5 Energizing Conversation Starters for One-on-Ones

5 Energizing Conversation Starters for One-on-Ones

One-on-ones are drudgery if all you discuss is past to-dos and new assignments.

Create a list of conversation starters that energize your one-on-ones.

People are too valuable, and time is too short to leave one-on-ones to chance.

The primary purpose of one-on-ones is development.

Performance stays the same if all you do is talk about work responsibilities. Prioritize development by putting it first on the agenda.

An energizing conversation starter is the difference between drudgery and delight.

An energizing conversation starter is the difference between drudgery and delight. Image of a bored little girl.An energizing conversation starter is the difference between drudgery and delight. Image of a bored little girl.

5 Energizing conversation starters for one-on-ones:

#1. Leadership qualities

When you think of your current responsibilities at work, what three leadership qualities seem most relevant?

What three things could you do this week to practice one of those qualities?

#2. Energy

What’s draining your energy? What three things could you do to turn energy drains into energy gains?

What energizes you and how are you prioritizing this?

What are you glad you did last week? What makes you glad you did that?

What recurring frustrations are you experiencing? What specific thing(s) do you need to do differently? If you don’t know, who can help you?

Image of a gambling table with a roulette wheel. People are too valuable, and time is too short to leave one-on-ones to chance.Image of a gambling table with a roulette wheel. People are too valuable, and time is too short to leave one-on-ones to chance.

#3 Relationships

What one thing will you do today to demonstrate you are committed to results through relationships?

 What happens when teams are under committed to results and overcommitted to relationships?

#4. Priorities

What’s one big rock you’re working on? What makes that rock important?

How is your calendar reflecting your commitment to big rocks?

What low-value activities might you stop doing?

If things were going perfectly, what would you being doing today? How might you do that? What’s preventing you from doing that?

#5. Vulnerability

How might your weaknesses inform the way you lead? Interact? Celebrate? Plan?

What conversation starters might you add to the list?

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