].value); hit._snippetResult[key].value = hit._snippetResult[key].value.replace(/__ais-highlight__/g, ‘‘).replace(/__/ais-highlight__/g, ”); } return suggestion_template(hit); } } }); }); /* Setup dropdown menus */ jQuery(algolia.autocomplete.input_selector).each(function (i) { var $searchInput = jQuery(this); var config = { debug: algolia.debug, hint: false, openOnFocus: true, appendTo: ‘body’, templates: { empty: wp.template(‘autocomplete-empty’) } }; if (algolia.powered_by_enabled) { config.templates.footer = wp.template(‘autocomplete-footer’); } /* Instantiate autocomplete.js */ var autocomplete = algoliaAutocomplete($searchInput[0], config, sources) .on(‘autocomplete:selected’, function (e, suggestion) { /* Redirect the user when we detect a suggestion selection. */ window.location.href = suggestion.permalink; }); /* Force the dropdown to be re-drawn on scroll to handle fixed containers. */ jQuery(window).scroll(function() { if(autocomplete.autocomplete.getWrapper().style.display === “block”) { autocomplete.autocomplete.close(); autocomplete.autocomplete.open(); } }); }); jQuery(document).on(“click”, “.algolia-powered-by-link”, function (e) { e.preventDefault(); window.location = “https://www.algolia.com/?utm_source=WordPress&utm_medium=extension&utm_content=” + window.location.hostname + “&utm_campaign=poweredby”; }); }); ]]>

COVID: The Vitamin That Reduces COVID-19 Risk By 50%

A sufficient level of this vitamin could halve the risk of catching coronavirus and protect COVID-19 patients from the worst of the disease.

Vitamin D supplementation reduces the risk of COVID-19 infection and the severity of the disease, if it is caught, research finds.

Professor Michael Holick, study co-author, said:

“Because vitamin D deficiency and insufficiency is so widespread in children and adults in the United States and worldwide, especially in the winter months, it is prudent for everyone to take a vitamin D supplement to reduce risk of being infected and having complications from COVID-19.”

A blood level of 30 nanogram per millilitre of vitamin D has been shown to protect patients with COVID-19 against complications and death, as well as reducing the risk of getting ill by a large amount.

According to a study, COVID-19 patients with adequate levels of 25-hydroxyvitamin D are less likely to have severe clinical problems from the illness.

These outcomes include hypoxia — poor oxygen supply to the body — being unconscious, and death.

25-hydroxyvitamin D is produced in the liver and it is a major form of vitamin D3 and vitamin D2.

Also, patients with a sufficient amount of vitamin D have higher levels of lymphocytes, a type of white blood cell which fights infection, and their blood shows a lower level of C-reactive protein, an inflammatory indicator.

Professor Holick said:

“This study provides direct evidence that vitamin D sufficiency can reduce the complications, including the cytokine storm (release of too many proteins into the blood too quickly) and ultimately death from COVID-19.”

The study examined 235 hospitalized coronavirus patients to see if serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels can change the severe clinical outcomes from the disease.

Vitamin D status, numbers of lymphocytes, and C-reactive protein were analysed from patient’s blood samples.

The patients were also checked for severity of the infection, breathing difficulties, unconsciousness and hypoxia.

The analysis showed that patients with a blood level of at least 30 ng/mL of 25-hydroxyvitamin D had a 52 percent higher chance of surviving the infection than those with lower levels of vitamin D.

Professor Holick, in a recent study, revealed that an adequate amount of vitamin D can lower the odds of becoming infected with COVID-19 by 54 percent.

Vitamin D sufficiency helps to overcome the coronavirus disease and other types of upper respiratory infections such as influenza.

Professor Holick pointed out:

“There is great concern that the combination of an influenza infection and a coronal viral infection could substantially increase hospitalizations and death due to complications from these viral infections.”

Vitamin D is a cheap but effective way to boost people’s immune system against the virus and can decrease health-related issues such as needing ventilatory support and immune system overactivity resulting in cytokine storm.

The study was published in the journal PLOS ONE  (Maghbooli et al., 2020).

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The Role Marketing plays in New Product Launches

By the time Robinhood launched, it had already gained almost a million users. 

The stock-trading company called out one of the biggest trading pain points (fees) in their tagline: “$0 commission stock trading. Stop paying up to $10 for every trade.”

Then they used a waiting-list product launch model to create excitement and FOMO while giving them access to beta-model feedback ahead of launch.

Robinhood’s messaging aimed at the right audience, at the right time and place, is what gained them a million subscribers before they even launched. It’s also a prime example of successful product marketing.

In this article, you’ll learn how to strengthen new product development with product marketing so you can deliver on customer needs.

Product marketing ensures new product development solves real customer problems

Without truly knowing your customers, you can’t create something they need. Product marketing helps you develop a solution your customers are hungry for. 

The product marketing team uses market research to guide product development’s direction. 

Conduct product marketing research before developing a new product. Ask questions like:

  • Is this something consumers want or need? How does it help them solve an existing problem?
  • Who are they? What attributes do they share? Which of these attributes matter most to us?
  • Where can we reach them? What publications do they read? Which movers-and-shakers can we befriend to access them?
  • What is the competition doing? What gaps are they leaving unfilled?
  • What is our USP? How can we ensure we stand out from our competitors?

Product marketing helps you understand who your brand is selling to, where to play, and how to win. 

As a product marketer, you must keep each department aligned, continually optimizing the product and marketing and sales strategies to meet customer needs.

I’ll lay down four steps you need to take when launching a new product and explain how to execute them.

1. Identify your ideal customer through buyer personas 

Buyer personas fuel efficiency during new product development. They’re a detailed archetype of someone who represents your ideal customer, identified through extensive user research

It’s critical that your buyer personas represent real customers that want to buy your product, not who you hope they are. 

Build your personas from the bottom up. Find people who would buy your product, then fit your personas around them.

Identify realistic, testable elements to your personas. Then substantiate them with interviews and home in on the most relevant real-life pain points and challenges.

Be specific. Then combine personas with overlapping characteristics and segment personas that are clearly different.

There are several tools that allow you to do this. HubSpot has a Make My Persona Tool that takes you through a workflow to deliver a cartoon persona.

HubSpot buyer persona toolHubSpot buyer persona tool

From there, you’ll need to do some tweaking to ensure your buyer persona contains the most relevant information for your brand.

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5 Ways Managers Drain People’s Energy

5 Ways Managers Drain People’s Energy

Managers that care about results notice and fuel energy. You fail when you neglect or ignore energy.

You never succeed when you suck the life out of people.

Successful managers energize people.

“What is a man without energy? Nothing – nothing at all.” Mark Twain

Image of Mark Twain with the quote, Image of Mark Twain with the quote,

Skillful managers avoid 5 things:

#1. Approaching people as problems.

Pessimists never elevate the human spirit or inspire confidence.

Believe in people.

#2. Defaulting to worry.

Reflecting on potential issues is prudent if you’re committed to forward movement.

Worrywarts default to the status quo.

Listen for ‘but’. Energy vampires bring BUTs to every conversation.

Before you open your worry-hole and suck the life out of people, ask, “How is my input moving the agenda forward?”

Get busy bringing value when worry grips you.

Image of a worried hamster. Get busy bringing value when worry grips you.Image of a worried hamster. Get busy bringing value when worry grips you.

#3. Controlling instead of releasing.

People who haven’t figured out their own lives find comfort in controlling others.

Managers typically control standards, evaluation, correction, training, assignments, deadlines, resources, and more. Successful managers release people within established guidelines.

Build robots if you’re a control-freak-manager.

#4. Believing cable news. (Especially in the evenings.)

Your political persuasion doesn’t matter. Cable news has one goal. It’s not the news. It’s creating a crisis that keeps you watching. Don’t let nincompoops on evening cable news control your focus.

The power to direct the public’s attention is disrespected by drama mongers on cable news.

“Nothing is as important as you think it is while you’re thinking about it.” Daniel Kahneman

Turn off cable news and invite some friends over.

Image of a pouting toddler. Thin-skinned managers use hurt feelings to manipulate people.Image of a pouting toddler. Thin-skinned managers use hurt feelings to manipulate people.

#5. Walking around with a thin skin.

A thin-skinned manager sucks the life out of everyone.

Thin-skinned managers use hurt feelings to manipulate people.

Tolerance, forbearance, and patience take you further than worrying if people like you.

Management rule #1. Open your mouth to make things better. Other than that, don’t speak.

What ways do managers drain people’s energy?

How might managers fuel people’s energy?

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Googling Gives Illusion of Knowledge Even When The Search Reveals Nothing

Even when an internet search is unsuccessful, people feel they know more.

Searching the internet makes people feel they know more than they really do, a study finds.

And it doesn’t seem to matter much that people don’t actually find the information for which they were searching.

Matthew Fisher, who led the research, said:

“The Internet is such a powerful environment, where you can enter any question, and you basically have access to the world’s knowledge at your fingertips.

It becomes easier to confuse your own knowledge with this external source.

When people are truly on their own, they may be wildly inaccurate about how much they know and how dependent they are on the Internet.”

In one of the nine experiments researchers carried out, people were asked: “Why is ancient Kushite history more peaceful than Greek history?”

Even when they couldn’t find complete answers to this very difficult question, simple searching made people more confident their personal knowledge was greater.

This was even true when researchers blocked their searches so they couldn’t find out anything at all.

Mr Fisher said:

“If you don’t know the answer to a question, it’s very apparent to you that you don’t know, and it takes time and effort to find the answer.

With the Internet, the lines become blurry between what you know and what you think you know.”

The reason may be that just being in ‘search mode’ is enough to make people feel they know more.

One of the experiments asked participants to look at various brain scans — some of which showed more activity in the brain than others.

People who’d just searched the internet chose pictures that represented more activity in their brains.

Mr Fisher said:

“In cases where decisions have big consequences, it could be important for people to distinguish their own knowledge and not assume they know something when they actually don’t.

The Internet is an enormous benefit in countless ways, but there may be some tradeoffs that aren’t immediately obvious and this may be one of them.

Accurate personal knowledge is difficult to achieve, and the Internet may be making that task even harder.”

The study was published in the Journal of Experimental Psychology: General (Fisher et al., 2015).

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