No One of Us Is as Smart as All of Us—Treat People as Partners

No One of Us Is as Smart as All of Us—Treat People as Partners

New Book Giveaway!

20 copies available!!

Leave a comment on this guest post by Ken Blanchard and Randy Conley to become eligible for one of 20 complimentary copies of their new book, “Simple Truths of Leadership: 52 Ways to be a Servant Leader and Build Trust.

Deadline for eligibility is 2/5/2022. International winners will receive electronic version.

Image of a meerkat smiling and looking at the screen. The people around you already know you don't know everything.Image of a meerkat smiling and looking at the screen. The people around you already know you don't know everything.

“No One of Us Is as Smart as All of Us” is a simple truth of leadership that is common sense—why isn’t it common practice?


Some leaders think all the brains are in their office.

Self-serving leaders spend lots of time trying to prove they are in charge. They think it’s their job to look over everyone’s shoulder and check that things are being done ‘correctly’. Sadly, these leaders miss the reality that people are capable of much more than they are given credit for.

Trustworthy servant leaders let people bring their brains to work.

These leaders see team members as partners, not subordinates. They understand leadership is about working side-by-side with people, freely communicating and sharing information.

How can you encourage and strengthen high-performing teams?

Smarter together:

#1. Face the facts.

The people around you already know you don’t know everything.

People don’t buy it when you act like you have all the answers. They know you don’t. There’s no shame in admitting you aren’t perfect. In fact, it will demonstrate vulnerability and help you earn their trust.

#2. Ask for help.

When you have a problem to solve, let your people know you need their suggestions. Involving people in decision-making is smart—and the best way to respect people’s experience and insight.

#3. Respect contribution

Worried that some team members are thinking of joining the “Great Resignation”? Acknowledge their hard work and explain why their role in the company is important.

When people feel valued, they think less about jumping ship.

You know how much you need everyone on your team. So tell them. Treat them as partners. Let them know you value their strengths and their input. You’ll quickly realize it’s the best way to lead.

How might leaders treat people like partners?

Ken Blanchard and Randy Conley talk leadership with Dan Rockwell:

Listen to Ken and Randy talk about pivotal moments in their journey. Ken talks about Egos Anonymous.

Ken Blanchard/Randy Conley:

Ken Blanchard is the bestselling author or coauthor of more than 65 books including the iconic The One Minute Manager®, and Chief Spiritual Officer of The Ken Blanchard Companies®. Randy Conley…

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