5 Morning Habits You Need to Stop Today

5 Morning Habits You Need to Stop Today

Bad morning habits result in stumbling through the day.

The way you get up is the way you show up.*

Morning habits: Be grateful before your feet hit the floor. Image of odd socks.Morning habits: Be grateful before your feet hit the floor. Image of odd socks.

5 morning habits you need to stop today:

#1. Planning your day in the morning.

Plan tomorrow tonight.

Urgent overpowers important.

Give yourself space between planning and execution. When planning is close to execution, urgencies dominate thinking.

#2. Looking at email in the morning.

Ban electronic notifications until you’re centered for the day.

#3. Jumping out of bed in the morning.

Be grateful before your feet hit the floor.

Your brain loves to think about problems. Think about what’s right before letting your brain drag you into what’s wrong.

4 things to be grateful for when you wake up:

  1. Opportunities to serve. Think of one way you will serve others today.
  2. Loving relationships. Think of one person who loves you.
  3. Problems to solve. Think of the power of problems to bring out your best.
  4. People who pour into you. Think of specific individuals.

#4. Rushing.

The way you start the day sets the tone for the day.

When you’re stressed in the morning – and who isn’t – you’ll be more stressed by quitting time. (If you even have a clear quitting time.)

#5. Taking shallow breaths.

Breathe deep for one minute before your feet hit the floor. Combine your gratitude practice with breathing.

When you breathe in, think of something on your gratitude list. In your head say, “I’m thankful for ….” Don’t worry about coming up with new gratitude items for every breath. Be thankful for the same thing with every breath for one minute.

Morning habits: the way you get up is the way you show up. Image of a wild hairdryer. Morning habits: the way you get up is the way you show up. Image of a wild hairdryer.


Do the same things every morning. Don’t get creative. Be boring. Morning habits set your mind free. Rituals lower stress.

After a gratitude minute, put your feet on the floor.

Good-morning-habits pave the road for good days.

What good-morning habits do you suggest?

Still curious:

How to Fuel Tomorrow’s Energy Tonight

Confidence: Proof You Can Face Any Challenge

* Waking Up on the Wrong Side of the Desk: The Effect of Mood on Work Performance

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This Personality Trait Is A Sign Of Stronger Immune System

The personality trait can be changed over the years.

Conscientious people live longer and have stronger immune systems, research finds.

It is partly because people higher in conscientiousness have lower levels of a biological marker called interleukin-6, which is linked to inflammation in the body.

People who are conscientious are more careful, efficient and self-disciplined — and they aim for achievement.

In fact, an orientation towards achievement and a preference for order were the strongest predictors of a long life.

Highly conscientious people live an average of two to four years longer.

They are also less likely to smoke or drink and experience lower levels of stress.

Conscientiousness is one of the five major aspects of personality, along with agreeableness, extraversion, openness to experience and neuroticism.

Professor Howard S. Friedman, the study’s co-author, said:

“The major finding is that this conscientiousness aspect of personality is indeed reliably predictive of mortality risk across studies.

This seems to be as important as most commonly assessed medical risk factors, few of which are psychological.”

The research rounded up the findings of 20 separate studies on over 8,900 people around the world.

Being more organised and responsible was consistently linked to better health.

Professor Friedman said:

“Not only do conscientious individuals have better health habits and less risk-taking, but they also travel life pathways toward healthier psychosocial environments – such as more stable jobs and marriages – and may even have a biological predisposition toward good health.”

People can become more conscientious, said Dr Margaret L. Kern, study co-author:

“There is some evidence that people can become more conscientious, especially as they enter stable jobs or good marriages.

We think our findings can challenge people to think about their lives and what may result from the actions they do.

Even though conscientiousness cannot be changed in the short term, improvements can emerge over the long run as individuals enter responsible relationships, careers and associations.”

The study was published in the Journal of Personality (Kern & Friedman, 2008).

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Call to Action Examples that Create Instant Leads: 20 Types of Killer Copy

Call to Action Examples that Create Instant Leads: 20 Types of Killer Copy 18&63,h=A>>12&63,n=A>>6&63,o=63&A,u[l++]=i.charAt(a)+i.charAt(h)+i.charAt(n)+i.charAt(o);while(d 20 Call to Action Examples that Create Instant Leads ‘ + data.settings.title + ” : ” }}} ]]>

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Corporate Wiki Vs. Knowledge Base – Comparing The Differences

Most people refer to a corporate wiki and a knowledge base interchangeably. However, the two types of knowledge management platforms are distinctly different. Furthermore, each option has its pros and cons. We’ve put together this head-to-head comparison to help you decide between investing in a corporate wiki vs. a knowledge base.

Corporate Wiki Pros and Cons


  • Collaborative knowledge sharing and transfer
  • Improved access to knowledge
  • Faster content population
  • Real-time content updates


  • Lack of structure
  • Minimal content oversight
  • Limited analytics

Knowledge Base Pros and Cons 


  • Clear knowledge management structure
  • Authoritative content
  • Robust analytics
  • Fewer errors


  • Requires subject-matter experts
  • Lacks real-time information sharing
  • Slow content submission

Type of Knowledge Management Software: Knowledge Base Wins

A corporate wiki and knowledge base are similar in a lot of ways. Both knowledge management platforms allow you to document and organize important company information. This includes critical documentation such as team playbooks, product requirements, standard operating procedures, and onboarding checklists.

However, the two platforms take different approaches to knowledge management.

Wikis, for their part, take an open source approach to knowledge management. Employees can freely add or edit information on the corporate wiki in real-time. Wikipedia is perhaps the best example of how company wikis work.

On the other hand, knowledge bases take a more structured approach to information sharing. A dedicated team of subject matter experts is responsible for creating and maintaining corporate documentation. Therefore, there is a clear distinction between people who create the content and those who consume it.

Generally, corporate wikis have limited features compared to knowledge bases. For example, the typical corporate wiki comes with a text editor, version history, search, visualizations, access rights, and internal linking. In short, these features are limited to what you need to collaborate on internal documentation.

Knowledge bases are far more robust in terms of features. Aside from the essentials for…

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5 Qualities of Real Heroes

5 Qualities of Real Heroes

In a world that worships self, having heroes feels juvenile. Emulating others seems insulting to people who sing, “I’ve got to be me.”

Some of the most satisfying moments in my life happen when I am sincerely emulating someone I admire.

I have many heroes because I’m easily impressed.

A person with heroes is more likely to become a hero. Image of a happy kid with goggles on.A person with heroes is more likely to become a hero. Image of a happy kid with goggles on.

My heroes:

It sounds frivolous but I admire people on TV shows like America’s Got Talent and American Idol. Anyone who works hard, strives for excellence, and let’s themselves be seen is heroic.

People that work hard to accomplish meaningful goals encourage me to reach high.

Some dead people energize me, Ray Charles, John Adams, and Hellen Keller, for example.

All the people I work with inspire and teach me.

5 qualities of real heroes:

  1. Show up with an open hand.
  2. Work hard to contribute.
  3. Be authentic. Fakers drive me nuts.
  4. Be dependable. You don’t have to have loads of talent. Just show up and get something done.
  5. Let yourself be seen. Vulnerability is magnificent.

Low standards:

People I admire are frail. Learn to see the good in imperfect people or you will admire few and despise many.

You might think I should have higher standards. The power of being easily impressed is openness to learning and encouragement.

Life without heroes is small.

While you are being yourself, be like others, too. We should all be authentic. I’m learning to be me AND to be like the people I admire.

Life without heroes is small. Image of a mouse.Life without heroes is small. Image of a mouse.


Think of heroes as examples, not saviors.

Life is bigger and richer when heroes live in you.

A person with heroes is more likely to become a hero.

A person with a hero knows how to celebrate the success of others. You can’t envy someone and be easily impressed with them.

Being easily impressed expands life.

Still curious:

The Real Reason Rudolph Flew from Outcast to Hero is Not About Red Noses

Something to avoid: Savior Complex: Definition and Common Examples

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The Personality Traits More Vital To Success Than IQ

Genetics is important for giving us our start in life, but effort is required to reach our full potential.

Skills above and beyond IQ are vital to success, genetic research finds.

Many ‘non-cognitive skills’ are linked to higher educational attainment, earning more money and even living longer.

Persistence, motivation and self-control are all examples of non-cognitive skills.

Similarly, personality traits like emotional stability, curiosity and being industrious and orderly are linked to success.

Inheriting these types of traits is just as important as inheriting raw brain power, if not more so, the researchers found.

The conclusions come from a large genetic analysis, Dr Daniel Belsky, study co-author, explained:

“Genetic studies of educational attainment were initiated with the goal of identifying genes that influenced cognitive abilities.

But it turns out they’ve also identified genetics that influence a range of other skills and characteristics.

What was most surprising to me about our results was that these noncognitive skills contributed just as much to the heritability of educational attainment as cognitive ability.”

The study analysed genetic and cognitive test data from almost 1.5 million people.

It found that 43 percent of the influence of genes on educational attainment comes from cognitive abilities.

The remainder — 57 percent — is from noncognitive abilities.

Professor Paige Harden, study co-author, said:

“Motivation, persistence, grit, curiosity, self-control, growth mindset—these are just a few of the things that people have suggested are important noncognitive skills.

For personality and risk behavior, we saw relationships we expected; noncognitive skills genetics were associated with less risky behavior and a personality profile we associate with maturity, and social and professional competency.

But the results for mental health were a surprise.”

Professor Harden is referring to the finding that genes linked to educational attainment were also associated with mental health problems.

These genes increased the risk of OCD, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia and anorexia.

Professor Harden said:

“This is an example of what geneticists call pleiotropy.

Our result warns us against a simplistic view of genetic variants being good or bad.

The same genetic variant that predisposes someone to go further in school might also elevate their risk of developing schizophrenia or another serious mental disorder.”

While genetics is important for giving us our start in life, effort is required to reach our full potential.

Professor Harden said:

“Genetic influence must always be understood through the lens of history and social structures.

These results tell us about what is, not what could be.

Nothing about our study should discourage investments in ensuring that all children reach their maximum potential.”

The study was published in the journal Nature Genetics (Demange et al., 2021).

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Over Produced is Out, Personal and Authentic is in

As a business owner just starting on TikTok, I was very concerned about the quality of content I was putting out. I was overthinking every little detail, which caused delays in my posting schedule, and it just didn’t feel good. Even with the fun and easy way around TikTok content, I still thought I needed to over-produce every video to appeal to my audience.

But after spending some time on TikTok and social media as a whole, I realized my audience did not relate or engage with over-produced content but were more drawn to personal, simple, and interactive marketing content. 

Little wonder Tiktok designed its app for personal and more authentic content because it increases believability and credibility. Seeing that trust is essential for any brand that craves longevity. 

So, before we drive the nail into the wall, are personal and authentic content displacing over-produced content? First, we must understand why audiences like personalized content. 

Why should you create personalized and authentic content?

​According to these reports, the demand for personalized marketing content seems to increase and will probably stay that way for a long time. 

1. It is simple and less expensive to make. 

Thanks to simplicity and cost-effectiveness, you can quickly produce a Tiktok video for your audience in little time. Financial challenges are one of the issues startups face, and for female content creators, Tiktok has simplified the process so much that you can announce your brand without needing a huge budget. 

Once you have your goals all straightened out and a working phone/camera with a good camera, you can start creating content. Take advantage of the numerous TikTok features, join challenges and watch how much attention your content gets because it’s simple but authentic. 

You don’t need to over-polish the content before it connects with your audience. Keep it minimal and authentic to your brand voice and goals. This is what your audience will connect to.

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2. It increases engagement more than over-produced content.

Personalized content is not just the future of content but the most needed now. Gone are the days of shooting over-polished content and being at the mercy of algorithms. These days small business owners must be intentional about their marketing. Luckily, platforms like Tiktok make it easy to reach your desired audience and gain massive engagement

They connect easily with your authentic content and can engage with you in the comments section. They also share your videos with their friends and enlarge your audience network. Why? They believe in your content and…

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10 Steps to an Offsite that isn’t Pathetic

10 Steps to an Offsite that isn’t Pathetic

The worst 5 words you hear at work, “We’re having an offsite meeting.”

Only about 10% of executives consider offsites valuable.*

We're having an offsite. Image of a goofy person with a fake knife in their head.We're having an offsite. Image of a goofy person with a fake knife in their head.

10 steps to an offsite that isn’t pathetic:

#1. Get ratios right.

What is the ratio between whole group time, small group time, free time, and personal reflection time?

Feedback I hear:

  1. I would enjoy more 1:1 time.
  2. I would enjoy more small group time.
  3. I would enjoy more time to reflect.

#2. Reject the same-old-same-old.

What can you do that you don’t do in regular meetings?

How about eliminating reports or updates? If you’re going to give updates and reports that you normally give, don’t go.

#3. Maximize location.

What’s something you can do that’s unexpected? What’s something that can be done because of your location?

#4. Engage the entire team.

Leaders work way too hard planning offsites because they exclude the team.

How can every participant play a role in preparing and leading some part of your meeting? If the group is large, how can small groups prepare and lead?

Engage people before your event if you want engagement during your event.

Disengaged teams judge you by the quality of their experience.

People tend to criticize what you plan and enjoy what they plan.

#5. Break silos.

What can you do to strengthen relationships?

Casual conversations are crucial.

#6. Include feelings.

How will people feel better about themselves and each other as a result of this event?

#7. Eliminate electronics.

#8. Think about laughter.

Who on your team laughs the most? Get input from them. (essential)

#9. Set one clear goal.

What do you want people talking about on their way home?

#10. Model the way.

Suppose you want people to have fun? What will you do to have fun?

What happened at the best offsite you ever attended?

What happened at the worst offsite you ever attended?

16 Simple Ways You Can Lead Engaging Meetings

Two Secrets to Engagement You Can Employ Today

*Why we all hate offsites – (cnn.com)

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Kanban Vs. Scrum – Comparing The Differences

When you need an efficient way to manage your team, sometimes simple is best. Kanban and scrum boards improve productivity by giving your team the tools they need to collaborate.

Scrum has a few more features than Kanban to help your team work effectively and streamline workflow. However, because they’re so similar in setup, both make for an excellent solution to streamlining your team’s projects and ensuring everyone stays on the same page.

Kanban Pros and Cons


  • Short learning curve
  • Visual interface
  • Adaptable to project changes


  • No work timeframes
  • Requires industry stability

Scrum Pros and Cons


  • Timed work sprints
  • Transparent system
  • Promotes focus with tasks and roles


  • Sprints can’t overlap with each other
  • Less suitable for long-term projects

Project Complexity: Scrum Wins

Zoho Sprints landing pageZoho Sprints landing page

Scrum allows you to break longer projects into shorter pieces. It divides complex tasks into more manageable bites to reduce team overwhelm.

With timed sprints, a scrum board like Zoho sets a timeline for each individual piece. That way, your team can more closely estimate project completion dates and work toward goals with designated tasks. Plus, if you have a hard time predicting the finer details of your project’s future, the scrum methodology lets you make changes and handle uncertainty gracefully.

Kanban leaves more up to you and your team to figure out. You can customize your board as much as you want with multiple columns, cards, color coding, and more. However, it still relies on personal organization to keep track of tasks within the board, since they aren’t connected the way they are with scrum.

Team Size: Kanban Wins

Trello free sign-up pageTrello free sign-up page

Scrum works best for teams with less than…

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